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So yesterday I tried my new Cuddle Bunny in spray, and I'm wondering what you ladies would suggest as a starting amount? I was afraid that I was spraying too much, but I felt like it really did burn off way more quickly than my oil sample. By the end of the day I couldn't smell it at all. I did a few sprays (maybe 2 - 3) on my whole body before I got dressed, then one on my wrist (and rubbed arms together) and then one on my clothes. I didn't get my usual CB reaction from my friend, but we also weren't together as much as usual plus I'm sick and feeling pretty crappy so that threw everything off as well. Just to add that this is the scented CB, I haven't gotten brave enough to try the UN pheros yet!

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Hmm, not sure I can help, as my Cuddle Bunny is in an oil. I would imagine that spraying it on your clothes may have led to the reaction (or lack of) that you got. The cops are pretty strong in Cuddle Bunny, and spraying them on your clothes or hair isn't really a good idea. They need to "meld" with your skin. They won't dry down properly on clothes or hair, and the scent can turn off anyone in your phero-area...

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Never on the clothes, and never in the hair with heavily-copped blends!

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