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So, I'm really curious about the est pheramone and cuddle especially cause it has some copulins too but I'm not sure if i should get it yet. I don't have a bf and I don't really want to manipulate people into being attracted to me by a "natural" scent that isn't really my own but I still am really curious. I'm not sure if the scented cuddle bunny rebrew is still in stock but I know the unscented one is. Considering that I already have alot of perfume ,I'm thinking of getting the unsceted anyway so I could merge with all my other scents but does the scented cuddle bunny go well with every other scent too? does it over power it? I am really excited about this and it doesnt seem as much of a stinky scent as straight eow from what I've read which might be a bit too much for my intentions right now..

Edited by ivy_fiddlefox
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I will say this about the unscented CB...remember that it's different from the formulation which Ail came up with for the scented version. There's a bit of a resemblance between CB unscented and the Super Sexy formula, they're both very intense. My experience with the original CB is that it has a more gentle feel to it while still providing the attraction factor; but the unscented CB mix adds a very sort of intoxicating edge to the whole thing.


But while both CB blends can make you feel good (the cops help with that) as well as others who come in contact with you, I would say that the primary intent is sexual...though the experts probably have a more informed opinion (as I'm speaking from my experience only).

Edited by luna65
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I will say this about the unscented CB...remember that it's different from the formulation which Ail came up with for the scented version. There's a bit of a resemblance between CB unscented and the Super Sexy formula, they're both very intense. My experience with the original CB is that it has a more gentle feel to it while still providing the attraction factor; but the unscented CB mix adds a very sort of intoxicating edge to the whole thing.


But while both CB blends can make you feel good (the cops help with that) as well as others who comes in contact with you, I would say that the primary intent is sexual...though the experts probably have a more informed opinion (as I'm speaking from my experience only).


thanks, I still plan on getting some eaither way lol

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