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Queen of the Bees?

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This may be a bit of an insane or idiotic question, but has anyone else become Queen of the Bees when wearing pheros? That is, literally speaking…


It’s the beginning of spring here in Australia, and the flowers are out and the bees are bee-ing. On several occasions I’ve been wearing certain pheros and have noticed if I’m spending time outside that I end up attracting some bees. I haven’t been stung by them- they don’t seem aggressive towards me, they just sort of seem to like hanging around, flying past lazily (even though I haven’t been close to flowers), doing little bee circuits round me- that sort of thing.


I actually love bees, and seem to get on really well with them, if that makes any sense. They don’t ever sting me. I always treat them & their spaces with respect, and sometimes even like to speak to them. They’re like little Buddhist monks chanting mantras. So I don’t mind becoming Queen of the Bees so much, but it’s a little odd, and has freaked out my sister a couple of times (she does not get on with bees).


This has happened when I’ve worn: Super sexy for women (UN & Sneaky Clean), Velvet kisses with Cuddle Bunny, & Gotcha (UN & with perfume). I notice they’re all high in Est- might bees like a bit of the feminine magic? Or am I just a crazy bee lady?

Edited by vladmyra
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Yeah, I've also noticed that I become mosquito bait as well, lol. The bugs may just be attracted to the sweet smelling fragrances that you have on to cover the pheromones.

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Hmm, that's interesting Beccah. I haven't noticed any mosquitos hanging around me, but they don't generally go for me much (maybe because I'm vegetarian?).


At first I thought they liked the sweet loveliness of the perfumes, like you said, but it's also happened now when wearing SS4W & Gotcha without a cover scent (for general testing purposes). Very mysterious. Makes me feel kind of magical actually, but my sister won't come near me when I'm outside for fear she'll be bee-nipped.

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Hmm, that's interesting Beccah. I haven't noticed any mosquitos hanging around me, but they don't generally go for me much (maybe because I'm vegetarian?).


Dietary preferences aren't necessarily a factor when it comes to the mozzies. But yeah, perfume will attract various insects if they can sense it.

In animal magic terms, you may be receiving a sign in regards to your fertility - in any way you choose to interpret it.

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And aren't many, if not most, of these perfumes made with essential oils of these flowers and honeys (that bugs usually are attracted to naturally anyway)? So basically... you are a giant, walking flower lol. Bees are enthralled with you and are probably wondering how the heck you are moving around lol!

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LOL! Good point!


And aren't many, if not most, of these perfumes made with essential oils of these flowers and honeys (that bugs usually are attracted to naturally anyway)? So basically... you are a giant, walking flower lol. Bees are enthralled with you and are probably wondering how the heck you are moving around lol!

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And aren't many, if not most, of these perfumes made with essential oils of these flowers and honeys (that bugs usually are attracted to naturally anyway)?

Some LPs are made with essential oils and naturally-sourced accords, but not all. So that is somewhat of a factor, I;d say, but perhaps not as much as one might think.

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Thanks everyone, at least I know it's not just me.


It's interesting that none of the other, more commercial perfumes I've ever worn have attracted bees before.

I'd say that's a good recommendation for the quality of LP perfumes, as bees are wise little creatures- they must have good taste in scents!

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