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Getting Out of the Friendzone with Pheros

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I made a similar post on another phero board and they told me to come here. So I lurked for a bit and here I am!


I'm new to pheromones and am really interested in giving them a try and seeing if they add a little enhancement to my life. I just needed some help about which combos might be right for me and what I'm looking for, plus I had some questions.


A couple of things about me, I'm a 27 year old Middle Eastern/South Asian-mixed ethnicity plus sized grad student, which means I'm overworked or sleepless all the time (Random aside: Has anyone had any issues with being a larger size and proportion of applied pheromones? I'm a size 16-18, so it's not like I need a forklift, but if I need bigger jeans, then I assume I'd need to adjust the amount of pheromones used too, but I don't want to OD on stuff. Any suggestions?). I don't have trouble talking to folks, I like to think of myself as positive, outgoing and supportive. I'm told that I come off as self assured, and approachable, so I'm not sure if I need help in that department.


However, I tend to mostly hang out with guys, I guess I'm not viewed as very girly or feminine even though I wear a lot of dresses and enjoy domestic endeavors. I'm told it's because I'm very laid back/not high maintenance and because I might run the gamut from being a bit intimidating in the classroom to being too nurturing. Add to all these things that I'm not a person who physically hangs on others or does a lot of touching (Whoops!) and I guess it means I'm not coming across as a sexual being and maybe just as a friend. Ooh, and I found out I'm naturally low on DHEAS. There's no real reason why, though my doctor said it might just be school stress. I wonder if this has an effect on my interactions with folks. So anyway, I'm trying to work on all this stuff because while I'm confident in myself, who I am, and what I have to offer, it still feels sort of lame to be a wingman for the fellas and get told that I'm cutesy but not turn some heads in the way that I want. So after reading a ton of reviews, I impulsively ordered PherX and Pure Instinct to see if they'd provide a little help in upping my game in attracting a different sort of attention. But then I kept researching and more and more people kept recommending LPMP, so I'm just going to return the unopened bottles of the other two.


Secondly, and more importantly to me, there's this guy. There's *always* a guy in these things, right? He and I are very close. We're friends. We have great chemistry. We talk often enough. We do a lot of activities together. We started off with a ton of flirtation and touchiness and physicality, and it sort of died down after he had some personal stuff happen (not between us, just in general). He's such a touchy-feely guy overall anyway, so sometimes it really stands out to mutual friends and myself that suddenly there is a difference in our interaction on a physical level, but not an emotional/intellectual level. Since I care about him so much, this bothers me. Plus, he's still retained that same level of physical interaction with everyone else in his life, so I'm unable to wrap my mind around what's changed. I can't seem to move past the idea that we started something and it never got a chance to be fully realized, or that there was a path that we started down that sort of hit a bump and stopped. I really really above all else, want the touchiness and playfulness and physical closeness back. We weren't in a relationship or anything, but you never notice how much you miss the small things like holding hands randomly or being led around by the small of your back until it's not there anymore. I often wonder if it's the same thing as above where maybe he just doesn't view me in a sexual manner anymore, like maybe I'm in a friendzone or he thinks of me as a mom figure despite us being the same age. (Ugh, I can't help it, I like baking for folks and being a cheerleader for all they do). So anyway, in the meantime, I've increased my touchiness, and I think it helps a little bit but I guess I was just looking for a bit more, and I don't like things feeling so one-sided. I'm not quite sure what angle to approach here in terms of pheromones and that's where I needed advice from all of you.


Since we already have a bond, do you think just straight up copulins or something would be the right move? Or something that bombards the senses like Sexpionage or Sexology or Blatant Invitation? Or do hits just seem more natural with stuff like Gotcha? Gotcha's description seemed to fit nicely with my perpetual Ross-Rachel will-they-wont-they frustration, but I think I need something stronger than that even (Plus, even though we are tight, I can't say that this guy veers to any particular side of being an alpha male and wanting to protect, or being a sensitive dude. He's in the middle. He's definitely come to my rescue before, and his previous girlfriends tend to be on the very feminine side). I thought the Estratestraenol Pheromone Spray seemed like it had the right ingredients, but it's also crazy expensive and I still have student loans to think about, haha. :-p Anyway, I'm trying to find a decent balance between sex/lust and love because although we're not in a relationship, it's almost like we are, and though I'm not shy, it's hard to figure out how to start to get him back to a more playful spirit. I thought Cuddle Bunny or Bang even sounded good in this respect. Plus, then I figured any one of the above would be a minor enough reminder to all my male friends that, hey, I'm still a female! And so, win-win. I'm not expecting miracles in either scenario, but I figured if anything can help in the smallest of ways to supplement the positive I try and put out in the world, well that can only lead to more good things.


