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I received my unscented "Leather" with a shot of cops in silicone roll-on form but I've been having some trouble finding out how much exactly I'm putting on.

I'm used to using "drops" or "sprays" so "rolls" is a new thing for me o-O haha

Anyone have some advice on how much to "roll"?

If I can figure out some kind of range from least amount rolled to most (before OD) I think I can figure out how much would work for me x)

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Also if it helps, this past weekend I wore 4 rolls from navel to chest (I had been using the little instruction/introduction paper that came with my order as a basis) and received irritating results...

In short, I felt pretty much disrespected and objectified by these two guys. And in my drunk state (my fault on that part) I didn't notice that their joking manner turned into a disrespectful one. I'm thinking 4 rolls was too much eow? Which may have brought on their advances and basically thinking I'm some sort of easy slut that can be convinced to sleep with them simply by asking me...? -_-

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oh hon-- don't wear cops unless you're in an area you trust with people you know and trust. I wouldn't wear cops and then drink enough to get drunk.


Insofar as swipes-- people talk about x-inch swipes-- one to three inch swipes on their forearms or doing the lollipop where they roll a potion down from their bosom down towards their belly button and loop around the belly button.


Some people (like me) go overboard and do wrist to elbow swipes but I wouldn't suggest this with any UN.


I'd suggest a small dab-- think like a penny or a nickle circle on your wrist. Test that out and then work up to an inch and maybe as much as three inches and then smoosh your wrists together and pat along your torso.

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It sounds like you might have worn too much. I'm not sure how much of the UNs the others wear, but keep in mind that your UNscented is more than 3 times stronger than any of the phero-enhanced scents, so you'll need far, far less. I generally give the bottle a good shake & then when I apply, I measure in inches. I rarely wear more than about 5 inches of an UNscented blend, total. There are a couple of exceptions, but for the most part, I don't have to use much at all. Sometimes I only have to use about 3 inches to get fabulous results. I've read that some others get great hits using only a little swipe.


I just had a look at the little bookmark, where it says to roll from chest to navel a few times - this was referring to the regular perfume oils, not the phero-enhanced scents or the UNscented. The instructions/usage tips are on the other (white) side.


Hope that helps! I had trouble figuring it out at first too. Didn't take long to get rollin' though. Ack. Sorry for the pun.

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yup--meant to clarify but forgot, lollipop=scented pheros only

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You were definitely in OD territory.....dosage is a very personal thing, and it is always best to start small and work your way up.....especially with the Unscented products. Remember, less is more.....start small.....


Another thing to remember with the silicone-based blends.....ALWAYS shake thoroughly before application.....the silicone separates out....

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I thought as much D:

I tried on a lot less last night to get a hang on how much to put on based on self effects since I was at home alone and still did too much.

Got a little woozy from the a-nol after about an hour x.x

I'm getting there though!

Edited by sukikiryu
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