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Can You Test More Than One Mone Product Per Day?

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Or is this ill advised? I only want to mix it up with maybe two. One for the daytime and one for more social venues at night.


For example if there is a blend that is appropriate for work - you wear that one to work.

Then after work you shower and whatnot and then you wanted to do something social.

Could you thoroughly wash off the work mone and then apply another product? Or would the mone you wore earlier still linger or affect the mone you were wearing that night?

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I would really recommend trying one single pheromone or blend at a time until you see what they do for you. The other thing you need to do is find your "sweet spot" - the dose that gives you the reactions you are looking for. Start low and work you way up.


Once you have individual pheromones or blends down, then play with combinations.

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I don't combine pheros at the same time...but it sounds like you are asking if you can switch it up hours and hours later, right? I do this yes. Wear Gotcha to work or some such friendly one and then shower and go out with something else. I mean, 8 or so hours later the phero has probably worn itself down (I wear mostly sprays anyway which don't last as long...then the shower and I have to switch perfumes anyway...I have to switch PERSONALITIES to go out so yes I switcheroo pheros later in the evening.

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Hi Quietguy!


Thanks for the tip. Well, I am sweet spot testing a few LP products. I was asking more about wearing one product for work and a different product after work, not combining products. But that was sound advice and I appreciate your input. :)

I would really recommend trying one single pheromone or blend at a time until you see what they do for you. The other thing you need to do is find your "sweet spot" - the dose that gives you the reactions you are looking for. Start low and work you way up.


Once you have individual pheromones or blends down, then play with combinations.




Hi Missdarlyncherie!


That is what I was asking. Tomorrow morning I will be in a conservative business environment so I wanted to test SWS or LFM.


Afterwards I will attend a business networking function with a totally different crowd between 6-9pm. There will be appetizers and drinks although I won't drink.


I was thinking that maybe LFM would work for both, but I wanted to try something like Cougar or Popularity Potion. Those were the two social climbing pheros that were rec'd to me in the other thread. I want the rockstar treatment. Hence, I asked about being able to wash off proprely etc..


I don't combine pheros at the same time...but it sounds like you are asking if you can switch it up hours and hours later, right? I do this yes. Wear Gotcha to work or some such friendly one and then shower and go out with something else. I mean, 8 or so hours later the phero has probably worn itself down (I wear mostly sprays anyway which don't last as long...then the shower and I have to switch perfumes anyway...I have to switch PERSONALITIES to go out so yes I switcheroo pheros later in the evening.

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Thanks Halo!


I do have alcohol pads. I will shower and do that to make sure. I just want to make sure as I know a lot of fragrances are sticky on my skin- so I was wondering if pheros were that way too.




can you just take some witch hazel or alcohol pads? They remove pheros and can give you a fresh start


also don't spray in hair or on clothes. They last much longer on them

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i'm guilty of testing multiple. Usually scents and phero boosted scents rather than just plain pheros though. I usually can't control myself when I get my package in the mail and end up dotting several of the fragrances on any vacant patch of skin LOL.


I have mixed two phero's before but only after I was well used to the effect that singles had on me and others. I find I usually stick to the blends Mara makes though. It's just easier

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I used to make the mistake of when I would get an LP pkg. in the mail, I would be so excited that I would try on whatever I ordered plus a bit of the trial sizes and smellies all at once in various places. SUCH a bad idea for me! These days, I exercise my self restraint and try to give a product a good test run, maybe a couple of days or so, see what if any self effects I get, what effects they might have on others and make a clear mental note of the reactions before moving on to something else. If anything, these days it takes me a bit of time to get around to all of them, but I find for me, it's much better that way.

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Fluffygirl, you are such an experimenter! One day I'm going to be like you and NuTrix when I grow up!


Rose that is sound advice. That is basically what I am doing now.



Heck yes !!

I wear them one-at-a-time , different times in the same day , and sometimes 2 blends together ( sprayed on separate body parts )

plus cops ... they don't count :)



I used to make the mistake of when I would get an LP pkg. in the mail, I would be so excited that I would try on whatever I ordered plus a bit of the trial sizes and smellies all at once in various places. SUCH a bad idea for me! These days, I exercise my self restraint and try to give a product a good test run, maybe a couple of days or so, see what if any self effects I get, what effects they might have on others and make a clear mental note of the reactions before moving on to something else. If anything, these days it takes me a bit of time to get around to all of them, but I find for me, it's much better that way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the tips! :)


I have to agree with not mixing up the blends at least until you know how each effect you and those in your inner circle and co-workers. I can't wear many around the SO as he becomes angry but acquaintances will suddenly insist on hugs.

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