So yup, clearly, I'm pretty lost. Thank you, everyone, for reading this long plea for advice, and all your help!

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I'll take a stab: What about purchasing one of LP's blends with the phero or cops already mixed in rather than the pure phero? I think since you are young you are already producing a good amount of cops on your own. But knowing what I know now about phero's I'm not sure you'd want to start off with a big gun like Blatant Invitation or Sexology just yet.


Maybe something with Est. in it like cuddle bunny? You can also have Mara add a phero of your choice to any of her fragrance blends, and she blends the perfect amount too :-).


Can you tell us what kind of fragrance you like? (foody, spicy, floral, green, etc)


Another one that comes to mind is Perfect Match phero. I know that it's a winner with my guy. It instills a sense of togetherness and well being.



Here is the order page where you can add cops or phero's to your scent ( I just picked LP Red to show you for example) Another Idea is to order a bunch of samples with the phero's you are interested in. That's economical and you can try different blends before committing to a whole bottle. Does any of this help?

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Hi Vexed Glory! Welcome to the forum!


I think Raq is probably on the right track with her suggestion of Cuddle Bunny and Perfect Match. I'd probably shy away from the big guns like BI & Sexpionage until you have a better idea of what's what. But I think that Gotcha! would probably be a great choice as well - it does sound as though it kinda suits your situation. I'm gonna go out on a limb & suggest Sexology, too. It's a sexual phero to be sure, but with B-nol & Est, it's also a bonding phero.

I'd also agree that it might be good to get some phero'd samples. It's fairly inexpensive, and it's a great way to test a bunch of different pheromone blends.

Good luck and I look forward to reading your reviews! You'll have a lot of fun with this for sure! :D

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Welcome VexedGlory!


Remember me? I agree with the other posters and their recommendations. The only phero products I have tested thus far (I've been busy testing fragrances) were the cops/OCCOs and man I got super hits (which I will post about in the future) and that was only with a tiny smidge!


In reading up on pheros, everything suggests congruence. So working with (vs against) your nurturing vibe via pheros could give you that inviting, sensual girlfriend/girl next door vibe. :)


And there are samples. I ordered a ton and have yet to get around to many. So you can always test a boatload of stuff before you buy.

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Welcome VexedGlory!

In reading up on pheros, everything suggests congruence. So working with (vs against) your nurturing vibe via pheros could give you that inviting, sensual girlfriend/girl next door vibe. :)


I CANNOT agree with this enough. VexedGlory, you sound like you're in the same boat as me, though I'm a few years on, and still friends with all guys. lol. (With a slight difference of I'm not specifically looking for a "relationship" with anyone.)


For phero'ed scents it's tough, I'm another one who likes green scents and a lot of the phero'ed green scents veer towards a-nol and such (I think the other pheronomes aren't covered well enough by light greeny perfumes).


I'm going to say Gotcha is a good one to try, and weirdly enough I've had good responses from male friends with Treasured Hearts phero. It's not really a blend to "get a guy" but Lace is a nice blend for social times, perhaps.


As for size/phero dose, I can't really say. Sounds like we're the same size, but I think everyone says phero dose is quite personal and you need to experiment with what works for you till you get the hang of how much to apply.

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I'm actually going to have to very strongly suggest Cougar w/Topper. I think the lack of DHEAS production is the crux of the issue, plus Cougar is a grapefruit scent. Cougar will definitely get you away from the mom image! http://www.lovepotio...otion/Cougar09/ I started using Cougar in my twenties & a lot of the younger girls report good results with it. I also notice that it really attracts men, like they will circle me & hang on my every word, without even realizing it. Another good thing is that you can try a sample of it before you buy it.

