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Love Potion: White 2014


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Oh yes- ask her for one with sugared apricots, cherries and bakers vanilla!

oh wow that sounds good!


Ducky.. I don't amp the apricot in the LPs so you could get more than I do. The fact that I get it noticeably at all may be a good indicator for you.

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This sounds SO pretty! I really wish I were thee white perfume type. I want them to work on me, I really do, but whenever I try wearing these things my weird PH makes them go all funky and I also feel like I am just wearing something that belongs to someone else if that makes sense?

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I think that, sometimes, that I'm wearing a type of scent which just isn't me. But Mara has taught me not to discount certain combinations of notes just because I don't think they're "me" and subsequently my palette has grown to encompass many kinds.

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I think that, sometimes, that I'm wearing a type of scent which just isn't me. But Mara has taught me not to discount certain combinations of notes just because I don't think they're "me" and subsequently my palette has grown to encompass many kinds.

This! I missed many a food LP doe my early days by not venturing outside my comfort zone.

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Mine came today. LP White delivers! It is a white floral scent, but it's still a Love Potion. The strongest notes for me are the musk, the jasmine & the apricot. I think if you find the musk in Spider Silk a bit stabby, this one could get stabby on you. It's a very lovely scent though & the apricot is so delicate.

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Oh my, this is so much more interesting and delicious than the original LP White! LP White Original was a delicate floral, but it lacked substance. It was a bit . . . flat, perhaps??


This new version is va-voom! It grabs your attention and keeps it. For sure, it's white, it's delicate, it's floral, but it's fuller, more complex than the original. The apricot adds zip, and the florals are way more crisp and bouncy. The dry down is softer than when wet, but no less compelling.


The word "gorgeous" was created for this scent. I have found a signature scent at long last!

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Oh WOW Ducky! What a shining review! Signature scent? How awesome for you!

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I like this much better than original LP White. The original went a little too powdery/amber on me. This is still soft, sophisticated and delicate. I get soft powdered sugar and dainty little apricot. This apricot seems more ... Not ripe? But not tart. Like a sweet, little baby apricot rather than a juicy ripe one. I get absolutely no patchouli! Whew!

There is no piercy white flowers stabbing my head either. I mean, they are in the background. I happen to like jasmine sometimes. This is one of the times where it just works perfectly!

This scent is calming, peaceful and tranquil. Like a silk sheet of fragrance lightly caressing your skin. I love it!

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1st full day of testing, the finish on this one is now a beautiful vanilla-musk. I wonder, is there a musk note in LP Original?

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I don't believe so; I wrote that one out of sequence sort of because of course the LP base is vanilla-amber-patchouli but I didn't even realize I had sequenced it differently until after the NRs were posted.

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Thanks Irish eyes. :)


The descriptions mentions "fresh newly ripe apricot" So it sounds like it will be a light version of apricot. Not a thick sweet one. But to be honest I only get a hint of it in any of the LPs that have it. Always seems nicely balanced. I can't wait to get my bottles...I am sure they were deluged with orders when the NRs went up so I will wait patiently because I know it takes time.........but I am going to anxiously await the shipped e-mail and an "out for delivery".



This is so interesting. The same happens to me with fruit. Hence, I asked about the apricot.



This sounds SO pretty! I really wish I were thee white perfume type. I want them to work on me, I really do, but whenever I try wearing these things my weird PH makes them go all funky and I also feel like I am just wearing something that belongs to someone else if that makes sense?

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I don't believe so; I wrote that one out of sequence sort of because of course the LP base is vanilla-amber-patchouli but I didn't even realize I had sequenced it differently until after the NRs were posted.

Ok, yeah. The finish on this one, for me, is very unique to the rest of the Love Potion line. Normally the variants all fade off into the base on my skin (vanilla-amber-patchouli), but the musk is sticking around & making things interesting with LP White, I like it.

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Wow, so this is the famous LP White!!! It's sheer, delicate, ultra feminine, but at the same time sensous. First on, I get something powdery reminiscent of Karmiel's Silken Moonlight. It only took about five minutes for the lush, sweet apricot to come out and deepen the fragrance. The musk is to die for and combines with the tea to ground the scent. There is only a suggestion of patchouli on my skin, so don't be afraid of it, ladies, if you're prone to amping it. This is what a short white, gauzy cotton nightgown brushing against firm skin would smell like. I'm going to looooooove this for the spring and summer, or pretty much whenever I want.Glad I went full bottle!

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I found I had the same experience with LP #7 - the green musk stays with me an anchor for the other notes.

was LP #7 Lucky In Love?

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Yep. And it's a really pretty scent.

