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Best Phero blend to attract clients

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Hi All :)


I am changing careers , from a consulting business to working one-on -one with clients as a nutrition and wellness coach. My previous job was very formal in office settings , this new one will be very relaxed , friendly and personal.

I am wondering which phero would work best to attract clients , make them feel extremely comfortable with me so that they want to hire me right away , and make me very likeable.

I have Gotcha , LFM and PP. None of them might be the way to go , what do you think ? PP makes me super talkative , so not a great thing where my job is to listen and give advice .


I've been looking at Open Windows , any other suggestions ?


Thank you - look forward to your advice :)

Edited by fluffygirl12
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How about H2H if you get good self effects from that -- empathy and listening

or SWS as it makes people really respect and listen to your opinion and want to do what you say (especially men, I find)

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I haven't ever tried H2H so I can't really comment, but Tyvey's description sounds great. As much as I love LFM, my spidey sense tells me it's not right for this. In my experience, it makes people almost awed or enamored. Perfect Match might be good, too. I've had great experiences at work with it with both men and women.

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I'd go with either Open Windows or SWS.......

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My client base includes both adult and child clients and I use H2H with quite good effects. Also, Treasured Hearts, Balm Bomb, and Mothers Little Helper. I do vary my blends depending on the clients for that day. For daytime/formal networking, I use SWS. For more casual/social networking, I can use anything from Pop Pot to Cougar, depending on what attributes I wish to emphasize.

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Thank you all for your advice !I have actually worn Gotcha in the last 2 days on 3 job interviews at the same company , They are a weight loss and nutrition counseling company, so there is a lot of emphasis on client contact. Monday I went for an interview and the lady right away had her supervisor interview me afterwards . I was told I'd hear back by Friday , and was called the same day by the 3rd tier interviewer who told me I had the job already before I walked in and she just loved me. I think it was part me and part Gotcha , since everyone was super sweet and accomodating. I think its a winner at work as well :banana055:

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