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advice on right scent/phero

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Hi all :)

I'm new to this board but come seeking some advice/recommendations


I'm 33 and my b/f is 49; he works some serious hours and is always exhausted. We still have a spark but I want too amp things up to inferno; I've been working out of town and we haven't seen each other in 6 months, so I'm looking for a stop him in his tracks and drop him to his knees moment when we see each other. We both like sugary vanilla cookie like scents, rocket fuel and lp red are two of my fav's; so to make long story not short (lol),I need some advice on what scent/phero combo's to purchase that would help me get the effect I want.


Thank you in advance :)

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If it's been six months, I'm not sure you'll need to wear anything at all to start an inferno!!! :Emoticons0424:


I'm sure one of the extremely knowledgeable ladies will be along soon to offer the perfect advice but from a relative newbie with a growing collection, I want to say Compromising Positions if you like custard. It's very vanilla and eggy goodness, has Sexpionage phero in it and I have to say that I've gotten some major self effects from that stuff... like ready to spring on my husband the second he comes through the door type effect. Of course, this is provided that the first time he sees you is at your front door because, as its been discussed in other threads, you really don't want to be anywhere that unintended responses pose a concern for you.


How much time do you have before you see him and what do you have in your collection right now?

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Oh, in my experience, Sexpionage can definitely give him that added (animalistic, intense, passionate) OUMMPH... all while taking your response up a notch... which will then fuel his response ... all culminating in that intense inferno effect for which you seek...

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:LIKE: to Chaionlife. My husband is 45 and usually kind of laid back, reserved. I've worn Compromising Positions and the Sexpionage definitely gave him some aggressiveness in the bedroom in the most delightful way. ;) Plus, he's a sucker for custard!!

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