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Sexpionage 60/40 Spray

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I was hoping someone can help me out. I got my first order in the mail. I was as excited as a kid on Christmas Day. Anyway, I opened my order and found out that I had ordered the Sexpionage spray vs. roll-on oil. My mistake. I guess I accidently scrolled down to the spray. Oh well...


Anyway, my question was - Is the spray too much? I remember reading across the forum that unscented pheromones work better in a roll-on oil base. Also, is there a different method for application? Or is it the same as the roll-on.


I am kinda bummed that I messed up. Oh well. Any advice any of you can share will be appreciated!



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Be very careful that you don't spray this in your hair. The cops can be tricky to get out of your hair. It's not too different, I wouldn't think. I apply sexy pheros to my torso, so you could try starting with a nice spray or two to your torso. Let it dry down and then cover with a scent. You could also open it up and dab it on.

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Thanks BlueBear! I did not realize that you can open the bottle and dab it. I will try that if spraying turns out to be tricky. Is the spray the same concentration as the oil? Or is the oil stronger?

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It is the same concentration as oil. You say 60/40 right? There is oil in there so it will last longer and not fly around quite as much as pure alcohol so don't be too bummed. The reason people like the strong cops pheros in oil is because the roll ons are easier to control...like BB said, to not get in hair and on clothes...STINKY!! Do like she said and just make sure to totally let dry down.


WARNING: If you unscrew the top and do the dab thing with the wand (which is a great idea if you don't want it flying around) MAKE SURE THE DAMN TOP IS SCREWED COMPLETELY BACK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I lost an entire bottle of Heart and Soul phero that way. Did not realize the top was not screwed on all the way and it leaked out in my purse. A WHOLE BOTTLE!!!!! I HAD ONLY USED A FEW TIMES!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

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I had Sexpionge in a spray and could never cover it as precise as I could w/ a roll on. I eneded up mixing some LP red into the spray and then it worked like a charm. I also used the dipper stick method of applying. That worked too.

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ooh - That's a great idea! I do not have any full size LP oils. I have a trial sizes. Will that be enough? Can I mix it with some commercial perfume?


Also, did you have to wait 20 minutes to dry down or were you able to spray it on and go about your day?

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