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Hello everyone!


I'm new here, but not new to pheros. I've used pheros from other suppliers, and now want to try something here. :)


I am only getting one product, for now. My purpose is for that product to be a strong physical attractant of men, both to attract random men in a populated room, and also to make me attractive/sexually appealing to an individual man I might be dining with on a given evening. If I only got one product for that purpose, which would you recommend...and why, please? Key issues that are important to me are reliability of the product, and the specific performance in line with my purpose, e.g. how well it attracts.



Another question; what effects on men have users experienced from Aja? (not effects on the wearer, but effects on those people around the wearer, please. Sounds like an interesting new product but I'm not interested in it's scent or appeal to the wearer, only in it's effect on those around the wearer.)



Thanks everyone!

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I think I would go with SS4W or Gotcha. Either one of those would be good in both of hose situations, I think. I've had great success with men in general with SS4W and with my b/f in particular with Gotcha.


ETA: Where are my manners? WELCOME!!

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If you've used pheros before, do you know what molecules work well for you? Like I don't do well with a-nol, but I normally do really well with Est. I'm still working my way through all the pheros here myself, but I think information like that would help narrow it down. Some things just work better for some than they do for others!


I would definitely recommend trying out a few samples of phero-enhanced scents.

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Welcome! I would recommend Bang! or Gotcha. Definitely try some samples of the phero enhanced scents like it was suggested. you can get a feel for what works for you.


As for Aja, I only wore for scent and self effects--I'm selfish with my phero use, lol!--so I can't really comment on that, but here is the thread on it: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8759

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Hello everyone!


I'm new here, but not new to pheros. I've used pheros from other suppliers, and now want to try something here. :)


I am only getting one product, for now. My purpose is for that product to be a strong physical attractant of men, both to attract random men in a populated room, and also to make me attractive/sexually appealing to an individual man I might be dining with on a given evening. If I only got one product for that purpose, which would you recommend...and why, please? Key issues that are important to me are reliability of the product, and the specific performance in line with my purpose, e.g. how well



Thanks everyone!

Welcome :)


In response to that first question, there are a couple of LP Pheros that fit that bill but the ONE that comes to mind and would be my first recommendation is LAM (Like A Magnet). The name does not exaggerate.

I highly recommend checking out the review thread for it and any Phero/LP you are interested in.


The why, being from your wording, IMO that phero fits the description head on.

Edited by StacyK
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