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Jennifer's Siamese Cloud

Black Cat

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First of all, I just want to pause and admire the label again. I cannot believe the trouble Mara goes to with the art for these!


This is just a preliminary report, since I want to set this aside and give it some time to mellow and recover from it's cross-country journey.


So the notes I asked for were white musk, lavender, buttercream and wood smoke. The intent for this was to be a sleep scent, rather than an out-and-about-town scent.


Wet on my skin I get an almost medicinal blast with the lavender, which reminded me of Tickle Tickle, which kind of freaked me out because I could not get that one to work for me. But it settles down almost immediately and becomes something very different.


The overwhelming impression of this that I get is coolness. It's hard to pick out individual notes, especially the woodsmoke. Instead, it's a very pillowy clean soft subtle soothing scent that rides very close to the skin.


As far as intent goes -- home run! I spritzed this on my pillow and the hem of my sheet last night and I had an amazing night's sleep! And I noticed when I put a little on my hand to refresh my memory in order to get the review thread started -- every time I inhale I can feel myself relaxing and calming down emotionally. I thought Sweet Dreams and Comfort Potion was potent, but I think, for me, Siamese Cloud has it beat! Definitely do not wear this if you are planning to operate heavy machinery!


It's kind of perfect as essence of Siamese, now that I think of it: elusive, hard to capture or nail down, now you see it now you don't!


As I said, I want to set this aside for a few days and let it really settle down before trying again. I'll be interested to see if the creamy and smoky elements get more noticeable. But I am pleased and encouraged by the preliminary trial!

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Aww, Halo, I'm sad it didn't work for you but I know exactly what you mean about a particular note that you just can't do.


And yes, Ravenwing, if you are interested, there are still bottles to be claimed in the Private Editions for March thread!


So despite my talk of setting this aside, I just spritzed it all over myself after getting out of the bath after work! It's definitely growing on me -- it's interesting, there is an almost minty note I get once it settles down. I have a feeling this is going to be gorgeously refreshing in hot weather!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got two lavender scents this last order and they both reminded me of other things I love. This, I think, has the same lavender as Fuzzy Wuzzy, I'm finding it very similar. The smoke note doesn't really register on me unless it's really stromg so I don't get that.

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This definitely isn't the lavender from Fuzzy Wuzzy. That one was in Body Paint and Angela's Purple Pastry. This one is closest to Tickle Tickle. It's got the same camphorous kick in the beginning.

Fuzzy Wuzzy has a really menthol-y vicks smell to me in the initial stages. I haven't sniffed either BP or APP though. I'll try a side by side comparison soon, and see if I'm imagining the similarity.

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  • 1 month later...

Vladmyra, I've been meaning to revisit this one, thanks for reminding me!!


It is almost worth it for the label alone -- Mara's labels are always amazing but I feel she outdid herself on this one!


So. Siamese Cloud. There is no denying that (for me anyway) this one goes on very medicinal.... but as it has aged it morphs through that stage even faster for me, and the buttercream is starting to come out thicker and creamier. It goes from bright menthol to a soft clean skin musk with a lovely creamy texture.


AND -- more importantly -- this has become my go-to sleep aid. I don't suffer from insomnia as a primary problem, so I can't speak to how it would work for that, but I do have a number of sleep issues right now related to severe stress. This has the most soothing properties. If I put it on when I get into bed, it quiets my nerves and I'm able to relax and unwind better, to be calm enough to turn off the TV and just read (instead of needing two sources of input to calm my brain down enough to stop thinking) and I generally fall asleep as soon as I turn out the lights (nights I don't pick this one I find myself doing more staring into the darkness thinking REALLY hard -- so not a good idea!). I sleep deeply, and I wake up feeling rested and refreshed.


One of the things I've been doing since I have other scents I love to smell on myself at night is to spritz my pillow with Siamese Cloud so I at least have it working for me when my head hits the pillow. I'm going to have to order another spray because I'm really working my way through mine.


All I can say is, be careful when you ask Mara to craft with intent because wow! She really works magic.

