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Well I'm buying my best friend a phero blend for her birthday and need suggestions based on her situation... she has been having a crush on this guy in her gym for the past couple of months..they exchange glances, smiles, looks etc... As she puts it "he definitely seems as interested as her but nothing happens beyond that" , they still didn't get even to talk, he would just pass where she is exercising, exchange glances, smile and so on , but he still didn't cross that line, and she is really so interested, i guess she only goes to the gym to see him not to work out LOLL :Emoticons04280:

what do you think I should buy her for her birthday that could give her this extra push that she needs in her case?

thank you so much in advance :Emoticons04235:

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I wouldn't go with something blatantly sexual, since they haven't spoken yet, and the gym is a place where diffusion would probably be at its maximum with body heat. I would say something like SS4W or Cougar.....something more social in nature, yet still sexy.

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I wouldn't go with something blatantly sexual, since they haven't spoken yet, and the gym is a place where diffusion would probably be at its maximum with body heat. I would say something like SS4W or Cougar.....something more social in nature, yet still sexy.

thank you so much for your suggestion.. I was thinking of SS4W (Maybe it works better for her, I myself have little luck with SS4W, I don't even smell anything when i apply it on me) :Emoticons04269:

Cougar is very interesting I never used that but I might buy her and myself some. Maybe the trial size for me

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Sneaky clean! Super sexy might grab his attention. I find gotcha is a bit divisive. My bf doesn't react positively. It makes me clean the house though!!


Or bang! That commands attention.

I read very positive reviews about Sneaky Clean,,and read that Bang is like SS4W but with a twist. Wow too many options to choose from and I am a newbie myself to pheromones so i couldn't decide what to get my friend..

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I think Bang has a pretty good dose of cops though....I don't think I would go there when first meeting someone. Dominance puts out a very strong aura.....Leather is slightly softer but still quite commanding.


Cougar is a nice fresh grapefruit scent, and has a sexy social phero blend. Very uplifting and "sparkly" feeling. I think scented Cougar would be a good choice.

Edited by Dolly
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I'm thinking something that will be useful to her outside of this exact situation as well, would be nice as a gift. I think her projecting openness and confidence will make the difference, and who couldn't use more of that in EVERY situation? for me that's ss4w or LFM. Ss4w having the extra benefit of making others (ie here, him) more sociable.

Edited by tyvey
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I'm thinking something that will be useful to her outside of this exact situation as well, would be nice as a gift. I think her projecting openness and confidence will make the difference, and who couldn't use more of that in EVERY situation? for me that's ss4w or LFM. Ss4w having the extra benefit of making others (ie here, him) more sociable.

which do u lean more to SS4W or la femme mystere?

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I was thinking maybe Open Windows since they seem to want to but haven't made the step to talk yet!

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nice suggestion ..do you buy open windows it on its own or do you add it in a fragrance?


You can do either. It comes in Unscented, but you can always buy a bottle boosted. Open Windows is absolutely FAB.

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I've got it both ways. If you get something phero-enhanced it's easier to judge how much you're wearing - that's just my thought though. I've tended to find that I get better results mixed in with scents as time goes on but it's definitely available either way.


I know I can sometimes find myself wanting to just add one more unscented spray here... and here... just one more over there... and that can leave you not knowing when enough is enough!! LOL OW can be a really nice icebreaker without necessarily coming across sexy just yet... especially in a room full of hot sweaty people.


I think everyone has given some really great ideas. Decisions, decisions! Looking forward to hearing what she ultimately ends up trying (and how it worked!!). :D

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I was thinking maybe Open Windows since they seem to want to but haven't made the step to talk yet!




You can do either. It comes in Unscented, but you can always buy a bottle boosted. Open Windows is absolutely FAB.



I've got it both ways. If you get something phero-enhanced it's easier to judge how much you're wearing - that's just my thought though. I've tended to find that I get better results mixed in with scents as time goes on but it's definitely available either way.


I know I can sometimes find myself wanting to just add one more unscented spray here... and here... just one more over there... and that can leave you not knowing when enough is enough!! LOL OW can be a really nice icebreaker without necessarily coming across sexy just yet... especially in a room full of hot sweaty people.


I think everyone has given some really great ideas. Decisions, decisions! Looking forward to hearing what she ultimately ends up trying (and how it worked!!). :D

Love, love, LOVE Open Windows! Beautiful effects for me both on myself and others.

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Stone Cougar is the name of the Phero, so that refers to the UnScented version. "Cougar Potion" refers to the Scented version(same Phero).

So either really. depending on what you want. One is scented (Phero + scent), the other is just the Unscented phero.


My 2 cents.. I recommend Scented Cougar. The fragrance is light and bright. the scent is very complementary to the phero. You can check out the review thread for more info and descriptions.

Edited by StacyK
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Cougar potion didn't work for me, but it smells awesome! And it is very popular around here. Many women get great selfies from it and they report really good phero hits from others when they wear it. It also seems to be versatile even though it is a social/sexual i.e. it can be steered either way. Some people say it helps with snobs in the workplace.

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