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Thanks, and now back to the regularly scheduled LP White is beautiful talk . :)


It really is :heart:

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I wore this all day yesterday and have it on again today. Just a beautiful light floral scent with the musk blended in. I think this will be a fantastic warm weather scent as well. Musk can go so wrong on me but I have been lucky at LP with TMI and LP White. I am wearing the LP White with Levitation today but as mentioned up thread this can handle quite a few different blends. I think it would just as fabulous with the perky Cougar as it would be a more relationship oriented blend like Perfect Match. I just ordered 3 more bottles and if I could afford to buy more I would. LOL I really love this one and want to wear it often. Tomorrow I will be trying on Alabaster Queen.


For those scared of the white florals...this one is just a light touch. Nothing stabby or in your face.It is the best light floral musk I have ever smelled.

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This is VERY, VERY PRETTY, ultra feminine, reminds me of white organza. It's hard for florals to be quiet IMO but this one is, plays VERY nice with its non flower friends. Not as foody as I expected, more classic perfumey. Not my style but I will thoroughly enjoy my sample! ETA on me, this bears almost no resemblance to lp white original, which was extremely jasmine-forward on me and throwy, to the point that it nearly crowded out everything else. This is more like LP Silver. could be an aging difference though I spose.

Edited by tyvey
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I found I had the same experience with LP #7 - the green musk stays with me an anchor for the other notes.

I didn't know how well that one would age & got rid of mine, unfortunately. I didn't discover how good Winter Variant & #7 became after you gave them a few months to age until I was rummaging my samples after it was much, much too late.

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Huh? I'm confused. Did you mean to quote me?

don't get paranoid...hmm , as in I'm jealous too I put in an order right away and haven't gotten a confirmation, $'s been debited though so that's good I guess


* got my notice this p.m.*

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I didn't let mine rest, so this may change in the next few days... but on me this is mostly white tea, musk and a light jasmine. Very feminine, very elegant. This is what I would wear if I went on a fancy date or maybe even a super formal wedding. It wears very light on me... I kind of had to slather.

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I didn't get any apricot at all when I tried it this morning which is sad because that would have made it for me.

Don't despair! The apricot came back on me around the six hour mark. Not as bright, more of a ripeness, if that makes any sense.

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I just keep huffing myself. This is such a wonderful LP!!! I can see why everyone was excited to see it. I enjoy this scent. Just wearing it without any pheros, it wears sophisticated but in an everyday way. If that makes any sense. With Levitation layered in, it is wonderful and uplifting. I had planned on ordering more La Sylphide but this beat it out. Hope there is LS next time I order. I had to have more of LP White for now. It seems to be going fast in the cart. After my order this morning there were only 9 left.



ETA: Men seem to like it as well. ( Like I said I was wearing it with Levitation...also had a bit of Occo White on but not much since I didn't want to overpower the LP White) Had my car break down today and while waiting at the gas station, two different men came up and got chatty with me saying things that seemed kind of pointless but it was like they were trying to think of something to say. Had to have the thing towed to a repair garage and the tow truck driver was chatty in a very nice way and I could hear him smelling me. When at the repair shop the man seemed very busy and I was talking to his back...when we went into the office to fill out paperwork ( closed in area)...he all of a sudden became very pleasant. Offered me coffee....offered to call the cab for me....repeated my phone number several times and asked if that was right. I know my way around cars a bit and I basically told him what I thought it was ( and was right) but it seemed like he was trying to reassure me some how. Just such a change in his voice after we went into the office. The cab ride home the cab driver was smelling me and also very chatty in a friendly way. I think before LP I would have gotten so self conscious if a man was smelling me like that but now I think...Mara you are truly gifted!!! And to top it all off.....I wasn't a nervous wreck. I was calm through the whole deal. I think the DHEAS in Levitation kept me a bit happy all day.( also the fact I know this repair won't put me in the poor house....good thing I ordered my LPs before I left this morning or I may not have. The car be damned I won't miss out on more LP White. LOL)

Edited by irish eyes
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Sorry to hear about your car Irish - but happy to hear such a glowing review LOL!


I've only smelled this one in the vial, but already it's much lighter than I expected. VERY feminine and pretty. The jasmine didn't seem loud and I think I could pick out the musk. The patch,...while wet...to me, was imperceptible. Can't wait to trial this properly :)

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When it first arrived it was a little bit more "green" but once had a day and it hit my skin OOOLALA!!! It's a keeper that is for sure..It bumped everything else on my want list so I could get more before it was gone.


Stuff breaks once in a while. Not the end of the world and I don't usually let it get to me. Getting upset would not change the situation plus it is easier to be taken advantaged of at a repair shop if you are freaking out and not paying attention to what is actually going on.


Am I the only one that thinks of the cost of things every day in "How many LP bottles would that be" :Emoticons04280:

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Am I the only one that thinks of the cost of things every day in "How many LP bottles would that be" :Emoticons04280:



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