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Can Pheromones Help My Mom

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Hi Everyone,

My mom is 70 and her husband of 10 years ,he is 69, he seems to be interested in a younger woman that is 55.

My mom takes good care of herself and I think she is a wonderful lovely lady.

I ordered DHEAS for me yesterday,but I wonder if I should give it to her to try?

I also have Topper and BI that I can give to her.

At 70 would it help?

I let her smell my Cougar sample and she hated the smell.

Any ideas of good blends for her to try to attract him?

Can pheromones help older people with attraction?

Edited by heather
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Hi Heather,


I am curious to see what the responses are. I am sure that pheros can give some type of result.


On the other hand I wonder. If your mom's hubby is so infatuated with someone else, so much so that your mom knows about it- is he worth trying to keep around?


I will go back to lurking now. This sounds like a grown folks who have been married before convo.


Wishing you and moms luck. :)

Edited by Honeycake
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She still loves him and wants to try anything right now.

The other woman recently moved to their condo complex so I dont think they are doing anything yet.

My mom said she can tell how attracted he is to her,and shes a big flirt.

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If it's to the point where she's truly worried about him losing his attraction to her for this younger woman, maybe what he needs is a foot in the butt. Sorry to be so forward, but this is how I see it. Older people are people too, and yeah, I'm sure pheros work on them just as well as the rest of us, but it just seems to me that there's something else that should be worked on between them before she pheros the situation.


Edited to elaborate: I'm sure at any given time, we might find ourselves attracted to someone who isn't our partner. I think it's human nature. But I'd also say that most of us aren't going to act on it. But if she's worried that there is the distinct possibility that he might act on it, then there is something deeper going on there.

Edited by BlueBear
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Older people are people too, and yeah, I'm sure pheros work on them just as well as the rest of us, but it just seems to me that there's something else that should be worked on between them before she pheros the situation.

This is my perspective as well.

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I would not go with hitting him with sexual pheros at this point.


I am with BlueBear.....maybe there is something deeper going on.....


For instance, has he done something in the past that has caused him to lose her trust? If not, is she possibly over-reacting? Maybe it is just innocent flirtation on his part.....I think she needs to have an open and honest discussion with him and let him know that it bothers her.

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And that's not to say pheros can't help with relationship issues but they should never be a substitute for honest communication.

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And that's not to say pheros can't help with relationship issues but they should never be a substitute for honest communication.


Absolutely right. And if she needs something to inspire an open and honest conversation, maybe some TMI.....

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And that's not to say pheros can't help with relationship issues but they should never be a substitute for honest communication.




Absolutely right. And if she needs something to inspire an open and honest conversation, maybe some TMI.....



Right on, ladies. But an effort needs to be made in addition to the pheros. They are not the final solution.

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My mom has said he has never cheated on her.He is a nice man from what I have seen.

I really think she feels insecure around this younger woman.

She said she is always asking him to help her.

I thought maybe the DHEAS I just ordered for myself might make her feel more youthful to herself and her husband.

I never tried the DHEAS so I dont know how it feels on.

Is she too old to use the OCCOs?

I have OCCO White ,I just want her to feel wonderful and womanly and I always feel that way when I wear my OCCO.

I am going to visit my mom this weekend,so I hope I can run into this woman and get a feel to whats going on.

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Is she too old to use the OCCOs?


Pheros don't discriminate based on age. But maybe she can have a talk with her husband about going over there...? I don't think OCCO or DHEAS are going to take away her insecurity...

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Pheros don't discriminate based on age. But maybe she can have a talk with her husband about going over there...?


She could also talk to the woman and ask her to back off.

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For instance, has he done something in the past that has caused him to lose her trust? If not, is she possibly over-reacting? Maybe it is just innocent flirtation on his part.....I think she needs to have an open and honest discussion with him and let him know that it bothers her.

Yes! This! ^^^

I don't think I can say something anyone else hasn't already said about the necessity of her having a talk with him... if she is sure the concern is founded.

The only thing I might add is this. Why does she feel so helpless? She needs to adjust her attitude about her place and understand that she has power too. This flirty woman, who is probably one of those lazy help me ! please do this for me types and your moms husband will probably not be the only helper ( at some point he may feel like a SUCKA) anyway... She has power too, she has more than a right to speak up either calmly sit him down and have a talk, or just straight out tell him, again she needs to stay clam to be heard, look I'm ok with helping a neighbor out but she's taking advantage and I'm not comfortable with you constantly going over there. I think it's important I tell you this now before this builds up an I become angry.

Seriously she does not have to be the victim she can be the bitch in charge.

Edited by StacyK
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