ETA: Welcome to the forum.

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Welcome to the forum!!


To answer your question about size and pheromone requirements, I'm gonna say no based on my experiences. I'm about your size but I'm a phero lightweight. Just dabs here and there do it for me, and some of the smaller ladies have to use gobs to get reaction. Sometimes less is more. Start off small, test it out, and add more until you hit your sweet spot. (it helps when you're just starting out to test with people you know vs strangers so you can see the changes in behavior. that way you know what to look for later with strangers.)


Honeycake hit the nail on the head about working with your vibe rather than against. You'll see it all over the board: congruence is the key!!


I also agree with the statement about starting small before busting out the big guns. You want to suss out where he's at before you bombard him with cops. If he's not into you that way, a big coppy phero will push him further away. Cougar was my first phero and I agree that it might be a great place to start. Gotcha is good, too, as is Cuddle Bunny.



A great way to test these blends before going full unscented phero bottle is to find a phero enhanced scent and get a trial vial of it. Here is a list of what has what in it (not sure of when it was last updated). http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7542


And a non phero but related tangent: don't try to change you to attract guys! And don't feel guilty or like you're doing something wrong for being nuturing or non touchy feely whatnot. You are who you are, and while the guys you currently spend time around aren't into, it's a big world out there and there's someone who is.


Good luck!

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I think since you are young you are already producing a good amount of cops on your own.


Only 30% of young women are copulin "producers", and of these, the attractive copulin scent is only produced during ovulation. So, I think every woman, regardless of age, can benefit from wearing copulins, and the only difference young fertile women need is to back off a little while ovulating (and thus, only if they are not on the pill).


So definitely get a copulin product!

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Hi, I'm going to deviate a bit off the Copulins path here. ... and here's why.

Given your current location ( In school around young guys) I strongly caution you to be careful. Being young and a student you may lack some needed experience ( sexual) and I would hate to see anything unfortunate happen. That said...


Before talking about what you may or not need to help get 'his ' attention I'd like to ask a few questions.

Why exactly do you feel you lack DHEAS?

Why do hang with mostly guys? I ask this because your nationality may or not be a factor there. Do you primarily hang with people of a similar background and has that got you somewhat stuck socially?

It's the mom in me coming out. Would really like to help but I want you to be safe.

Also not everyone here is a size 4, you are pretty average overall and I'd say very average as a student. You may want to look at trying to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle for yourself, tho I know how hard, that is with college, studying, stress ect.

The pheros can help boost your social ease and may give you the extra lift you need to accomplish your goals. I'd suggest the social, feminine pheros (Cougar, LFM) These also seem to garner a dab of respect. Again do not go for the hard sexy stuff.

I know its tempting, but lift yourself first, gain a little confidence. ect...

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I'm usually into scents that are spicy, or citrusy, or green, I'd say. Definitely not foods or florals.


And thank you for the input! :)

Strictly scent wise I'm getting LP Red ( there's your sexy) and LP Gold.

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I guess I'm not following. How does her nationality factor into her stated problem?

Nationality can play a HUGE factor. I do not know if this is her case, which is why I asked. Students of certain backgrounds tend to hang tightly together...she said SW Asian so that can be Iranian or an Arabic country or it could be any Asian really. Depends on how literal the statement is. Though I like to think people try to stretch themselves in college, students of similar nationalities do gravitate together, form their own student unions ect .. it's understandable and it's nice to have people around you with relatable experiences .. and they are somewhat encouraged by their families to do so. I have a few Indian and Iranian friends I've known for many years and this is what I've seen.

What she's experiencing is a direct result of how she sees herself, which is at least in part culturally based. Of course there are commonalities here women anywhere may find relatable.


OH BTW... there's no such thing as being too intimidating in the classroom.. KICK ASS AND TAKE NAMES!!!!!!!

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@StacyK, her doctor told her that DHEA levels were low. @Blubear, nationality race/race can factor into how men react to pheromones probably because of the inherent genetic variances that inevitably result. I'm not going to get into the why, but for an example African-American men have an easier time gaining & retaining lean muscle mass than their Caucasian-American counterparts, which would indicate a higher natural production of testosterone. I would inference that they would respond effectively to smaller amounts of copulins. In my experience, everyone responds equally well to something like Cougar though, lol.

