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Tickle Tickle

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Ohmygosh! I'm absolutely CERTAIN that heating it would have changed the entire experience....imagine...shivering, hot, cold, miserable...someone peels away the blanket you're shivering under, lifts your top and smears stinky COLD jelly all over your chest and then puts your top back down onto the gooey mess...ack - and - GROSS :wacko: The way YOU describe it actually sounds therapeutic all heated and warm and even soothing...


Blackcat, I think you'll like this socially and would def say wear to work for retail :^^:



I'm cracking up over the Vicks memories that have been posted in this thread. I also was a kid slathered in the stuff, though with a wicked hot water bottle wrapped in a towel and placed on my chest after Vicks had been applied and still had a shirt between me and the heat. My grandmother apparently did the same thing to my mom and her brother's, and it did work wonders for chest congestion and sinuses, but it was always so freakin' hot! And I was always worried the hot water bottle would drain all over me and scald me to death. Ah memories. I switched over to using a heating pad on low for my boys, and they willingly let me doctor them since it does help. Throw in a cool-mist vaporizer and you're golden for DIY pneumonia/cold/flu care!


Anyway, back to the review :) I keep wanting to like this one since I have come to adore lavender scents, but I too am detecting something odd with the mix of lavender and berries. It wasn't as strong as the vick's vapor rub (ha ha!) but definitely did have a very prominent lavender. More like LAVENDER. Reminds me of lavender that I had grown in my garden, dried the flower buds and then saved in a ziploc to make sachets. One whiff after it's been sealed for a while knocks you over since it is so strong. And the berries give it a mix of super-sweet, plasticy candy store berry-scent.


However, silver lining, after about 6 hours the plasticy berry scent ended and I now have a very soft pleasant lavender, not in your face at all, with a light berry powdery scent. This I like! Getting to this point, didn't know if I could do it.


My sample has aged a bit too, and my early tries with Tickle Tickle never resulted in the soft lavender end result. I'm glad I tried it again.

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I never fell for this one but I wanted to pop back and say that I did get a number of compliments on it as I finished off the vial recently. I think, as others report, the aging smoothed things out a bit with this one.


Also, regardless of the scent I came to really like this one for the Gotcha!, though as some others have observed it seems to be at least as much of a hit with women as with men! I absolutely held court among a bunch of younger strangers at a recent party. Like, they would not let me stop talking and explaining for HOURS and I hadn't met a single one before. So, I not only got lots of very friendly female attention but one particularly remarkable bit of male attention. He played it cool for most of the night but then as we were saying our goodbyes he stared long and intensely into my eyes - no blinking or anything. It was almost uncomfortably long but certainly not aggressive -- there was no mistaking what was behind it! Totally unexpected and a pretty clear hit, I think.

Edited by donsie
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  • 3 months later...

This one is dangerous and I absolutely love it!

Just looking at the notes I am not sure Tickle Tickle would have even registered on my radar had I not received a sniffie. I have always been a freak for lavender but have always associated it with calm and sleep, and a good portion of my perfume collection already contains just about every variation of lavender that I could possibly ever want. Gotcha ranks decently high on my favorite list of pheros but I already have trials of unscented and LP: Exotica, and since it definitely amps up my own natural ditziness I do have to use caution, hence the fact I wasn't planning on hoarding. But Tickle Tickle is the exception to everything; it's a totally different breed on me!

I started my evening with my boyfriend with Incandescence w/Bang, certain that I would quickly release his primal urges and woo him upstairs post haste; unfortunately this was just after he had finished work and the phero seemed to set him more on edge and as he vented about his day he became unusually irritated. Hmm...cue me reaching into my bag of newly acquired samples and swiping on some Tickle Tickle, hoping the Gotcha would instill a bit more giddiness and lighten his mood. Well, damn...this smells better than I thought this would...I huff some more, repeat, repeat...

I'm going to keep this as PG as possible; picture a 5'1" 95lb women trying to physically drag a man 3 times her size up a flight of stairs and She-Hulk him into bed. Seriously, I looked like a cat in heat; dominant and voracious, possibly embarrassingly so if I wasn't such a goofball to begin with. I don't think the Gotcha or the scent even registered with him, but when your girlfriend is actively rubbing every inch of her body against you and attempting to fireman carry you, your mood suddenly gets a bit less cranky. The result was a night of the hottest and my most hungriest sex ever, and discovering the next day that I had bed burn on my bum. I secured myself a bottle promptly after begging on the trades and we all lived happily ever after. :P

Seriously though, I love everything about this; the scent is perfectly balanced on me, sweet and herbal with no hint of medicine. I have no clue why the Gotcha in this seemed amped by 100 but I am certainly not complaining. While I haven't repeated the desperation I exhibited the first night (and I'm sure the additional Bang had something to do with that rather curious display), this still reigns as my #1 "I have something to show you upstairs and you'd better bring your tools" blend.

Edited by mcreepers
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Haha, thank you :)

Trust me, it was an amazingly fun experience that I plan to repeat often. Maybe because it's such a "me" fragrance and my personality is so naturally congruent with Gotcha.. Or maybe it truely is magic...regardless, it's RAWWWRRR (bow-chicka-chicka-wow)

Edited by mcreepers
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  • 4 years later...

I am so lucky and happy! I got none of the medicinal side of lavender whatsoever, and I was scared! Thank you @tyvey. I didn't even realize it had Gotcha in it, so triple win. Gotcha always gets my man worked up, as does lavender. My Vampire Bait w/ Gotcha is going on my trade page because now I've got another Gotcha winner! (I've got Honeyed LP & Fuzzy Wuzzy and a few more boosted.)

My favorite perfume test is to apply it while my man is sleeping/napping. Tickle Tickle got a "um, that smells good" from under the pillow where he was napping/hiding from daylight. A cozy lavender with berries and cream is really all we need. Perfect for a lazy, rainy day.

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@halo0073, no, only the rebrew and it wasn't for me. Can't remember why. But if ever crosses my path, I bet I'd love it. Mara makes so many killer lavenders, we are so lucky!

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The Lavender in this never sat well with me. It off on my skin. I think it was camphor? But in a different way. Anyway, I did list it once on my trade, then removed it and continued to dab. Thats the power of GOTCHA. 

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