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I saw that there was a thread about what fragrance notes are you, but I am wondering if there are some pheros that you are naturally congruent with? For example I could probably not get away with Dominance because that it so outside of who I was and no matter how hard I tried to be congruent. Unless I was highly upset, then maybe.


For example I am learning that est really works well for me in a natural effortless way.


Do any of you feel/experience anything similar?



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The blends which I feel are the most congruent/work the best for me are:

Intellectual Woman

Cougar Potion

Mother's Little Helper

Cuddle Bunny

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Hi Luna!


I don't think I have heard of Intellectual Woman. What is that one like?

The blends which I feel are the most congruent/work the best for me are:

Intellectual Woman

Cougar Potion

Mother's Little Helper

Cuddle Bunny


Hi BlueBear,


I was afraid of Bang, but now I am curious about it and Audacious as well. What is Bang like for you? I don't think there are any samples for that, but there is a sample for the Audacious.


I don't feel like I have one that's "me." But the ones I find myself reaching for most often are LFM, Cuddle Bunny and Bang, so these must resonate with me at some level.

Edited by Honeycake
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Hi Hearts,


I see you like Audacious...and SS4W. I have a sample of the SS4W that I will get around to soon.


I'd say my most congruent would be

Heart and Soul


Hi Halo!


I see LFM is quite popular. I haven't tried DHEAS yet on their own. What does that (DHEAS) do for you?



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God there's too many I love! I adore BANG- it's awesome! DHEAS - I always need to keep on hand. But I usually use it to layer.


Audacious gave me ridiculous selfies! It makes me feel girly but sexy. Almost hyper. And totally daydream-y. Makes me feel super cute even if I'm in pajamas.

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I'm LFM, Gotcha, Bang, SS4W, Cougar, open Windows, CB, LAM/BAM, and at certain times Sexpionage.

I also like MLH ( In Kitten Nip & Mayberry). I discovered early on that the Est blends worked well on me, but I was glad I eventually moved into new territory.

I would not write off a blend because I did not see it as completely congruent to my personality... certainly some pheros held interest to me more that others when i started out but I discovered a whole new world when I took the leap and branched out. Thanks in no small part to this MB. Some pheros were instant hits others not so much.

I would have never have thought Dom would be something for me but I'm glad I have it and I love it for workouts ....you never really know how a blend will mesh with your personality until you try it. :)

I'd say if I were to choose a phero most congruent to my personality (which is hard) is probably say LFM.

Edited by StacyK
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I'm still finding my way with pheros... but I have a few faves:


Cuddle Bunny - mad hits with this one

Cougar - makes me feel sparkly, sexy, spectacular

(those are both the phero enhanced fragrances, btw. I have the UNs, but the effects aren't quite the same.)


Audacious - great blend of happy and sexy

Sexology - made me feel confident, flirty


I've found that too much Est, esp around around my cycle time, is not a good thing.

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SS4W, Cuddle Bunny, Heart & Soul, Lace, LAM and Open Windows all make me feel like a million bucks. Audacious, too, though I haven't worn it a lot. These are the ones that feel most congruent.

Although, I have to say that the more familiar I become with certain blends through experimenting, and finding the right amount to wear to get results, the more I enjoy each one. I didn't think I could manage BAM because of the beta-nol, but now that I know how much to wear to produce the results I'm after, I really, really like it.

Blatant Invitation is one I never could get a handle on. I suspect Dominance might be the same.

Edited by Eggers
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I don't wear very much with B-nol in it... I think all I have is Gotcha

Gotcha is my fav B'nol blend. Its what made me open up to b'nol blends like BAM and PM. I just cant wear it at PMS time and cant handle 3 days or more in a row during my other sensitive times like ovulation or shark week. To many days in a row is tough but at the wrong time...ouch. Its all just balance I guess. :)


I forget about G2. I like it so far. Putting it to the test this weekend :D

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Hi Luna!


I don't think I have heard of Intellectual Woman. What is that one like?


It's discontinued, but here's the page from the Archive section:



I forgot about LAM!/BAM!; the former is my "happy sauce" and the latter tames the Wild Woobie, heh. They work for different reasons and situations, but they work equally well.