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@StacyK, her doctor told her that DHEA levels were low. @Blubear, nationality race/race can factor into how men react to pheromones probably because of the inherent genetic variances that inevitably result. I'm not going to get into the why, but for an example African-American men have an easier time gaining & retaining lean muscle mass than their Caucasian-American counterparts, which would indicate a higher natural production of testosterone. I would inference that they would respond effectively to smaller amounts of copulins. In my experience, everyone responds equally well to something like Cougar though, lol.

I agree with the Cougar but she's still gonna have to bring something new to the party if she wants to be perceived differently. A couple if small changes in her lifestyle and tendencies.. like focusing on herself a bit..move out socially, join a group for fitness or hobby.. nurturing herself the way she does others.

I am courious about this test for DHES I have never heard of one. Standard tests and common non-standard tests do not cover this. It's not terribly important to the scenario it may be just a hypothesis.

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Still don't see what VexedGlory's race has to do with it. She didn't ask about behavioral changes regarding people of her own race (or otherwise) - she asked really specific and interesting questions about specific pheros. There is indeed a DHEAS test - I know because I've taken one. To get back on VexedGlory's topics -- mine came out low too, VexedGlory, but interestingly I find DHEAS makes me kind of loopy - I prefer it only in mixes or not at all, lol - have been putting off even trying Topper because of this. YMMV of course...

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Umm I never asked her specifically what her race is.. she gave a hint as to that. go ahead and check my first response. There are differences in how people with varying cultural backgrounds perceive social/sexual relationships. I had a collage roommate that is Iranian and funnily enough years later.. my ex husband is Iranian so I do believe I have some experience in this area. I have also cared for people of all nationalities and races as a RN. I have counseled them on long term care plans and had to educate them as well while respecting their wishes and keeping their traditions/ beliefs in mind. It sometimes does matter.


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Thanks Halo got it. ^^... I get this but I have never seen these being ordered unless there is some outstanding, worrisome condition. Of course that could be different now. I moved to nutrition and I'm back at school. Going to add a RD to my RN. I guess I'm just a sucker for punishment.

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you just said you had never heard of one. I was showing you that they do exist

I should have been clear. I was not aware of that being standard. Often these were not tests that would be preformed on a young woman unless she presented with symptoms. I found the link Intresting. But medical stuff is rather personal so I dropped it.

Originally I just wondered if she was hanging to much hope on the pheros alone. As we have all heard they help what is already there. She gave a pretty detailed statement but I was hoping to get a bit more about her and her environment as it pertains to her relationship.

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Hi Welcome to the forum! What an interesting question about size. I am in the camp that does not think it matters. It's very individual and you just have to test to find your sweetspot.


as for pheros I think Gotcha, Perfect Match and Cuddle Bunny are all good choices for you.


I agree with Halo. I am a big girl, and with some pheros I need more, some less. Each blend is different, as is each person's correct dosage.



I also agree with the above suggestion that you should get some of the samples phero'ed scents so that you can try different ones without spending a mint.

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I made a similar post on another phero board and they told me to come here. So I lurked for a bit and here I am!


I'm new to pheromones and am really interested in giving them a try and seeing if they add a little enhancement to my life. I just needed some help about which combos might be right for me and what I'm looking for, plus I had some questions.


A couple of things about me, I'm a 27 year old Middle Eastern/South Asian-mixed ethnicity plus sized grad student, which means I'm overworked or sleepless all the time (Random aside: Has anyone had any issues with being a larger size and proportion of applied pheromones? I'm a size 16-18, so it's not like I need a forklift, but if I need bigger jeans, then I assume I'd need to adjust the amount of pheromones used too, but I don't want to OD on stuff. Any suggestions?). I don't have trouble talking to folks, I like to think of myself as positive, outgoing and supportive. I'm told that I come off as self assured, and approachable, so I'm not sure if I need help in that department.