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Now you really made me want one. I loved the look of all the notes in this, but was a bit scared of the medicinal lavender, however it sounds like that's mellowing with age. I totally agree- Mara's intent potions are powerful. I've had some great experiences with the spell potions I picked up from last year's collection.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to Halo, I finally got to try this. It's wonderful! The initial jab of lavender lasts about five seconds and then it morphs into this CLOUD (there's just no better word for it) of soft comfort as the other notes weave in. I've never been able to describe a fragrance as "welcoming" before, but this about sums it up. It slowly wraps around you and envelops you in this soft, downy cloud of relaxation and carries you off to a warm, dreamy place you never want to leave. I slept so well last night wearing this!


I am so happy I was able to nab a FB. BC, you done good! Very very good! :Goingtobed-1:

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Oh, yay, Ducky, I'm so glad it's working for you too! And that's the best emoticon I've seen yet!

I keep meaning to add, Mara has posted the exact notes on Artfire, which make the yumminess even more clear: "French lavender over velvety notes of vanilla, white musk and powdered sugar. A touch of fluffy buttercream and a few drops of woodsmoke complete the dreamy snugly kitty picture."


I'm pulling this one out tonight for sure.

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As I am heading over to Artfire to order ANOTHER bottle, I realized I had not yet reviewed. Blackcat, I love this. At first I thought the lavender was going to be a much like Tickle Tickle (which sits unused), but on me the lavender so very quickly mellows and I am left with that fat comforting cloud. I really like what the tiny bit of woodsmoke adds. I know it sounds odd, but for me it adds a wispiness. I can certainly attest to the intent. With this fat kitty cloud I immediately feel the relaxation and it works for really restful night. I've used almost 3/4 of my first bottle.

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  • 5 months later...

I got this as a gift to myself for Christmas and am SOooooo glad that I did, a new item in my lavender collection! I love the label, adorable :)


I did not get the pointy or strong lavender when first applied, or when dried down, on me it's the soft lavender and agree on the cloud of relaxation that surrounds me. I didn't detect much of the woodsmoke but am going to slather it a bit more. It's a very comforting light scent on me, and hoping for some tranquility as I'm at work today with my lovely co-workers.

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  • 7 months later...

I got a sniffie of this and am so happy about it! It has a lot of what I liked about Beautiful Dreamer but it's smokier and muskier, not as heavily vanilla, on me. On application the lavender was just fresh but as I loaded this page to read the notes I noticed the tiniest medicinal hint. I, too, was scared; like Blackcat I couldn't get on with Tickle, Tickle. Well, as soon as I had read through that part or Blackcat's review the medicinal quality settled and the lavender was perfect. I love how the woodsmoke works in this and I might like it even better than Beautiful Dreamer.


Thank you, Blackcat, for the idea, and PM for the creation and sniffie!

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  • 4 months later...

I received a sniffie of this one a while back...


The overwhelming impression of this that I get is coolness. It's hard to pick out individual notes, especially the woodsmoke. Instead, it's a very pillowy clean soft subtle soothing scent that rides very close to the skin.

Yeah in that way it reminds me of Xuehua Xing, it's fluffy but cool. I mainly get the white musk but it's not too pointy.

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This remains a pillowy fluff of coolness, but I've noticed recently that in the long drydown I am now getting the other notes much more distinctly -- about 5 or 6 hours in, the woodsmoke is stronger and the creaminess really starts to bloom. Magic!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why did I not snag this sooner?? Recent reviews made me make a panic order of one of the very few remaining bottles on Etsy and I'm SO happy to have this. Like amyrose I don't get any medicinal aspect at all (aging, maybe?) - it is a fluffy, almost creamy soft lavender. I don't really pick out the buttercream (it seems to mostly spend itself sweetening and fattening the lavender), the smoke (but I wore it for sleep and by the am it was gone so I didn't get to catch it in the late drydown that Blackcat mentions), or even the white musk (but it must be lending the cool powdery fluffiness).... you know how we talk about how some LPs just suit us so well that we feel like we could almost say, "oh this? I just naturally smell like this" :) -- this PE is as if lavender were a person and said that. Love


ETA needless to say this produces long and deep quality sleep. Has done, for 3 nights in a row

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Oh, Tyvey, what a great review!! I am so glad you like it. And SJM, good to see you, my dear!


Now I am off to check my hoard and make sure I don't need to grab one of those remaining bottles on Etsy!

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