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Private Editions for AUGUST 2013

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Hoping these will tide you over while you are waiting for NRs! :lol:


These are on their way to their creators...have listed the extra available bottles here....


(As always, the creators get first rights if they want more.)



Lina's Candied Violet Fluff

9/19 bottles available

(Reserves: LadyV, SprightLeigh, Cheeseburger, StoremyWhether, Salex, Hearts, CinnMel, Fluer, Invi, ElizOSP, )

Complete girly girl. Notes of vanilla cake, candied violets, marshmallow fluff and pink sugar. I'm picturing a white cupcake with creamy pink marshmallow frosting and adorned with sugared violets. I want this scent to be very feminine - delicious and pink. Totally edible and cute.



Lina's Autumn Leaves

1/5 bottles available

(Reserves: BlackCat, StoremyWhether, Invi, Katz, )

Earth, Leaves, Walnut, Carmelized Sugar-a scent to make me feel connected to nature/Earth. Evoke scent memories of being in the woods/forest seeing little squirrels -smell of fresh air and damp earth



Lina's Almost one of the Boys

2 bottles available

(Reserves: Stacyk, Molls)

I was thinking melon, moss, ozone and linen. I want it to be almost guy smell. Clean and aquatic. Fresh. That sexy fresh young guy smell that is so addictive. The melon would be there to add a little sweetness. Something I can wear while hanging with the boys, blend in but also have that slight sweetness that is GIRL.



Cinnamon Vanilla Musk

5 bottles available

(Reserves: BlueBear, Blackcat, StoremyWhether, Invi, Chitown)



Stacy's Lilac Puff

1 bottle available

(Reserved: Tanya27)

My PE is a play off your LP Purple Puff. What I basically want is a lilac version. Marshmallow, Vanilla Bean, Lilac, Pink Grapefruit and, Un Levitation Phero blend
I sort of imagine Fluffy marshmallow. vanilla bean to sweeten, French lilac not too spa-ish with the splash of grapefruit which gives sparkle. Then the whole effect is elevated by the Levitation phero.


Charlene's Blackberry Jasmine

6 bottles available

(Reserves: CinnMel, Fluer, PhoenixonFyre, Nutrix x3)

Jasmine, Blackberry, Vanilla, White Musk



Tyvey's Peony Crunch Cake

5 bottles available

(Reserves: Lady V, BlueBear, Hearts, Fluer, Invi)

Peony, cake vanilla, sugar, & touch of white musk. whoopsy peonycake! That sounds weird. I love whoopsy dasiycake's "crispy sugar" & "crunch cake" -- looking for the same thing here, -- plus musk for sexypie & to anchor it.



Tyvey's Sweet Vanilla Plum

5 bottles available

(Reserves: Lady V, StoremyWhether, Hearts, JustDucky, Luna)

Bourbon vanilla, juicy black plum, a warm sweet NOT REMOTELY SLUTTY amber, and brown sugar. I would love it very sweet (none of the tartness of the plum skin) & with a dense, three dimensional, chewy feel.




Oh, and please remember if you have reserved previous months and contact me to give me an update - I am trying to organize what might be left and presently have some unpaid reserve invoices that go back 2 months! Thanks! :)

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WOOHOO ! There's A LOT of creating going on, they SOUND GREAT !! lovin' the labels TOO !

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Wow! lots of great stuff for the PEs!

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These look wonderful!! I'd like to reserve one each of the following:


Lina's Candied Violet Fluff

Lina's Autumn Leaves

Cinnamon Vanilla Musk

Sweet Vanilla Plum


Thank you!!

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Tyvey's vanilla plum, please!!!!!


Wish there were more of the purple lilac phero one!

Edited by Just Ducky
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Oh Wow see what happens when I go away.. oh Mara they all look beautiful so glorious... I love my label. I love all the labels ... Thank You.!


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A violet and a blackberry please. I'd like to let my reserved butterfly kisses go please if that's ok? If i can combine this, my prev invoice, $10 sale and sale and nr's all in one invoice that would be amazing, but let me know if you want it paying seperately now. :)

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Oh Wow see what happens when I go away.. oh Mara they all look beautiful so glorious... I love my label. I love all the labels ... Thank You.!


Stacey, I love your PE, that is the one I would have bought had there been extra, I love all of the notes and I'm addicted to Levitation.... enjoy your PE

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Just a question I was wondering about,do buying PE`s count for dollars spent for the sale?



Yuppers! :)


Oh wow! I hadn't thought of that but that is awesome!!! Thank you for asking Tanya!

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I effing LOVE the labels! I'm so excited for my PEs- especially Candied Violet Fluff! But can't wait to try my Autumn Leaves and especially Almost One of the Boys. I love "almost" guy smell. Thank you Mara!

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I effing LOVE the labels! I'm so excited for my PEs- especially Candied Violet Fluff! But can't wait to try my Autumn Leaves and especially Almost One of the Boys. I love "almost" guy smell. Thank you Mara!


I love "almost" guy smell too - I'm tempted!

Edited by Molls
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