However, I tend to mostly hang out with guys, I guess I'm not viewed as very girly or feminine even though I wear a lot of dresses and enjoy domestic endeavors. I'm told it's because I'm very laid back/not high maintenance and because I might run the gamut from being a bit intimidating in the classroom to being too nurturing. Add to all these things that I'm not a person who physically hangs on others or does a lot of touching (Whoops!) and I guess it means I'm not coming across as a sexual being and maybe just as a friend. Ooh, and I found out I'm naturally low on DHEAS. There's no real reason why, though my doctor said it might just be school stress. I wonder if this has an effect on my interactions with folks. So anyway, I'm trying to work on all this stuff because while I'm confident in myself, who I am, and what I have to offer, it still feels sort of lame to be a wingman for the fellas and get told that I'm cutesy but not turn some heads in the way that I want. So after reading a ton of reviews, I impulsively ordered PherX and Pure Instinct to see if they'd provide a little help in upping my game in attracting a different sort of attention. But then I kept researching and more and more people kept recommending LPMP, so I'm just going to return the unopened bottles of the other two.


Secondly, and more importantly to me, there's this guy. There's *always* a guy in these things, right? He and I are very close. We're friends. We have great chemistry. We talk often enough. We do a lot of activities together. We started off with a ton of flirtation and touchiness and physicality, and it sort of died down after he had some personal stuff happen (not between us, just in general). He's such a touchy-feely guy overall anyway, so sometimes it really stands out to mutual friends and myself that suddenly there is a difference in our interaction on a physical level, but not an emotional/intellectual level. Since I care about him so much, this bothers me. Plus, he's still retained that same level of physical interaction with everyone else in his life, so I'm unable to wrap my mind around what's changed. I can't seem to move past the idea that we started something and it never got a chance to be fully realized, or that there was a path that we started down that sort of hit a bump and stopped. I really really above all else, want the touchiness and playfulness and physical closeness back. We weren't in a relationship or anything, but you never notice how much you miss the small things like holding hands randomly or being led around by the small of your back until it's not there anymore. I often wonder if it's the same thing as above where maybe he just doesn't view me in a sexual manner anymore, like maybe I'm in a friendzone or he thinks of me as a mom figure despite us being the same age. (Ugh, I can't help it, I like baking for folks and being a cheerleader for all they do). So anyway, in the meantime, I've increased my touchiness, and I think it helps a little bit but I guess I was just looking for a bit more, and I don't like things feeling so one-sided. I'm not quite sure what angle to approach here in terms of pheromones and that's where I needed advice from all of you.


Since we already have a bond, do you think just straight up copulins or something would be the right move? Or something that bombards the senses like Sexpionage or Sexology or Blatant Invitation? Or do hits just seem more natural with stuff like Gotcha? Gotcha's description seemed to fit nicely with my perpetual Ross-Rachel will-they-wont-they frustration, but I think I need something stronger than that even (Plus, even though we are tight, I can't say that this guy veers to any particular side of being an alpha male and wanting to protect, or being a sensitive dude. He's in the middle. He's definitely come to my rescue before, and his previous girlfriends tend to be on the very feminine side). I thought the Estratestraenol Pheromone Spray seemed like it had the right ingredients, but it's also crazy expensive and I still have student loans to think about, haha. :-p Anyway, I'm trying to find a decent balance between sex/lust and love because although we're not in a relationship, it's almost like we are, and though I'm not shy, it's hard to figure out how to start to get him back to a more playful spirit. I thought Cuddle Bunny or Bang even sounded good in this respect. Plus, then I figured any one of the above would be a minor enough reminder to all my male friends that, hey, I'm still a female! And so, win-win. I'm not expecting miracles in either scenario, but I figured if anything can help in the smallest of ways to supplement the positive I try and put out in the world, well that can only lead to more good things.


So yup, clearly, I'm pretty lost. Thank you, everyone, for reading this long plea for advice, and all your help!


Welcome Vexed Glory!!! I was a newbie once like you and I had no idea where to even start. It can be pretty overwhelming with all the selections. I have been here almost 3 years now. I came and I never left! I would suggest BANG!, but that's just me, because I like to BANG! everyone around me. When I was younger I hung around guys a lot. This was mostly because I just felt like I was more comfortable around them, and I was into guy things like scratching my balls and video games.

