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New Releases for JULY 2013

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FAB, Miss Luna! Love them! Thanks for all your hard work!!!


I am sure they all smell beautiful! Mara is an arteest!

Edited by Dolly
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The stories are amazing! Thank you, Luna!


And, the scent notes and descriptions sound so beautiful! So gleefully excited to be sniffing them soon! Already thinking and wondering about my follow-up order (as the initial *SWOON* MUST HAVE order of FBs unsniffed has already been placed!)

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Luna, I'm ready to purchase the boxed set of books when they're available!! Absolutely amazing writing, you are soooo talented!!


As for the scents, Mara, I can't remember when I was this excited for my sampler!! Looks like a few FB's, at least!

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Oh my God! I *just* finished reading, right now this minute. Luna, thank you! That was SO MUCH FUN! :w00t: SEVEN! What a hoot!


And oh my God again, 'cause the scent notes have got me drooling (and seriously considering a full bottle set!). :D Mara, thank you, too - these sound absolutely wonderful! I can't wait to, at least, try them all!

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THOSE Descrips WERE AMAZING LUNA (aka: Julian Lune) !!!! You've REALLY OUTDONE yourself GURL !!


an' read it the way you suggested :)


"Her breasts yielded just the slightest bounce, seeming to be suspended by some force of gravity not yet quantified by leading physicists."...HAH !!

looked and felt mine and wished mine did that !!

and Agent Cuchi Head, I read her words in "Charo" voice


AND LUV, LUV, LUV Seven the talking kitteh !!



eta: and I'm even gonna try "Sexpionage"...yikes emo46.gif

Edited by liz
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Luna, the descriptions were awesome!!!! I read through every single one (in proper order) and they were hilarious. What a cliffhanger too. I don't suppose there's a chance for more Agent Null in the future? LOL

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Thank you all so much, I cannot tell you how happy I am that you all enjoyed them (and found them funny because comedy is hard!), like I always tell Mara: "I'm happy you're happy."


Mara and I had discussed this theme for a couple months prior, mainly riffing on "Bond Girl" names and I started to think about what I would do...since the names were so obviously a spoof I decided whatever accompanied them had to be as well. We've seen authors do tie-ins for things so I figured that would be a fun way of approaching it: a set of fragrances based on an imaginary series of spy novels. And being a fan of espionage stories ever since I was a child (especially John Le Carre) it was easy for me to create the characters and scenarios; I tried to spoof most of the tropes we all know and love from the genre. It was great to have a character I could construct each one around, and make them all smarter than their suave superspy counterpart. But the humor of it just started coming out as I was actually writing it and it wasn't until I'd finished a passage that I realized what I had done/was doing, with the running jokes and so on. I read them out loud to my coworkers and to Quince and got them to laugh so I knew I was on the right track, and then after Mara read the one for Agent XXX and her response was full of caps and exclaimation marks, I knew I was In Like Flynn. :D


I inverted the trope in that Agent Null is the weapon of seduction (in his world his designation is "ladykiller") and all the adversaries he faces have all the advantage: brains, beauty, and brawn (in that they can all kick his ass), and he's just...very very lucky. :lol: Even Agent Pov is a ladykiller, just not as successful as Null because he's so morose (awww, but I love Pov, I really do, he's the comic relief). I had a lot of fun with all the in-jokes and references, although some of them are probably only significant to me. And everyone fits a trope. Kat Suit is the stereotypical contemptous Russian ice queen, for example. But hopefully no one comes off too cartoonish. And just as in the actual stories, some of the women are on his side, and they too are much smarter...it's starting to give him a complex; for example, the logical path in Mind Crimes is that Null confesses to Dr, Mellow he doesn't like being thought of as a himbo...and she kisses it all better. :lol:


"Her breasts yielded just the slightest bounce, seeming to be suspended by some force of gravity not yet quantified by leading physicists."...HAH !!

looked and felt mine and wished mine did that !!

and Agent Cuchi Head, I read her words in "Charo" voice

Hee; yeah that was one of the very best lines! And I did mean for Cuchi to sound just like Charo, I went back and watched some of her old appearances on her YT channel so I could try and replicate her speech pattern.


So glad you gave us heads up to read xxx first and Seven last.

I wrote them in that specific order, so yeah, even though each of them is a discrete narrative, they lead from one to the other in a relational way.


What a cliffhanger too. I don't suppose there's a chance for more Agent Null in the future? LOL

I admit I have rather fallen in love with the whole idea and the characters and I promised Mara I would write something I can offer in ebook format by the end of the year so now I'm considering an Agent Null novella of some sort; hopefully I'm clever enough to write an entire story! Although I did envision the ending of Dial 00 for Danger! having one of those: THE END?????!! type of things.


I do have a question though, do you need permission to use brand names like Sobranie in published writing?

I fully admit I am skirting the line there (admittedly I don't know all the specifics about that kind of thing), it's mainly shorthand to tell you he's an Eastern Bloc agent, but other writers have done it too, so that's how I plead.

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I must know if Seven takes over the world!!! If you want to start a line for receipt of a future ebook, count me in. :D

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^^^ Yes. lol You and Mara did a great job ...

What fun it was to read ... and I can't wait for my order to come..I'm so excited for the chance to try the characters on. :w00t: :w00t: :cheers04251:

Edited by StacyK
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Ah okay, I wasn't sure if it was a typo or getting round asking permission. I may look into it, it's weirdly interesting to me.


I might read them out to bf later, he likes Bond, and being read to :)I would definitely read the full books if you decide to produce them, I'm pretty excited!! I don't often stray from my usual genres!

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I'm late to the party!


