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Rebecca's Moon Sugar


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Rebecca's Moon Sugar

"Maple sugar, lemongrass, sugar (caramelized), Amber (light/sweet); My inspiration for this scent is "Moon Sugar" from the Elder Scrolls games (Oblivion/Skyrim)"


Out of my PEs, this was both the perfume I was looking forward to the most, and the one I was the most scared of failing. Rather than cramming as much cake into a PE as I can (my usual tactic), I decided to be a bit more fancy and try to do the proper top note, middle note, base note perfume composition. I really, really wanted it to work.


And it does! At least on my skin.


From the bottle, it smells like a lush combination of Mara's Rocket Fuel and Breakfast in Bed; lots of dark, toffee sugar with a little amber underneath. Not quite as rich, but certainly related. On the skin, the super-maple-sugar scent tones down a little and is less in your face.


The lemongrass is present, but it's not as sharp or as powerfully citrus that I was worried about. It's certainly present, but it melds beautifully with the other notes. It comes across to me as candied lemongrass. It's a nice round scent, sugary without being sickly sweet, caramalized without being maple syrupy, and tangy without being sharp. I think it's the amber that holds it all together so that everything melts into a delicious confection in scent.


There's a nice amount of throw without being obnoxious, and even though it's quite a sweet scent it's balanced enough that a lady (rather than a girl) can get away with it.


Mara has made me a very, very happy camper. :hearts0425:

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If you have any extras .. I 'm always here :D

I so sad I missed this one " Moonsugar " I mean really.

Edited by StacyK
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I have a "super trade" for anyone with an extra bottle. If your ever interested just post on my trade thread. Thanks. :)

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BAH!!! I almost bought that one, too! Yes, here's to hoping Mara makes it a perfumerie scent, and soon.


Back to kicking myself . . .

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I decided to take a chance on this one because I LOVE maple and caramelized sugar notes, although lemongrass can be iffy. Happy to report it doesn't disappoint! Actually the lemongrass gives it a pleasant bit of tang but doesn't amp to the Many-Tentacled Lemongrass of Doom that sometimes happens wtih other scents. The maple and caramelized sugar notes make me want to lick it, they're so realistic, and the sweet amber blends with them seamlessly and adds depth. Beautiful!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

This tiny sniffee was in my package and it really surprised me! Not what i expected(i was thinking something along the lines of dirt with musk or something)


It smells like im at an outside festival with the caramel sugar maple stuff wafting through the air on a crisp night with fragrant lemon grass mingling with the sweets, in the vial it reminded me of caramel toffee but the notes are rich and foody. the grass gives it a very "outdoorsy" vibe and i almost want to eat it! (i wont, of course)


Its quite lovely

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This is gorgeous, It's a soft maple-sugar. The lemongrass brightens it with a touch of herbal-citrus, it's not a standout note. It just adds a lift to the maple sugar scent, Moonsugar is a little mysterious, just my naughty secret. ;)


Great Job Rebecca & Mara. You both captured the idea so well.


Yes! So glad my bottle turned up.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Just as the original poster had pointed out, I find that Rebecca's Moon Sugar is reminiscent of Mara's Rocket Fuel in a way. It also reminds me a bit of Hungry Heart, but probably because these ones are mapley sweet to me. For some reason, I thought I was picking up vanilla, but I guess I was mistaken. Everything about this scent is happy and sweet and the lemongrass is a great supportive note to round things out. On me personally, it comes out slightly later with wear - the sugars definitely appear first and stay, and then the lemongrass makes an appearance and fades to compliment everything else. It's really a great blend.

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