I always thought I was not cute enough to be considered girl friend material, but it actually is the opposite. I was too good for them, and they were just intimidated by my awesomeness so no one ever thought to ask me out on a date, which was okay with me because I would never really date them anyway.. but maybe you are too awesome and that is what the problem is- you are probably oozing sex appeal and don't even know it. Confidence is sexy! Sounds like you have that down already.

I'm not too helpful.. I hate giving advice because I still consider myself new to pheros .. just wanted to welcome you and invite you in with open arms.

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Still don't see what VexedGlory's race has to do with it. She didn't ask about behavioral changes regarding people of her own race (or otherwise) - she asked really specific and interesting questions about specific pheros. There is indeed a DHEAS test - I know because I've taken one. To get back on VexedGlory's topics -- mine came out low too, VexedGlory, but interestingly I find DHEAS makes me kind of loopy - I prefer it only in mixes or not at all, lol - have been putting off even trying Topper because of this. YMMV of course...

Sorry, just want to clarify, I only meant that pheromones could be pertinent to race, but only for genetic reasons. I wasn't even paying attention that Vexed Glory hadn't asked anything about that. I am curious how people react to pheromones based on their genetic makeup, blood type, etc. just from a purely scientific perspective, but again that has nothing to do with this thread :)

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I hung out a lot more with guys than girls growing up as well. I am more comfortable with guy friends, partly because in a straight-up friendship situation, they don't play as many head games as many girlfriends seem to want to.


It is good that you can talk to people and are confident in yourself. ROCK IT! I agree with LadyV that maybe your male friends think you are "out of their league", or it may even be that they don't want to cross that invisible friend/girlfriend barrier.



Also, if you think your target guy likes the ultra-fem women, you might give Lace a shot......it puts off a very feminine vibe.....




ETA.....OH, and also, if you go with cops and are around groups of young guys, be careful. Some of them don't know how to handle the testosterone spike that copulins cause.


Maybe with your target guy, you could try some Perfect Match or Gotcha, and a heavy cop-load (OCCO) for in case things go in that direction.


As for going out with the guys, you could go with Lace, Super Sexy for women, or Cougar. They are social but still very sexy at the same time, without screaming "do me now" (which is what a heavy cop-load can do.

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^^^ I definitely suggest you ( Vexedglory) go to Dolly's journal page and check out the Pheros for newbies page there. I found it very helpful.

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Welcome. VexedGlory!


I'm reading an undercurrent in your post, that perhaps this guy has changed his touchy/feely habits specifically toward you because he IS becoming more attracted to you, and is getting a little more shy as a result.


My personal opinion - Gotcha phero blend, with a few dabs of the OCCO (scented copulins) of your choice.


Good luck and let us know how it goes!

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Welcome. VexedGlory!


I'm reading an undercurrent in your post, that perhaps this guy has changed his touchy/feely habits specifically toward you because he IS becoming more attracted to you, and is getting a little more shy as a result.


My personal opinion - Gotcha phero blend, with a few dabs of the OCCO (scented copulins) of your choice.


Good luck and let us know how it goes!


The (potion) Master has spoken :love: I never thought about gotcha. Good idea. Vexed, if you can try a sample of honeyed Love potion (iit has Gotcha) IT's heavenly!

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The PM has spoken.


Mara.. I have to ask, what fragrance do you recommend based on her preferences?

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I'm usually into scents that are spicy, or citrusy, or green, I'd say. Definitely not foods or florals.


Mara.. I have to ask, what fragrance do you recommend based on her preferences?


I would suggest using the sorting feature in the perfumerie to search the green scents, citrusy, scents, etc., and just see what pops out at you.


I will say that I feel Gotcha works extremely well with vanilla based scents - there's a pheromonal quality to vanilla that this phero blend was crafted to compliment.


When Vexed talks about being a nurturer, that's a wonderful trait that the right person is going to adore and appreciate. Gotcha, I think, accentuates a trait like that...makes people feel safe and loved. I would accentuate positive qualities like this, maybe just turn a bit more of a spotlight on the wearer with the right scent and pheromone combo.


If you like green, I would look for a soft, powdery green which comes off as fresh but still feminine. Perhaps Summer Belle? That's a summery fresh fruity green.

