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Crayons: Carbon Black


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Crayon Collection: Carbon Black

A shade so very dark, sexy and dangerous…a heart of lush mysterious black orchid enhanced by a blend of deep black Indian musks and "dirty" honey, draped with a velvety veil of oakmoss and powdered sugar…utterly seductive!




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

BLACK ORCHID ~ Strong love symbol; beauty, refinement, fertility, creativity, psychic powers.
Self-confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
BLACK HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.
OAK MOSS ~ Luck enhancing, financial success, protection, charity. Parental love.
POWDERED SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck,
and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.

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I'm with you, Honeycake. This sounds luscious! I have some scents with black orchid and adore them. I'm trying to remember if LV's Black Panther was black orchid. That is one awesome fragrance, so I'll be thrilled if the orchid is similar in Carbon Black.

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Black Orchid is less "FLOWERY" and less sweet than my usual, favorite orchid. Orchids have a very fleshy quality that works great with "skin" scents. They are almost more food than floral - they are edible flowers. The Black Orchid is less foody, though.

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Thanks Mara!



Black Orchid is less "FLOWERY" and less sweet than my usual, favorite orchid. Orchids have a very fleshy quality that works great with "skin" scents. They are almost more food than floral - they are edible flowers. The Black Orchid is less foody, though.


Just Ducky...this sounds sounds really deep and sensual. I know that honey and musk work with me so...I am definitely intrigued.


I'm with you, Honeycake. This sounds luscious! I have some scents with black orchid and adore them. I'm trying to remember if LV's Black Panther was black orchid. That is one awesome fragrance, so I'll be thrilled if the orchid is similar in Carbon Black.

Edited by Honeycake
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I should mention that to my nose, this is more black VELVET than rock hard, despite the imagery we've created. It's sinuous and has an almost romantic softness to it, thanks to the oak moss and powdered sugar notes.

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Orchid, Oakmoss, I think I'm going to love this. The black muck is my question mark. It often goes very "dry" smelling on me. I'm hoping the Oakmoss, sugar & honey change that. Overall this sounds great!


What is "Black Musk" ? More to the point what makes it "Black"? ...and are there different "Black Musks?

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What is "Black Musk" ? More to the point what makes it "Black"? ...and are there different "Black Musks?

It all depends on what is blended with it to create the musk/musk accord and there are different kinds depending on where it was created and by whom. it's usually named as such because it smells "dark."

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Ok. Thanks Luna. I love that it's not a one musk fits all approach. I'm looking forward to this one. :)

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Would there be a way to lighten up the dark musk? I know I am already going to smell like an enslaved ripe poonan because of the dirty honey but Luna's story convinced me that I need a bottle of for bedtime, so I can dream of diamonds. I am willing the notes to get along with me.

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That dark honey is just an accent, not a focal note, you may not even detect it.


Black musks are very resinous-styled, more incensey, more exotic than the typical. This one was created in India in the attar fashion.


I swear, this is more velvety than you are assuming.

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This one looks so intriguing, but sadly the dirty honey note makes it impossible for me. I'll be really interested to hear how it turns out for others though.


I'm with you! I've got my fingers crossed, but I know how honey usually plays out on me:(


And when I see "black orchid" listed as a note, I immediately want this because it makes me think of Dr. Who:)


So happy I decided to go with the sampler this month - I get to try them all:)

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Black Orchid is less "FLOWERY" and less sweet than my usual, favorite orchid. Orchids have a very fleshy quality that works great with "skin" scents. They are almost more food than floral - they are edible flowers. The Black Orchid is less foody, though.

Mara, I hate to make you repeat yourself, but just to be clear, would this be anything like the orchid in Dance of Passion? That orchid was lovely in the bottle, but it completely dominated once it mixed with mt PH.

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This was the first thing I pulled out when the package arrived. Those of you who like darker scents will love this. I'm an orchid ho, but the orchid in this is positively decadent. So rich and yes, velvety. I know some people interpret oak moss as powdery, but to me, it smells earthy, and that's how it reads in this, sexy and earthy. Powdered sugar keeps this from being too resiny. There is a hint of honey, just enough to give this a sexy skin scent. I can see myself wearing this with LFN.


But something else...in the first five minutes of this, I thought it smelled a bit masculine for me, so I grabbed my Marine and put some on him. O...M...G. This is so dark and sexy on him. My mind is in the gutter. Even he likes it. It does go a little sweet on him, but it works. So try it on your fellows, ladies!

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I agree that this is a very dark and decadent orchid. My initial pithy summation is: orchid attar. A dark resinous mysterious exotic scent with a floating velvety veil of orchid on top. I have about a dozen different types of orchid fragrance but I've never experienced anything like this (which is why I'm glad I got a bottle!).


This orchid grows in a lost city in the interior of a jungle. A city so secretive no one wants it to be found. A city whose origins are difficult to ascertain, as the ruins are somehow strangely familiar and yet...a place where even the cacophony of the jungle canopy falls eerily silent at times, as some creature flies or tracks or slithers through, leaving a soundless void in its wake. Where the orchids are black and not even the brightest slant of sunlight can refract off the matte petals...like velvet with blood-red stamen...and they are active at night, opening wide and releasing a scent which attracts any number of other living beings. The flowers communicate through scent, to smell these blooms is to learn something of their history...and to learn of their history is to feel so very small and alone in the dark of night, in the depths of the jungle, in a city which has been forgotten...but the orchids...they remember everything.