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I am still experimenting with pheros so I am not really sure, but I do know that I LOVE :LuvU396: the blend of Open Windows and DHEAs in Levitation. It really is remarkable stuff. It does what I need it to do emotionally. If I need to cry,rant, get it all out, then that is what it helps me do. If I have already cleared myself of whatever is bothering me, then it just makes me really happy and sort of buoyant <sp> . The first time I used it, I went from giddy, positively euphoric, to my emotional floodgates bursting and realizing some really incredible and simple truths about things in my life, collapsed from exhaustion and woke up an hour or so later feeling just AMAZING!!! All this in one little bottle, but of course this is just my experience with it. After the storm, it has all been very happy feeling with this blend for me. :)

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This is tough because I use them all for different sitches...BUT my favorite and best all around is Gotcha! I really do think it is the best bonding/making friends/makes me seem nice blend...then...


Cuddle Bunny



But I am still experimenting! I haven't tried out LFN nearly enough and I have never tried Levitation Potion!


Even though I did not think it congruent with my personality I got some Leather and I love wearing that one around pushy women! The 'none also makes me more motivated. I like it but I am figuring out that I generally prefer blends with DHEAS in them. I feel good with Leather for sure but there is a certain *sparkle* missing and I have deduced that it is DHEAS that gives me that. Maybe I will layer them someday.


Forgot Topper..love that one too. Oh well...I guess I can't really choose yet.

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Well, this will come as no surprise to any of you.....DOMINANCE! Followed by Leather, BI, and Cougar. Open Windows and LAM are two that, while maybe not particularly "congruent" with me, are completely indispensible.

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Hm interesting. Probably bang....but I use cougar more. when I started here I'd have said lace, but for whatever reason I don't reach for it a lot these days...seem to be getting MORE a-nol sensitive with exposure, not less...

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Hi Hearts,


I am hoping that SS4W works as well for me as it has for some of the other posters! Now you guys are really making me want to try Bang. I tried to stay away from certain blends due to previous experiences, but PP came through with a wrecking ball and changed my mind.


Hi Bluebear,


Wow it is that awesome? I rarely get self effects, but if a mone can give me good effects on others. I am all for it. :)



Yes SS4W is sexy and social! You must give it a try!!



Ooooh, I forgot DHEAS. Love them.


I can't comment on Audacious. I didn't really wear it because I didn't get any self effects from it. Bang makes me feel like a sexy bitch. I elaborated on it in the Bang thread.



God there's too many I love! I adore BANG- it's awesome! DHEAS - I always need to keep on hand. But I usually use it to layer.


Audacious gave me ridiculous selfies! It makes me feel girly but sexy. Almost hyper. And totally daydream-y. Makes me feel super cute even if I'm in pajamas.



Thanks Fluffygirl and StacyK.


Fluffygirl, do you think Gotcha is perfection for you because of the self effects or the effects on others? Or both?


Stacy, I don't need for my list to get longer! I am trying to narrow things down! :smiley-laughing024:



Gotcha ( sheer perfection )

Pop Potion ( happy happy )

LFM ( gorgeous and respectful )

in that order .....



I'm LFM, Gotcha, Bang, SS4W, Cougar, open Windows, CB, LAM/BAM, and at certain times Sexpionage.

I also like MLH ( In Kitten Nip & Mayberry). I discovered early on that the Est blends worked well on me, but I was glad I eventually moved into new territory.

I would not write off a blend because I did not see it as completely congruent to my personality... certainly some pheros held interest to me more that others when i started out but I discovered a whole new world when I took the leap and branched out. Thanks in no small part to this MB. Some pheros were instant hits others not so much.

I would have never have thought Dom would be something for me but I'm glad I have it and I love it for workouts ....you never really know how a blend will mesh with your personality until you try it. :)

I'd say if I were to choose a phero most congruent to my personality (which is hard) is probably say LFM.



Thanks Molls, I will be testing Sexology in the future too. Why do you think the UNs are different from the enhanced ones?


