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Thank you, Mara!! :magicstick: I read somewhere that people have used pheromone products while being pregnant, but then stopped using them for months or a year after the baby is born, so that the baby learns to know you natural signature. That makes sense to me...


Have you heard something else about pheros and pregnancy?


Yes, I do still want my order..

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Here is what I read:


Yes, you can wear them while your pregnant just like perfume, unless of course her doctor advised against wearing perfumes or scents for some reason, which is unlikely unless the smell is making her feel queezy which can happen. Certain smells would send me running for the bathroom when I was pregnant.


I dont suggest wearing them after the baby is born for a few months at least. I know someone who took a break from them last year when she had her baby. Reason being is you want the child to bond with your natural pheromone signature. Its one of the ways they know you and it gives them comfort.

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A BABY !!!! (keep the little one away from SG, lol)

Congratulations !!!!!


liz :magicstick:

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Thank you, Ladies!! :magicstick:


Looking forward to having a baby again!! :angelstar-kaos058:


Maybe my two boys age 5 and 7 will have a little sister? :dancingfruits0nm:


Have any of you heard anything about using pheros while pregnant?

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I asked Dr. Stone of Stone Labs (creator of Essence of Woman), and he had this to say:

Re pheromones and pregnancy: While there is no research to indicate any problem, I - like you - usually recommend discretion with regard to use of ANYTHING during pregnancy, though most women have issues with olfactory responses during pregnancy anyway and seldom WANT to smell anything - fragrance, pheromones, etc - over a very limited threshold.


I would definitely recommend she refrain from using anything with the EW and most importantly Oxytocin (though we don't sell products containing this, I'm just mentioning it as general info; "Liquid Trust" is an Oxytocin-based product, as I'm sure you're aware) - as this is a hormone commonly used along with Pitosin to induce labor in pregnant women - definitely NOT the stuff you want to be using while pregnant!


This is pretty much what I expected to hear, and adding my 2 cents, we generally advise expectant mothers not to use fragrances of any kind. I wouldn't go nuts trying to eliminate fragrances from every product you use, but aside from becoming ultra-sensitive to scents, one has to keep in mind that anything you expose yourself to is greatly amplified to your unborn babe. Something as innocent-seeming as peppermint or licorice can raise one's blood pressure and stress the baby.


All this aside, I think it's a pretty well-accepted fact at this point, that the emotional state of the mother is mirrored in the baby. A happy mother produces a happy baby. And the endorphins of happiness even bolster immunity. So if a few indulgences help make you happy, tis just fine.


My own grandmother told me that her ritual was to have half a beer, a chunk of pepperoni, and one cigarette every day through her pregnancy, and even while my father was suckling at her breast. Can you imagine? Smoking while breast feeding? LOL! Well, there seems to have been no ill effects from it, and she claims that it kept her relaxed and happy, so there. I guess the key is to be moderate in everything, and all will be well.

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Hi, Mara! And thanks for the research! Makes absolute sense not to wear oxytocin and EW during pregnancy!


As for fragrance, I feel like wearing just a little for my own wellbeing, and generally trust the signs of my body. It does tell you loud if it is not happy during pregnancy.. :blue_dancing_banana:


As for your grandmother, Mara! She was really something! The happiness factor is important though, but I do think women of today have a different knowledge and a more conscious behavior in our everyday life with babies.. :D


I will go ahead with the orders I placed anyway. Time flies, and who knows, their might be friends interested in the goods too.. :magicstick:

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Congrats on your upcoming bundle!!


I agree......don't cancel your order......especially since some of them may be blends that could be sold out by the time the little one is here!

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