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Oh em gee I'm running to check the mailbox just to see if I've gotten my sampler in yet because none of my roommates have checked the mail in a while. I need to smell this naow.


Edit: Squeee! It was there! First thing I did was put some on and yummm. The first thing I smell is actually the honey. Wet on my skin is this decadent honey - musky - orchid scent which is sinful and oh soo good. I need bottles of this.

Edited by Cheshire Kitten
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Dark feminine sexy scent!


Incredibly rich dark fleshy orchid. The orchid is not similar to any LP orchid or other orchid scent I have owned--this is beautifully deep and fleshy (not foody). The orchid note predominates the scent. Out of the vial and first applied it was very intense. The orchid though does soften after a few minutes to a deeper scent.


For those worried about the honey, I can't pick out any honey notes on me. I also don't get any of the sugar.


The black musk melds wonderfully with the dark fleshy orchid. I think those that like deep rich scents will enjoy this. I am definitely ordering a FB. Lots of time I order scents I love in both spray and oil form, however, I think I am sticking to oil for this. The oil form melds so nicely with this scent.

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LUNA! :swoon:


I know orchid seems to like my chemistry - I'm completely intrigued by these reviews!!

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Thanks all! :) My love of H. Rider Haggard is showing a bit (and Michael Crichton's Congo).


Incredibly rich dark fleshy orchid.

Now see, I agree with Mara in that this orchid is not fleshy, it has a more delicate quality to it. The black musk and honey are, to my nose, what lend it body in this construction.

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I get a more delicate orchid and scent in general, as well.


At first my skin seems to pull the honey out more, and then it recedes and becomes more of the sugar and oakmoss with the orchid floating delicately in the background, and then finally it becomes this gorgeous orchid musk skin scent. Like at first application I'm thrown into the throes of passion of a darkly delicate wild thing, which is the honey stage, and then sweetens into the afterglow of the sugar and oakmoss, and afterwards is lying languidly in black sheets covered in crushed orchid petals. With how soft the orchid is on me I imagine more black lace than black velvet, but either way Mara did an incredible job on this one.

I think I may have found a signature scent with this one!

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I get a more delicate orchid and scent in general, as well.


At first my skin seems to pull the honey out more, and then it recedes and becomes more of the sugar and oakmoss with the orchid floating delicately in the background, and then finally it becomes this gorgeous orchid musk skin scent. Like at first application I'm thrown into the throes of passion of a darkly delicate wild thing, which is the honey stage, and then sweetens into the afterglow of the sugar and oakmoss, and afterwards is lying languidly in black sheets covered in crushed orchid petals. With how soft the orchid is on me I imagine more black lace than black velvet, but either way Mara did an incredible job on this one.

I think I may have found a signature scent with this one!

That's what I wanted to hear! :) A soft orchid with lots of sugar and oakmoss. Yumm


Also, that was really good Luna. :) Thanks for that.

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The long drydown on me is a soft orchid-honey. Mmmm.


The entire time I've been wearing this the scent is really elusive and coy. Whenever I try to smell it off of my skin I can hardly smell anything, but when I give up I get these delicious wafts of scent that I can't follow.

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Luna that was amazing... so naturally this was the first one I pulled out of my crayon box.. and this is the scent of a woman who does not give a fuck.. she does not need to give a fuck because the fuck comes to her ALWAYS - this is a dead ass sexy scent. This on me is very earthy and dark. It smells very natural to me, almost like my body is producing diamonds out of coal. I think I am amping something that smells almost like wood smoke or the scent of something that would scare me... but it's kind of inviting at the same time. Normally I do not go for scents like this, but there is something very comforting and familiar to me about this scent. It's almost like if I were Tombraider by day, and Mrs. Smith by night. This scent is all sexy and all confidence. I mean you do not get any sexier or confident than this. I read this as sexy because the scent is really intoxicating and I keep smelling my arm to see what is so sexy about it. It traps you. It smells like danger. Danger and sex. You know who would DIE over this?? Therapy Girl. As soon as I smelled this, I said in my head.. TG is going to cream her pants.

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oh mannnnnn so close. I can almost do this but just not quite. I get a ton of orchid wet -- a dense fat creamy fleshy orchid that you could MILK -- and I love its foodiness -- but that black musk just kills it on me. I did slather a ton of LP O elsewhere and rub it all together to add that LP O candy nom to it and that helped.

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It smells very natural to me, almost like my body is producing diamonds out of coal.

...and which orifice is responsible? :lol:

But yeah I agree with Mara's perception that there's something sexy and dangerous about this one.

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...and which orifice is responsible? :lol:

But yeah I agree with Mara's perception that there's something sexy and dangerous about this one.


LOL well I do happen to call my snatch " The Diamond Cave of Cock "

There's something totally danger sexy about this. WORD TO THE MARA.

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Well I've had this on for 5 min and I have to say ...

I LOVE it!!! I'm Rita Hayworth, Lauren Bacall & Marilyn (when she'd show up in that tight black dress).

Old school. sexy, classic and a bit exotic. Those are the adjectives I'd used to describe this. Wet, it's perfumy.. the resins and musk are notable. At the almost immediate dry-down it becomes a velvety soft, siren scent. A bit mysterious. this would be great with LFM or LFN. It's all WOMAN!

The kind of woman you don't fuck with, because she's so much smarter than you!

She rather be living her life .. being fabulous, but, if you bore her she'll glance at her watch, because really....there's someone who could be appreciating her far more...and they are probably just around the next corner, so no worries. You better count your blessings and mind your Ps & Qs buddy..

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