Logged in this morning and there everything was....so I pulled up some pillows, sat back and INDULGED!





That was SOOOOO much fun to read! I love them all! :love: :lol2:You are geniuses! What an awesome concept.....will there be a mini TV series to follow?! SOOOOOO crazy cool! :cat690::hi5::cheers04251: A!M!A!Z!I!N!G!

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And being a fan of espionage stories ever since I was a child (especially John Le Carre)


I saw that.

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Yeah there's one specific reference meant to make the Le Carre fans smile.


And I had a big smile when I read it!

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A note about redeeming posting credits this month:


I've rec'd 3 requests today to know how many credits people have available....since everyone that asked is on the forum often, I thought I'd post here rather than explain to each person individually...


Unfortunately, John's computer died - I think it cooked in this heat! - and our replacement puter won't arrive until 7/24. When it arrives, we have to rescue the hard drive from the old puter and use it for the new one. Everyone's posting credits were stored on that computer.


It's not as dire as it may sound, I still have a way to look up your credits via the old orders - which I have on mine, but what I need to know is, when you THINK you redeemed last. This is helpful because I am going to have to search like so:


"Potion Master 400 500 600"


I have to use your forum ID plus a series of numbers, to see if you used that number yet, and narrow it down that way. The closer you can get to the last number you redeemed will be very helpful for me to get you your proper number. OK?


Thanks very much for your assistance! xoxoxoxo

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Thank you PM for doing your best to take care of us in the middle of a tech meltdown!

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Thank you all so much, I cannot tell you how happy I am that you all enjoyed them (and found them funny because comedy is hard!), like I always tell Mara: "I'm happy you're happy."


Mara and I had discussed this theme for a couple months prior, mainly riffing on "Bond Girl" names and I started to think about what I would do...since the names were so obviously a spoof I decided whatever accompanied them had to be as well. We've seen authors do tie-ins for things so I figured that would be a fun way of approaching it: a set of fragrances based on an imaginary series of spy novels. And being a fan of espionage stories ever since I was a child (especially John Le Carre) it was easy for me to create the characters and scenarios; I tried to spoof most of the tropes we all know and love from the genre. It was great to have a character I could construct each one around, and make them all smarter than their suave superspy counterpart. But the humor of it just started coming out as I was actually writing it and it wasn't until I'd finished a passage that I realized what I had done/was doing, with the running jokes and so on. I read them out loud to my coworkers and to Quince and got them to laugh so I knew I was on the right track, and then after Mara read the one for Agent XXX and her response was full of caps and exclaimation marks, I knew I was In Like Flynn. :D


I inverted the trope in that Agent Null is the weapon of seduction (in his world his designation is "ladykiller") and all the adversaries he faces have all the advantage: brains, beauty, and brawn (in that they can all kick his ass), and he's just...very very lucky. :lol: Even Agent Pov is a ladykiller, just not as successful as Null because he's so morose (awww, but I love Pov, I really do, he's the comic relief). I had a lot of fun with all the in-jokes and references, although some of them are probably only significant to me. And everyone fits a trope. Kat Suit is the stereotypical contemptous Russian ice queen, for example. But hopefully no one comes off too cartoonish. And just as in the actual stories, some of the women are on his side, and they too are much smarter...it's starting to give him a complex; for example, the logical path in Mind Crimes is that Null confesses to Dr, Mellow he doesn't like being thought of as a himbo...and she kisses it all better. :lol:

Hee; yeah that was one of the very best lines! And I did mean for Cuchi to sound just like Charo, I went back and watched some of her old appearances on her YT channel so I could try and replicate her speech pattern.


I wrote them in that specific order, so yeah, even though each of them is a discrete narrative, they lead from one to the other in a relational way.


I admit I have rather fallen in love with the whole idea and the characters and I promised Mara I would write something I can offer in ebook format by the end of the year so now I'm considering an Agent Null novella of some sort; hopefully I'm clever enough to write an entire story! Although I did envision the ending of Dial 00 for Danger! having one of those: THE END?????!! type of things.


I fully admit I am skirting the line there (admittedly I don't know all the specifics about that kind of thing), it's mainly shorthand to tell you he's an Eastern Bloc agent, but other writers have done it too, so that's how I plead.



Luna, so excited to hear that you are going to keep this espionage story going and that you are looking to do some ebooks... You are a very talented writer.....thank you for the adventure

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I must know if Seven takes over the world!!! If you want to start a line for receipt of a future ebook, count me in. :D


You know where MY vote stands, lol! Mara, Luna...really you guys outdid yourselves this time. I could NOT help but do the whole collection! I'm buzzy with excitement!

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Just finished reading and re-reading the entire episode series back to back five times -- didn't want the fun to end! Each re-visit brought a new level of awareness to just how clever and carefully crafted Luna's treat is. How sweet it is to invert the usual order this month and declare how well Mara's fragrances embellished Luna's writings!


This month and last month were absolutely phenomenal. If you two keep this up, our little brains are gonna explode!


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OMG :blushing:

Sorry Mara and the troops :(

In all my excitement I forgot to say


Kudos Mara and LPMP gang !!

quite possibly one of the BEST series EVER !!!




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:smiley-laughing024: That's a perfect avi!!

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I made a new avatar in honor of this month's NRs.


Awwwww -- so cute!!!! Brava, Dinky! :thumb_up11:

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Only for you my dearest LunaChick,or should I say, Julian Lune :lol: would I persevere through the frustrations of eight disconnects,and an hour of slow loading pages with my dying browser...and it was worth every single second ...from the increasingly parched martini's at Flemings to the grand finale of Double 0's reveal,I savored every syllable ...your bestest fangirl,Calii :abfx:
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