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Flying with Pheros

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I've seen it mentioned a couple of times when reading other topics, but haven't found a topic dedicated to this one. When traveling via flight, which pheros do you find most beneficial?

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Thank you Luna! I remembered reading stories of helpful pheros, but couldn't remember which ones.

Also remembered one person mentioning they were delayed by a security person with DIHL while they prolonged her time getting checked. I kind of had to chuckle because I tend to get checked often and thought nooooo, let's speed things up.


Thank you again for your suggestions!

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Like Luna said the socials are great for flying. I like OW, TH, H&Soul ect. I have also used LFM (great for encouraging people to be courteous). Something relaxing/comforting like Teddy BB or Hearts Ease is nice too.

IMO the only thing that'd be out would be stronger sexual blends like BI, Sexpinoage ect.

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Also remembered one person mentioning they were delayed by a security person with DIHL while they prolonged her time getting checked.

That was probably Shelly B, who was fond of pherobombing people most of the time.

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I see what Luna, StacyK and Eggers mean with the socials being the way to go.


I've got a few weeks before lift off, so I'll have time to experiment with which of those will work best with my chemistry. I always get tense when going through security. It still makes me uncomfortable when they take things out of my sight and rifle through it. Sometimes they wait until I'm there and go through it with me, but that hasn't happened every time. I try to keep things of value in pockets when traveling, so until I can get to the other side and make sure everything is still in the various pockets then I don't relax. Guess I have too many friends in the security field and hear just enough stories to be paranoid. :Emoticons04280:

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That was probably Shelly B, who was fond of pherobombing people most of the time.



I remember it being someone who seems to be in the same threads I read a lot ... and Shelly is often in the ones I read. So, could be.

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