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Just wanted to say. Hai !!!


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Hello wonderful people!


Didn't realize there was another active community here!

I've only so far come across two and only stayed with one so far.


Been using pheromones for over a year now..

What first inspired me into it was when I came across those annoying ads in youtube!!! and a pherazone ad happen to gauge my curiosity.

Basically in the ad they were talking about what pheromones are etc then got a guy who claimed he was a bit of a ladies man to approach 10 women of he's choosing, however.. he was restricted into using only two lines... which was to ask them to smell his cologne and if they wanted to have lunch.


At first he was a bit of skeptic as well thinking it's pretty silly and didn't need it anyways as he believed more in confidence, his own skills and game. But for the sake science he'll do it anyways.

So his first 10 sets he did, 8 rejected him and 2 accepted to have lunch. After coming back the girl who was conducting the was like to him.. what happened?? and he complained that 'he would of done alot better if he didn't have to stick with the same pickup line to each girl he approached.

Then they sprayed with pherazone and did 10 approaches again coming back with 9 out of 10 accepting to go lunch with him.


After watching it i thought


"OMG is these magic sprays for real?? this might help me get out the friendzone with a particular someone yay!!!!!!"


Although I got lost finding that product.. instead a link directed to androtics direct instead which became the very first pheromone products I started to use.

After becoming a member in their forum I came across a thread created by 'Tisha' explaining about the 'reality of mones'

what they dont do... what they can do... they're not magic sprays....... it won't make womens drop their panties begging fuck me please!!

They only enhance was already there or what you're trying to create, you're the key to making results. Got a bit dissapointed after reading that and got into fellow members journals, reporting their results who have been having some successes.


So I was in the mind set of... if it worked for them it must work for me!!!! only to be proved wrong....

I didn't know anything about dosages, I just sprayed it like how I sprayed cover scents got weird results later realizing that I overdosed.

Tried dosages based on someone else's dosage.



After wasting it all pretty quickly... (5ml togos). when i thought I was going to order the 10-30ml they jacked up their prices and also changing formulas and based on peoples reviews claimed they're not like they used to work like for them.


Since I wasn't a big fan of that big change I thought that it can't be just them selling phero products. So then I came across pherotruth and spent most of my time there learning more there.


To the present day, it's a bit quiet now... alot of the people who inspired me and taught me alot of life lessons and self development don't post in their journal that much anymore. Some of them found the 'one' and retired from mones completely, some are career and life busy, and some just disappeared out of nowhere... kinda miss them a bit.


Then I found this place!! there's a few members here I'm familiar with.

Looking forward to meeting and getting to know everyone in this community!



Edited by SeeUSmile
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Welcome to the forum!


If you hang around here, you will notice that pheros are useful in soooooooo many more applications than just sexual conquest. So, many of us here, even though we have found "the one" still use pheros regularly. Yes, we have had some members who have sort of "disappeared", for various reasons, but you have that with any online forum.


Look forward to getting to know you!

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Welcome aboard!!


I think you'll find that this forum is a great place to find out good info on pheros but also how important scent can be as well. Dolly speaks the truth regarding so many applications besides just sexual!! If it wasn't for this forum, I wouldn't know half the information I do now. And the scents alone are reason enough to stay - they are all GORGEOUS, let alone the effects you can find with the phero blends.


Glad you've made it here and looking forwarding to getting to know you too!

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Hello and welcome to the forum.


I was pretty active over at a couple other forums for a while but things are much calmer here. Plus, as you point out, the issue of changing formulas.


I came here originally to try out new phermone formulas but stayed because I also liked the company and the scents. The pheromone products here are solid - I have gotten good results with them. The PM has introduced new pheromone formulas and retired older ones but I think that each formula stays the same so you can count on the results.


I am sure you will enjoy yourself here and find a lot of products you enjoy.

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Hey!! Welcome to the forum!!!

What they said! Dolly and Quietguy know they're stuff. Stick with them and a few of the others on here that have been using

Pheros for years, they won't steer ya wrong!! Theres a ton of good advice here,and some really lovely,colorful characters!

I think you'll enjoy our forum very much!

LPs fragrances are also to die for. This includes the mens range. Everything is brewed with "intent" based on the magickal aspects of each ingredient. All smell amazing and have other effects as well. Check out the reading room on the main page of the actual perfumerie. Very interesting reading both on pheros AND the different notes the scents are composed of.

Mara,John and company really do put they're heart and soul into everything they make, and it shows. Your in for a real treat!

Welcome again,and have a good one!

Edited by cheeseburger79
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Hey Seeusmile, glad you found us all here. LP was my first foray into the phero world, but I came here b/c someone recommended the awesome artisan fragrances. After a few years, I am still a die hard LP fan. You will find just the right scents and pheros here.


Have you ordered already? What did you like?


Again, welcome!

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Welcome!!!! Dolly is right! I tend to use pheros more for work and social purposes!! And the scents here are to die for. You'll never look at a commercial scent the same again. As Cheesy said, the scents here are brewed with intent and are very powerful themselves, even without pheros! Take a look at the perfumerie. No doubt you'll find something you love!

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Hi! Welcome to the forum! I think you'll really like it here. The scents are wonderful, the people are lovely, and the pheromones are useful and fun! I hope you find lots of what you're looking for, and I look forward to reading your reviews! :)

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Welcome SUS!! This is a great place to learn, the people are so friendly and helpful. Of course, as you've found out, a lot of it is trial-and-error.

I came for the fragrances, but have been roped in by the pheros, lol.. What have you ordered so far?

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Oh, hai... Welcome aboard, I hope you enjoy all this board, and the company behind it offer - which is SO MUCH! Lot of us are true addicts, and can go on and on and on with our love for LP! :D

Edited by katz
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Thank you for the warm welcome everyone!! I'm starting to like this community already!


I haven't ordered any products yet, let alone use any as I'm currently dealing with a skin condition that gives me rashes and cases of really dry skin. spraying it on those areas tend to speed up the process.


Been quite a nuisance for me lately. :(


Might have to resort to spraying it on my clothes.

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Well you have enough experience to know the trade-offs of skin vs clothing plus bear in mind Mara uses a lot of oils here. Of course you can order stuff in alcohol spray so that would solve that problem.

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Just so you guys know, this is probably the sweetest guy around.

Second'ed! TOOTRUE!


Welcome SeeUSmile!


Yes it shocked me at first when I started wearing pheros that women did not drop their panties and beg to fuck me either... :Emoticons04269:


I KID! :Emoticons04263:


You will have fun here!!

Me Too!....only I don't kid...but it's been very nearly.... :P



Welcome over SeeU! :cat690: SO GOOD TO HAVE YOU HERE - YAY :cat690: :cat690: :cat690:

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