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Newbie here - Need help for me

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I'm a newbie to posting on this forum, but I tried to read through some of the other posts looking for a similar topic, but couldn't find one..... so sorry if this topic is covered elsewhere.


I have read the reviews and tried some "social" pheromones, but what I need advice on is some pheromones for me.... actually for my libido.


Like a lot of women, my plate if very full..... mid-40s, married with kids (2 teenagers and 1 in 2nd grade), stay-at-home mom (for just the past 5 years) with all the kids' activities and driving, cooking, etc.... By the end of the day I am exhausted and don't have any interest in sex with my husband. I try to be more active and am in ok shape, but while hiking and riding help my sanity, it isn't helping my libido.


I don't need a love potion to attract my husband, I need one to free my mind and make me feel sexy and less self-conscious..... I never had the strongest sex drive, but it has really dropped since our youngest arrived. Suggestions please?



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Welcome!!! Cops tend to rev my engine, particularly in BANG!, Cuddle Bunny, and the OCCOs, so those are worth a try. La Femme Noire makes me feel like a sexy beast. Of course, pheros and the self effects they give are very personal, and some people don't get any self effects at all. And of course, definitely talk with your doctor to be sure you don't have anything else affecting your libido. Good luck, and welcome!

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Welcome!!! Cops tend to rev my engine, particularly in BANG!, Cuddle Bunny, and the OCCOs, so those are worth a try. La Femme Noire makes me feel like a sexy beast. Of course, pheros and the self effects they give are very personal, and some people don't get any self effects at all. And of course, definitely talk with your doctor to be sure you don't have anything else affecting your libido. Good luck, and welcome!

I second that! I am wearing Bang! Today and let me tell you - I am one fine beast!

For sexy time if you want to get in the mood, my poonan gets purring when I wear BI or Sexpionage.

Weclome to LP!

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Another suggestion is to get a blend for your husband to wear to amp your libido, like Super Sexy for Men (and SUPER is a superb delivery system) or Wanted Man. Or, if you don't want him involved in pheromone use, wear a little yourself. SS4M is a good mood enhancer for women in addition to its sexual dimension.

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Wow! 2 Teens and your youngest in 2nd grade?You're splitting the bulk of your time between two worlds there. I have two kids one 18 & the other 13, I felt tired just reading your post ;)


I'd say you're starting out right by finding time for exercise, no phero can replace it or mimic that endorphin rush from it, so keep it up!


As for pheros, Based on my experience, I believe you should make a small investment in the following (adjusting of course for your budget)


Sexy- 2 OCCo trials (your scent preferences)


Social- Open Windows or Levitation phero (Lev. is OW with the added addition oh DHEAS)


Sexy- LFM or LFN (LFN is the sexier version)


Sexy- Blatant Invitation- You may still be able to grab the unscented version trial size off the Art Fire site. You can access that site by going to the "Gift Shop" on the LP perfume site and clicking on the "Going, Going Gone" link.


Sexy- LAM! Definitely get a trial in your preferred scent.


FYI. There is a new scent this month with Heart & Soul "Papal Purple" Grab a trial of that too. H&S is a very feminizing social but there is a dab of sexy to it you can also pair it with a dab of Copulins.


Just remember to be patient and enjoy the experimenting.


Just an FYI.. be careful about exposing your youngest to excessive phero amounts. It could be overstimulating. Also, don't let your teens use sexy pheros. I'd keep them out of reach like meds.

Edited by StacyK
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I like Luna's suggestion of having your man wear something for you... but definitely try some pheros for yourself, as well!


I always recommend trying the phero-enhanced perfumes in trial sizes first, before buying a full bottle... some of the ones I'd try are:


OCCO - get one or two samples to try, because cops are always a good thing

Bang! - this is available in Raspberry Rose Confite right now

Blatant Invitation - this is available in Petit Four Your Thoughts right now

SS4W (Super Sexy for Women) - is in Sneaky Clean or Rocket Fuel are permanent fragrances

LFM (La Femme Mystere) - this is available in La Sylphide right now

LFN (La Femme Noire) - this is available in Unbridled right now

Sexology - this is available in X Appeal right now

Sexpionage - is in Compromising Positions (another permanent fragrance)

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Thanks for all of the great feedback!!!! You're right StacyK, being tired is just a way of life. And I didn't even mention that 2 of them have mild special needs.


Looks like I will be spending some time in the trial size section, as well as the going,going,gone section....


If I don't want to overpower my man with the smell.... are there some of these recommended pheros that aren't too pungent?? I will try to get him to use some SS4M as well


Thanks again.

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I would check out the review threads for the ones you are interested in, as scent is so subjective. But Sneaky Clean and X Appeal are both very clean scents, almost soapy. And applying with a light hand always helps - just a few dabs here and there is enough, you don't need to slather (I tell myself that, but rarely listen, lol)

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The LAM line is very lightly scented, but still pack a punch.....you want to definitely look into those if you or your man are scent-sensitive.....

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Hello and welcome WantingMore! What can I say other than "See above! What THEY said!" Everyone is going to react to these pheromones differently of course. My man is not at all cooperative where wearing these things is concerned :( so it all falls on me I'm afraid. Open Windows is awesome, makes me feel UP and HAPPY, but for me, not at all a sexual phero in terms of self effects. DHEAS, awesome stuff. Addicted to it! It's my "Happy Bomb" when I am feeling down. Copulins don't do much for me in terms of self effects, but men do seem to sense something with them. As for wanting to get MYSELF in the mood, nothing that I have tried so far ( and I have more to try for sure) has given me self effects like Sexpionage. OMG!!!! Turns me into The Horned Harlot Sex Goddess!!! The only down side to this one that I can think of is when you use it and no matter what you do, they are just too tired to get down for it with you. I pray that Mara never gets rid of this stuff. I am menopausal and my formerly fiery libido is fizzling a bit and sometimes just needs a good kick start. For me, so far, Sexpionage is it. but really, the advice you have been given here is awesome. Try them out, experiment, play with them and above all, just have fun! :Emoticons0804:

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