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I would suggest using the sorting feature in the perfumerie to search the green scents, citrusy, scents, etc., and just see what pops out at you.


I will say that I feel Gotcha works extremely well with vanilla based scents - there's a pheromonal quality to vanilla that this phero blend was crafted to compliment.


When Vexed talks about being a nurturer, that's a wonderful trait that the right person is going to adore and appreciate. Gotcha, I think, accentuates a trait like that...makes people feel safe and loved. I would accentuate positive qualities like this, maybe just turn a bit more of a spotlight on the wearer with the right scent and pheromone combo.


If you like green, I would look for a soft, powdery green which comes off as fresh but still feminine. Perhaps Summer Belle? That's a summery fresh fruity green.

Wow..that's great feedback. I never thought about the vanilla connection. Makes sense seeing as you blended it with a LP variant. Ohh I'm getting ideas.

I bet Vexed gets some good ideas here.



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Hi again, everybody!

Wow, thank you for all the amazing responses!! (And I do remember you, Honeycake - thank you for referring me here!!)


To reply to some of the questions and comments and stuff that stuck out:

Firstly, don't worry, everyone, I would never *ever* change myself for anyone. I've always felt that we should love others, and that others should love us for exactly who we are. Not "despite" this or that, but for it. Do you talk a lot? Well, I love you for it! Do you get really testy when you haven't gotten enough sleep? Well I'll love that about you and will most likely remember that it's a quality you possess and won't get annoyed by it if it comes up in action. :) I only meant that if people point out that I might be doing something in an extreme manner, then I'll stop to consider how I'm behaving and then I wonder if it unconsciously promotes a disconnect. For example, I do like going the extra mile for those I care about: friends, family, and otherwise, and so what starts out as "I'll buy my friend a get well balloon" can easily turn into "I just bought her a dozen balloons and a million pieces of candy and gifts and wrote out two cards" when she only has a cold, lol. So that's when I tend to notice stuff like being mommish. And even then, I mostly just tell people to deal with it, or point out that if I didn't act whatever way, nothing would get accomplished. Sometimes you need a momma bear to keep things going! The classroom sense, people have definitely told me the intimidating or competitive thing, but I've always been really career/academics oriented, so I would definitely never compromise any of that just because someone else is threatened by it. However, if/when I do find that things are becoming stagnant, or if I feel I'm in need of a change or that something's a self-perceived weakness, I like working on that too. For example, I hate running. Haaaate it. So this summer, I'm going to try working on being better at running. Before you all had responded, I just didn't know what sort of self-characteristics info was needed for pheromone guidance, because even though I'd read a ton of threads, I hadn't actually noticed the congruence thing so I didn't know what to play up or what would pose a conflict. Like would a truth serum-effecty phero be the best idea when I'm already really open with others? Stuff like that, so I threw it all in. Overall though, I'm cool with (and happy) being me! So thank you all, once more, for your concern on a personal level!


Race/ethnicity-wise: I don't tend to stick with only people of my own culture or anything. I know exactly the groups you are referencing, but it's not me. I mentioned it because, like Beccah, I feel like genetic makeup, blood type, and other factors might play a role in these sorts of things. For example, my part-South Asian side leads to more hair growth or perspiration and stuff. Or I can tolerate a hell of a lot more spiceyness than my friends can, lol. And I have enough female friends so I don't feel like I'm lacking, I just find that I primarily hang out with my guy friends. We share a lot of the same interests whereas my female friends and I could not be any more different. So it isn't a socially stuck thing, I just felt like they'd sort of gotten used to me in a way where they aren't protective/nurturing/attentive like they are with other females. And despite my better efforts and reminding them, I felt like it might be a sciencey issue, which brings me to:


DHEAS testing: I don't mind sharing (and sorry if it's TMI) - my cycles aren't the most regular, so my physician ran blood tests and ultrasound stuff for PCOS. But everything came up negative, all my other hormones are fine, and there are no cysts or anything. But the low DHEA-S was something that was definitely there. The solitary number amongst all the normals. So I was referred to an endocrinologist (because I asked to be, just in case) who then said it just seemed life/school stress related and said I was fine. I disregarded my low levels of it entirely until, when doing pheromone research, I noticed it popping up as an ingredient and became curious.


