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Need Advice about Cops

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I will be receiving my very first order in a couple of days ..and have a question,

from those that are experienced.

I've ordered several items (in all different categories) ..and was wondering,

for example, the OCCO white ... can that be used with

Open Windows? I realize they are not "congruent" ... one is more

sexual..the other more social. But has anyone ever used the

two together? Or is that not recommended at ALL ~ as it like sending

a "conflicting vibe"?


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I have totally used them together....think happy sex!!! I was using Open Windows to lift my man's mood (which it ALWAYS does), and later in the evenong, layered on some OCCO. Worked like a charm!


OCCO is cops only.....it can take almost any blend in a very sexual direction.

Edited by Dolly
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First...I am "honored" that Dolly answered my question.. (seriously! :)

Secondly? I really didn't think that was going to be the answer ... still trying

to learn from reading the forums ..and I thought things had to "match" more ~

and would be advised against it.

(But I was hoping I could ...so thank you again for the advice, that it is o.k.)

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First...I am "honored" that Dolly answered my question.. (seriously! :)

Secondly? I really didn't think that was going to be the answer ... still trying

to learn from reading the forums ..and I thought things had to "match" more ~

and would be advised against it.

(But I was hoping I could ...so thank you again for the advice, that it is o.k.)


Hey! I'm relatively new myself, but here's how I understand it. OCCO is just straight copulins, as Dolly said. Copulins don't mess with the "chemistry" of a blend the way adding more A-nol or Est etc. would. You can essentially wear OCCO with anything, just be careful if you're wearing something that already has cops as you wouldn't want to OD on them.


Correct me if I'm wrong, somebody.

Edited by QueenofLimbo
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First...I am "honored" that Dolly answered my question.. (seriously! :)

Secondly? I really didn't think that was going to be the answer ... still trying

to learn from reading the forums ..and I thought things had to "match" more ~

and would be advised against it.

(But I was hoping I could ...so thank you again for the advice, that it is o.k.)


No problem, sweetie! Yes, this is a cool combo....no issues, and I have tried it SEVERAL times.....






Hey! I'm relatively new myself, but here's how I understand it. OCCO is just straight copulins, as Dolly said. Copulins don't mess with the "chemistry" of a blend the way adding more A-nol or Est etc. would. You can essentially wear OCCO with anything, just be careful if you're wearing something that already has cops as you wouldn't want to OD on them.


Correct me if I'm wrong, somebody.


You are absolutely correct......you should just be aware of the amount of cops you are wearing, so you don't go overboard.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have noticed that when I wear cops (I have OCCO gold with I believe 3x cops), I get completely ignored, like I'm invisible! Could it be that I'm wearing too much? The gold is a pretty strong scent so I usually just do one spray to the front of my neck/cleavage area. Also the OCCO SLF has been a big ol' invisibility potion for me too. :neutral:

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MyDogDaisy, "ghosting", or becoming invisible because other people simply cannot process your phero power, is certainly something I've seen reported and discussed at some length on this and other phero forums. As in most of my life, I don't have practical experience but am confident of the theoretical basis for saying it can happen. :-/


Try this one for some info, maybe: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8291&hl=ghosting


Since you say you're only wearing one spray it would be hard to reduce your dosage! Perhaps you could change the location to more of the torso area and avoid the neck so as not to give people the sense that you've got a face-full of sex, which I fear could be the result of having cops just under your face.


But probably best to wait for an expert to weigh in! Good luck!

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I have noticed that when I wear cops (I have OCCO gold with I believe 3x cops), I get completely ignored, like I'm invisible! Could it be that I'm wearing too much? The gold is a pretty strong scent so I usually just do one spray to the front of my neck/cleavage area. Also the OCCO SLF has been a big ol' invisibility potion for me too. :neutral:



Are you wearing it out in public or for "private time"? IMO, an OCCO with 3X cops in SPRAY is WAY too much cops for public wear....even with one spray. Spray really diffuses.....


Don't get me wrong, I am a cop-lover, but I never add extra cops to an OCCO.....they are strong enough as it is.

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"the sense that you've got a face-full of sex, which I fear could be the result of having cops just under your face."
Hmm, that's a good point, I've never thought of it that way! I will definitely try again in a different location and see if that helps. Thank you! :-)
Dolly, I'm afraid I agree with you...NOW! I originally thought "ooh, more must be better", plus I tend to like sprays a little better, but with cops I now know that is not the case. Also I'm wearing it out at the bar with friends so maybe I'm just using it in the wrong situation and expecting too much magic to happen. Thank you for the help ladies! :-*
Edited by Amanda
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