Eggers, I see another one for Audacious. :) You know, I can't get a handle on BI either. I keep testing though.



SS4W, Cuddle Bunny, Heart & Soul, Lace, LAM and Open Windows all make me feel like a million bucks. Audacious, too, though I haven't worn it a lot. These are the ones that feel most congruent.

Although, I have to say that the more familiar I become with certain blends through experimenting, and finding the right amount to wear to get results, the more I enjoy each one. I didn't think I could manage BAM because of the beta-nol, but now that I know how much to wear to produce the results I'm after, I really, really like it.

Blatant Invitation is one I never could get a handle on. I suspect Dominance might be the same.



I'm still finding my way with pheros... but I have a few faves:


Cuddle Bunny - mad hits with this one

Cougar - makes me feel sparkly, sexy, spectacular

(those are both the phero enhanced fragrances, btw. I have the UNs, but the effects aren't quite the same.)


Audacious - great blend of happy and sexy

Sexology - made me feel confident, flirty


I've found that too much Est, esp around around my cycle time, is not a good thing.


I'm still finding my way with pheros... but I have a few faves:


Cuddle Bunny - mad hits with this one

Cougar - makes me feel sparkly, sexy, spectacular

(those are both the phero enhanced fragrances, btw. I have the UNs, but the effects aren't quite the same.)


Audacious - great blend of happy and sexy

Sexology - made me feel confident, flirty


I've found that too much Est, esp around around my cycle time, is not a good thing.



Hi Beccah, I have Levitation, but not OW. I also have Topper. I look forward to these too, you make them sound fun.


Thanks Luna, That sounds like a really good blend for someone who was looking to attract quality male attention. Too bad its sold out.


Open Windows, G2, Topper...generally the more gregarious blends. I could make friends with a wall if I had to ;)



It's discontinued, but here's the page from the Archive section:



I forgot about LAM!/BAM!; the former is my "happy sauce" and the latter tames the Wild Woobie, heh. They work for different reasons and situations, but they work equally well.



Wow Rose, that is one heck of an experience! :) That sounds like a spiritual experience. Wow. :)


I am still experimenting with pheros so I am not really sure, but I do know that I LOVE :LuvU396: the blend of Open Windows and DHEAs in Levitation. It really is remarkable stuff. It does what I need it to do emotionally. If I need to cry,rant, get it all out, then that is what it helps me do. If I have already cleared myself of whatever is bothering me, then it just makes me really happy and sort of buoyant <sp> . The first time I used it, I went from giddy, positively euphoric, to my emotional floodgates bursting and realizing some really incredible and simple truths about things in my life, collapsed from exhaustion and woke up an hour or so later feeling just AMAZING!!! All this in one little bottle, but of course this is just my experience with it. After the storm, it has all been very happy feeling with this blend for me. :)

Edited by luna65
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Hi Missdarlyncherie! I have heard one or two mention Gotcha. With Gotcha, do you find this works well on women too? I like blends that make women place nice while still getting hits from men at the same time. It sounds like you are saying that this is good for attracting both genders socially?


Hi Dolly! I am your secret fangirl. :Emoticons04235: I have read a lot of your posts and I can see how a spitfire like you could really rock Dominance.


Hi Joc, I see you are another one who like the SS4W. I have to test that one soon. :)


Hi Tyvey, Bang and Audacious must the the shiznit. I have to keep repeating to myself that I will not allow my list to get any longer. When you say sensitive to anol do you mean less hits? Or that it gives you some sort of sides?






This is tough because I use them all for different sitches...BUT my favorite and best all around is Gotcha! I really do think it is the best bonding/making friends/makes me seem nice blend...then...


Cuddle Bunny



But I am still experimenting! I haven't tried out LFN nearly enough and I have never tried Levitation Potion!


Even though I did not think it congruent with my personality I got some Leather and I love wearing that one around pushy women! The 'none also makes me more motivated. I like it but I am figuring out that I generally prefer blends with DHEAS in them. I feel good with Leather for sure but there is a certain *sparkle* missing and I have deduced that it is DHEAS that gives me that. Maybe I will layer them someday.


