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Hi! Nice to meet you! Pheromones and PDs?


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Hi! I have kind of an interesting question: has anyone tried pheromones on someone with a personality disorder?


I didn't know a darn thing about personality disorders until I stumbled on a description and recognized my soon-to-be ex, to a "t". First, personality disorders aren't like mental illnesses. They aren't medically treatable, or really very treatable at all, since they are basically self-developed coping mechanisms, not chemical disorders, and these people cause so much damage within relationships. Generally the only solution is to get O-U-T. Common personality disorders are Borderline (extreme attachment and control), Narcissistic (lack of empathy, manipulative in the extreme), and Histrionic (extreme need for attention, whether positive or negative).


In my case, we're talking Narcissist, and that means lack of empathy. After 25 years, there's a bit there, maybe, when he sees me as vulnerable and weak. Since we're going to be working out a divorce settlement (no kids, thank goodness), I need him to at least not feel threatened suspicious, and hostile, which is basically a Narcissist's default setting.


Anyone tried pheromones on someone with a personality disorder, or am I breaking new ground here?


I'm planning to get Empathy Potion (of course), although if it only works on me, I'm in trouble...I'll end up an empathetic puddle of mush. And LACE, to see if that brings out any protective qualities.


Any other ideas?

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One of my ex-husbands is narcissistic. EXTREMELY. But mine is different from your is that, if I appear vulnerable with him, he "goes in for the kill", so to speak. He is usually uncooperative and hostile (on a good day). UNLESS I wear Dominance. It takes him down a notch. Big time.


OH, and WELCOME!!!

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Welcome to the board. If you tend to get a lot of selfies then I would apply the pheros as far away from myself as possible. For example on my hands or the back of my neck.


Sorry I can't be of more help on the PD.

Edited by Honeycake
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I can't offer any advice on this topic. I hope that they do prove beneficial.

I use pheros all the time to steer circumstances and situations at work, including "difficult" or argumentative people. I suppose this could be similar in that respect. LFM could be helpful for that and worth considering.

Wish you the very best of luck!

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Hi Goddessinjapan,

This is actually my first time posting (but I'm a long time lurker). I felt compelled to respond, because I do have experience in this area.

The man I used to be involved with had a personality disorder. I discovered that things were dramatically better between us when I wore La Femme Mystere, or Cuddlebunny. It definitely brought out protective qualities in him, as well as his more gentle, sensitive side- he clearly was an est responder.

I'm sending many good thoughts to you; it's such a tough situation to deal with.

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Thanks for responses, everyone! I got the idea because I got a cheap vial of "pheromone" perfume in my Christmas stocking (I won't give the name, but its initials are Pure Instinct), and my soon-to-be-ex-husband gets noticeably nicer when I wear it. Can't wait to try with the real stuff! But I won't get my hopes up too far.

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Adorable kitties, Rose Blackthorn!


I have been very pleased with Customer Service so far, helping me to order when PayPal is being annoying.


Mage, I'll be sure to get samples of the ones you mentioned.


Believe it or not, my therapist says that maybe my S-T-B-ex husband might be one of those rare people who have Multiple Personality Disorder. Apparently it often co-occurs with NPD.


OOOOO....KKKKK...that'd be kind of a shock after 23 years together, but it would sure explain a whole lot of things.


Good news would be if some of those multiple personalities are responsive to pheromones, or even just nice perfume!! But I might have to buy out the whole store to check! But at least I'll smell really, really good.

Edited by Goddessinjapan
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Welcome looking forward to your reviews.


IMO pheros may help "manage" some people with issues but you are not going to change them.


For example I like EST and using my favorite EST heavy blend LFM I often get good results & selifies. So my recommendation would be for LFM. It will help bring out that result you are looking for, if possible, but it also Demands respect. It's really the best of both worlds.


Good luck.


Btw I don't know what's in Pure Instinct but a friend of mine wanted me to compare it to my LP pheros. I finally relented, I don't trust many phero co's, for good reason. But that's another topic.

I have to say I did get a couple of noticeable hits.

But I get more with my LPs. Also. and this is the big thing for me.. what's in it? When I tried to look it up online I got mixed results so that for me was a red flag. just FYI

Edited by StacyK
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welcome here! I don't know about the personality disorder part but I will second getting the pheros for you. It is a lot harder to attack you if you are feeling on top of the world and in control. If he needs to feel non threatened i would try Teddy BB.

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I'm a bit late here, but welcome!


The narcissistic personality is pretty much purely sociopathic. I know some sociopaths do seem to soften a bit with the feminine blends like Cuddle Bunny, but I'd also be a little wary. These people are always out to manipulate, control and dominate you in one way or another, as I'm sure you know. It's the only way the can operate. So while I'd try some feminine blends to soften him towards you a little, I'd be very wary about anything that might make him feel more superior in some way than he no doubt already does (they all do). I probably wouldn't go for Lace myself. It's a lovely feminine phero, but I think it might denote a level of softness and "feminine weakness" that could end up driving him to take advantage of you in some way. It might also make you feel a bit more vulnerable within yourself- it does that to me.


I also think using empathy potion on him might be like trying to catch a fish in a dry river bed. Or he might respond (against his natural inclination), and then get mad that he's feeling something that would probably be very unpleasant to him- as it would mean for a moment not everything in the world would be about him.


I'm wondering if you wouldn't do well with something like Teddy BB to put him at ease in a very natural way. It has nothing confrontational in it, so it shouldn't evoke any nastiness. It makes people feel comfortable and connected to you, kindly disposed towards you, and also encourages quiet respect. La Femme Mystere, as others have suggested, could be great too. Good luck to you, and congrats on getting this parasitic entity out of your life!

Edited by vladmyra
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<== look! I got a picture!


Responses are VERY helpful. Still using the cheap stuff while I wait for my order, but as StacyK said, it's pretty tough to know what's in it...probably not a whole lot of anything. But I'm getting some reaction there. Today he said, "you always smell so good...I can't believe we use the same shampoo". I said, "maybe you smell good, too, but I just don't tell you", LOL.


But anyway, no Rumplestiltskin fits as long as I wear it...and a horrid one the day I didn't, so that was enough research for me.


On a semi-related note, when my Love Potion order arrives, I plan to wear various types on the bus to see what reaction I get! Fun fun fun fun fun.


Vladmyra, I very much appreciate the heads-up on potential effects...makes sense to me, plus I won't persist if something seems to be causing a different result than others have reported. And parasitic entity is right.


And thanks for the suggestions! Sounds like I need to make another order with LFM, Teddy BB...

....what about Balm Bomb? Heart and Soul? Mother's Little Helper? Perfect Match?


I gotta be careful...the sum total of my worldly possessions fits into 6 suitcases, but I might have to add a seventh, all perfume!

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And thanks for the suggestions! Sounds like I need to make another order with LFM, Teddy BB...

....what about Balm Bomb? Heart and Soul? Mother's Little Helper? Perfect Match?



Teddy BB - YES!

BB - Hells YES!

H&S - YES!

MLH - Please report...I haven't tried it...so, um, YES!

PM - Absolutely YES!


Oh...and yes to the other suitcase for perfumes too :lol::heart:


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Welcome to the forum,both of you ...you have found the best place to be. :) No added advice,but enjoy the experimenting,as it is the only way to find what works for you and/or the situation.

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