Plus... it's a weird pattern, but when I do have my cycle and stuff, I do actually notice people acting very slightly nicer or smilier or something the week before, (which now I assume then falls into the range of possible copulin production or other stuff), but then it subtley tapers off. So on a sciencey level, that adds to my curiosity. I definitely don't think there's a cure-all for me, and I know there's no secret trick for making things happen, but on the off chance that my low DHEA-S levels were/are unconsciously/physiologically affecting my interactions over time because of low levels and stuff, I figured, let me try and help myself out a tiny bit.


Socially, I'm like, whatever, actually. My main interest, even though I know I stressed the boy situation heavily (but hey, who doesn't like being in love with somebody, right?), isn't in luring a guy or anything. It's mostly just that I don't want to be handicapping myself in some way if I can help it (or even if I can't help it, like the DHEA-S level thing). So if people could be .01% cooler with the help of pheromones, (or I could feel .01% cooler about the fact that they're not cooler, lol), then why not? And I don't want to look back at the end of the day and think, hey, I had some way to help me in getting what/who I'm seeking or to be the best me I could be and didn't take the chance.


I ordered a few trial sizes and I can't wait to see how it all goes! It's really exciting! Thanks for everything!

Edited by VexedGlory
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Welcome, VexedGlory!! You can't get better advice than from the Potion Master!! I like Gotcha quite a bit, sounds like it would be great. As I was reading your scent preferences, I had a flash that you might like to try Soul Food, if it's still avail. It's fabulous and spicy, but not foody, and not too sweet/girly.


Wow, I remember way back when...my first "phero" scent was actually cops - Phero Girl! I think among my other firsts were Blatant Invitation and Sexology. Wow, I was adventurous!! Now my faves are usually the socials. You'll find your groove, I'm sure.


ETA: We were posting at about the same time, so great to read more and "get to know you" a bit. You sound like a dynamite woman, and I sure hope you'll spend a lot of time here. Can't wait to hear your reviews when you receive your samples.


So, what did you order? :)

Edited by goddesslynne
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I opted for trial sizes of Cuddle Bunny and Rocket Fuel. And for fun, I threw in OCCO:Ambrosia. Mara is absolutely lovely and made my day because she still had a Honeyed Love Potion trial size that sold out while I was in the process of checking out. And I think I tossed in another random trial size or two to either experiment with or give out to friends to see if they want to join me on the phero train.


I don't know how long trial sizes last so I'm anticipating aiming for Gotcha as my first full size, but at the same time, I can't quite say yet til I've tried out some more. But I'll definitely let everyone know how everything goes, you've all been so welcoming! :)

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Great to hear back from you.

Glad you were able to find this useful.. It's really a great group of people here and Yes,, we are a bit nosey and would love to know what you decided. LOL



BTW good for you for following through with your doc asking for that referral ect.


.. can't wait to hear about your Phero experiences.

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Only 30% of young women are copulin "producers", and of these, the attractive copulin scent is only produced during ovulation. So, I think every woman, regardless of age, can benefit from wearing copulins, and the only difference young fertile women need is to back off a little while ovulating (and thus, only if they are not on the pill).


So definitely get a copulin product!


Holy Crap Really? How did I not know this tidbit? I just assumed from reading here that all women produced them.




not everyone here is a size 4, you are pretty average overall and I'd say very average as a student. You may want to look at trying to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle for yourself, tho I know how hard, that is with college, studying, stress ect.




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I'm actually going to have to very strongly suggest Cougar w/Topper. I think the lack of DHEAS production is the crux of the issue, plus Cougar is a grapefruit scent. Cougar will definitely get you away from the mom image! http://www.lovepotio...otion/Cougar09/ I started using Cougar in my twenties & a lot of the younger girls report good results with it. I also notice that it really attracts men, like they will circle me & hang on my every word, without even realizing it. Another good thing is that you can try a sample of it before you buy it.

ETA: Welcome to the forum.


I tried Cougar w/Topper the other day and it was amazing and I was at a grad party and I felt like I was the star of the party, everyone wanted to come and talk to me... This combo really initiates the ability to be more social and gives off a bonding feeling.

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