Forgot Topper..love that one too. Oh well...I guess I can't really choose yet.



Well, this will come as no surprise to any of you.....DOMINANCE! Followed by Leather, BI, and Cougar. Open Windows and LAM are two that, while maybe not particularly "congruent" with me, are completely indispensible.



My few favorites which works well with my personality are SS4W, PP, Cougar and BLAM.



Hm interesting. Probably bang....but I use cougar more. when I started here I'd have said lace, but for whatever reason I don't reach for it a lot these days...seem to be getting MORE a-nol sensitive with exposure, not less...

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Hi quietguy! Nice to see you on the thread. Charisma sounds nice. You know there are some women posters on another board who experiment with male blends with much success. I am not that adventurous yet.



Wanted Man, Throb, B-Nols, Charisma

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Hi quietguy! Nice to see you on the thread. Charisma sounds nice. You know there are some women posters on another board who experiment with male blends with much success. I am not that adventurous yet.




Thank you!


Give it a try in a controlled environment. There is really not a whole lot of serious bad that can happen. I doubt it would be as bad as a guy going heavy on the 'none and then running into some drunk alphas. You never know - you might find something that works in some situations. I have played with female mixes in the past just to see what would happen.

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I usually go for whatever gives me the best self effects. If you build (the happy) it, they will come ;)

Thats the truth!! :D

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I usually go for whatever gives me the best self effects. If you build (the happy) it, they will come ;)


Yep. Pheros are a mood-enhancer, and in conjunction with putting yourself in a certain state of mind, they can really give you a boost when you need it. Of course I have to be the weirdo who gets a shot of confidence in the arm from cops and all those heavy sex pheros so I use discretion with that (read: only with either my bf or individuals who won't react, like women, family or gay men). Lumina doesn't turn me into a walking creep magnet so if I'm going out somewhere, like a bar, where there are bound to be some characters I know I'm safe with that.

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Lumina seems to be the one that I get the crazy hits on somewhat consistently so I guess that's "me."


Otherwise the ones so far that I think are me are:

Levitation (open windows plus dheas--I have this in UN and highly recommend.)


and Sexology.

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Thanks for the tip and the encouragement quietguy!


Beccah, you know I am kind of leaning that way. I think I like the happier upbeat mixes more than the straight sexual ones.




Thank you!


Give it a try in a controlled environment. There is really not a whole lot of serious bad that can happen. I doubt it would be as bad as a guy going heavy on the 'none and then running into some drunk alphas. You never know - you might find something that works in some situations. I have played with female mixes in the past just to see what would happen.



I usually go for whatever gives me the best self effects. If you build (the happy) it, they will come ;)

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Hi Miss Hazel,


I think I read some of your Lumina reviews. I have that one on my test list too.



:smiley-laughing024: @ Tyvey I get your point. ;)



Lumina seems to be the one that I get the crazy hits on somewhat consistently so I guess that's "me."

Otherwise the ones so far that I think are me are:
Levitation (open windows plus dheas--I have this in UN and highly recommend.)
and Sexology.



@H-cake -- I mean self effects, like, now, even ONE spray of lace makes me go WHOOOO and take off & whip my shirt above my head like a lasso. (Not really)

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Hi Bluebear,


I have only gotten self effects, that I have noticed, from 2 LP products. One was a cops product and the other BI. I wish I could get more good selfies.


I'm mainly motivated by self effects. Affects on others are merely an added plus. In fact...maybe that's why I reach for the CB, Bang, and LFM the most...

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I usually go for whatever gives me the best self effects. If you build (the happy) it, they will come ;)



I'm mainly motivated by self effects. Affects on others are merely an added plus. In fact...maybe that's why I reach for the CB, Bang, and LFM the most...


I'm another who is in it for me, Cougar and whatever magic is in Levitation make me a happy girl. I like the Gotcha! in my Honeyed Love and Fuzzy Wuzzy, but it makes me too ditzy at work, so I save it for weekends and such. Heart & Soul is perfect for me at work, it has a positive effect on everybody.

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