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Ok.. given the Holidays are closing in I was looking and both of the pheros for the bonding and close feel they each provide. This year I am facing some challenging Holliday get- togethers.


Firstly duh... I am constantly surprised that TH has no Bnol. I my head it gets lumped into that group of blends...


I'm wondering if those of you familiar with these 2 blends, I have Un - PM in spray but have used it only once (I also have Bonded) and I have Un- TH.

So of these two what are some of the more obvious differences you have experienced in using them.

Also, recommendations on the context each is most effective in will be helpful.

For me, I'm looking for a conflict free, peaceful, safe, happy environment in which family members will feel comfortable and have a lasting happy impression. aren't we all..? :)

Edited by StacyK
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I haven't read too much about PM having that affect but have read that about treasured hearts. haven't gotten TH to work like that on my boyfriend though strangely TMI did work like that, as well as (for a short time span) drop your guard.


do you have open windows, or Levitation?


I would just stock up on phero-melts which are perfect for the holiday season, and can be in a couple of different rooms rather than the feel-good cloud being centered on you.


I would be curious though about how long one should wait between burning on phero-melt and another that has a different pheromone. one hour? two? three? to clear out the previous pheromone?


if you go that route I'd also make sure you had water-heavy drinks such as juice spritzers that's mainly carbonated water, or watered down lemonade. Then you just have to figure out how to slip everyone b-complex vitamins to help prevent OD symptoms from hotboxing them with pheromones :)

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Between the two, for me, TH is the best mix for family/social events where you want everyone to be happy, whereas PM is better for a one-on-one situation where you want bonding and warm fuzzies.

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I love TH in family situations were there is the likelihood of tension, hard feelings, or other general family "discomforts".....I have worn TH for large family get-togethers and it works, even when there are numerous people there who simply DO NOT LIKE each other.....I love TH!

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Thanks, One curious note, I have read and have myself, but not often need to take it out more, know the effects TH has with women, is it similarly effective on men?


I have ordered True Confessions but I'd be leery if that or TMI, in the event if to much truth if you know what I mean.


I have TH in Get Happy and Un oil.

I think I may invest in a spray and some wax melts.

How do you all feel about the phero wax melts and kids teen, Pre-teen ages? The space where the melts would go is a big open room so there would be plenty of diffusion and fresh air if needed.

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TH is just as effective on women and men, IMO.....and I have used wax melts with TH around teens, ages 14, 15, and 16......tames the savage beasts, so to speak.

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Thanks.. Treasured Hearts seems the way to go.

I'm going to try some of the tarts too. Pumpkin, banana bread sounds good.


Taming the savage beasts sounds about right. :)

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Damn, you just reminded me that I need to bomb my 14 yr.old. He's acting like a spoiled suburban white girl.... (he's actually a spoiled suburban mixed kid, lol).

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Damn, you just reminded me that I need to bomb my 14 yr.old. He's acting like a spoiled suburban white girl.... (he's actually a spoiled suburban mixed kid, lol).

Lol, we must be members of a special club.

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make that kid do some laps. My nephew was such a little bitch--horrendous manners, was bullying kids at school despite not being bullied at home, and just awful a good portion of the time. Had sister read a book that outlined four different ways boys are dealing with current stressors that weren't as much of an issue with previous generations and one of those was a massive exercise gap--which meant almost zero outlet for hormones and how they affect a teenage boy's body need to MOVE


anyway, long story short--got him into football and then lacrosse and wouldn't you know it that several hard team-sport workouts a week cut the lip at home QUITE a bit! He seemed a lot happier too the last I saw him and I have no doubt sports helped him grow through the awkwardness of teen puberty.

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I'm looking it up now-- I couldn't think of it off the top of my head.


Okay, here you go--

I've read them both and I think both are really good, but I also feel that boys act out more so even though girls' issues should also be dealt with, it almost always seems that it's

more immediately critical to deal with the boys. For example, that nephew I spoke of has a sister, my niece, and while I think she'll have issues they're more at a slow burn,

whereas his was at a wildfire's pace towards destruction and social isolation (from the bullying-- I have no idea why he was that way.) Dealing with his problems first probably

allowed the parents to deal with her issues, or at least mitigate them, since up til that point they'd been throwing most of their energy into his temper tantrums and acting up/out.


The author's name is Leonard Sax


Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men



Girls on the Edge: The Four Factors Driving the New Crisis for Girls-Sexual Identity, the Cyberbubble, Obsessions, Environmental Toxins




aside from two books on PTSD by another author, these two books are the ones I've most recommended to others in terms of social behavior/psychology. Obviously, one book isn't going to give all the answers, but I think it helped in my family's case. I love reading through reviews of books I've read because it continues the dialogue-- and one thing one reviewer said was in relation to football teams having a history of violence and bullying non-sports students. So I guess that's one thing to keep in mind. But it didn't sound like bullying was an issue for either one of you-- just acting inappropriately too often.

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No, my son is not a bully but there are other issues that have cropped up. I thought the sound of "what boys were going through today and the various stresses kids are facing today" some of which did not exist when I was in school, sounded Intresting.Thanks

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yeah, hopefully you find the book interesting and helpful :) I certainly found it interesting. I used to teach kids classes in exercise and I always loved going one-on-one lessons where I would be able to send them home exhausted but proud of what they accomplished :) Parents seemed to appreciate it as well :)

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Idk, WHAT my son's malfunction is. He gets plenty of physical activity. I do know the trick of an egg under the head of his bed seems to work though....

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oh, I've heard of that. also an open bowl of white vinegar. if I recall it has something to do with improving communication.

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