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Mad Scientist Seduces Easter Bunny

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The Easter Bunny came this weekend..

Started out Friday night with phero combo/lollipops of both Cuddle Bunny and Sneaky Clean and a smidgen of Phero Girl and finished up with swipes of Sneaky Clean and CB on throat and wrists...I was lucky he eventually ran out of jelly beans so I was able to get the ham baked in time for dinner today, lol.


Evidently you all have given me some wicked experimental ideas here at LPMP and I went with it....

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Yep. Sure was awesome, lol! I figured since straight up Cuddle Bunny makes me a tad weepy, if I mixed it with the SS4W in Sneaky Clean and a smidgen of Phero Girl, I might get a similar mixture to BANG (which I'm adding to my UN list, he he)....worked for me....


Had to take some ibupofron 2nite and now hubby and I are lying in bed with heating pads and hot water bottles, reading, lol. Gonna give it a rest for a bit....

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SS4W with some CB is a good combo. I've used it often. SS4w doesn't do much for me on it's own.

You get something close to Bang when you add the CB.

Bang is really good.

Sounds like you had fun!

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Also just want to say thank you to LPMP and everyone here......this was just what my husband and I needed to kick things up a notch. I love to see how the pheromones have helped even out things.....I'm finding myself more "content" and staying on task in terms of following thru on stuff (cooking/cleaning - must be the est in CB) and I notice that my husband in general just seemed more perky....did a lot of yard work over the weekend, but also a slight swagger going on.


I do think I will reserve the CB/SC combo tho for behind closed doors as I find it to be very potent...I'm not so worried about how others will respond, as I am in control, but could easily get burnt out and, I need to give my husband (who's 71) a break. So, it's back to Cougar Potion and LP Pink for me til next playtime with husband. Love the Cougar. Can wear it everywhere and feel like a million bucks.


Thank Goddess I just recently got the e-mail from stamps saying my new order from LPMP will be here soon which includes scented Cougar Potion cuz I'm down to my last drop of CP. I also ordered a 221B (love Tonka bean) sample as well as Anthea, Compromising Positions with Sexpiogage., Babe in the Woods, and Gypsum White with Lace....Should be interesting, eh?



I think that Sneaky Clean with SS4W by itself is o.k. but you're right, it doesn't give that BANG quality that happens when ya add CB lol. However, I did notice the Deer in Headlights (do you know how long it took me to figure out what DIHL meant?) with SS4W when I was at a lecture with colleagues and the lecturer prior to the talk just sat there and stared at me across the room for a good 15 minutes. Also, another gentleman turned around and gave me this ga ga look and another male colleague was very warm and caring that evening....come to think of it...so weren't the women...more upbeat, jovial.


I've also observed the DIHL effect with CP, but more generally, "everybody's happy/sparkly" kind of way...And, it occurs to me I probably should be rambling on another thread.....


xo :ballerina: ( I just discovered/figured out the emoticon thingies. I've also been listening to too much Van Morrison (Ballerina) lately, he he).

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Wow sounds awesome! and glad you are having such great luck with your hubby and pheros. I love SS4W, and I also have UN Bang in roll in which I really like too. I will have to try out the SS4W with CB really soon. Maybe Ill try it tonight while I hang out with a couple of guy friends. Hehe. I have CB in Cuddle Bunny 2009 sample vial, and I have SS4W in the sample dropper vial. This will be fun :)

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Hi, Arielk! Not sure what the exact proportion of the phero mixtures are in BANG, but as StacyK mentioned in this thread, the combo of CB and SC are something akin to BANG which is why I mixed it together.the CB is balancing it all out somehow cuz I'm being so NICE to my husband, and making sure he's well taken care of dinner, clothes, house just so...like when we were first married, and I'm not getting annoyed with little things....AND..If I was of reproductive age (went thru menopause 7 yrs. ago) I'd probablly be pregnant again....cuz the CB seems to drum up that old nesting feeling I had when we conceived our children many years ago (youngest is 20)....hmmmm....Little old feminist me better not be turning into some sort of dam Stepford Wife, hahahaha.


Which brings me to the topic of my latest LPMP order. My daughter and her boyfriend were on their way to the beach today and I asked her to stop by the Post Office to check and see if it had come in as I pretty much knew it would be here today or 2maro. Well, she texted me that it hadn't and went on her merry way. Then when I checked the tracking thingie online I see that it was delivered this am at 10:21. Busted! That Brat deprived me of my fragrance/phero fix.....lol! Oh well, I'll just have to wait til morning to go get it. But now there will be NO SHARING of my stash with her.....From my first order I've only let her try LP Pink so far anyways.


Good luck with the CB/SC test drive! I was using the test/sample vials as well....I've managed to get a lot of mileage out of the Women's Sampler Kit, he he.

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Do the exact same thing to her the next time she asks for a favor. Which I assume will be soon. ;)

Like when she wants her BF to stay over or eat over or ect... :666:


Turnabout is FairPlay


..and remind her that outright lying reduces her all around credibility.


oh and in reference to your EST comment.. yes EST can make you bouncy and perky or it can give you that "nesting" cuddly femme vibe lol.

I enjoy EST based blends but there is no phero on Earth that would convince me to have another kid. 2 is good for me. :lol:

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For sure, StacyK....I loved da bebes, but now that they are all growed up I am SO done with that stage of my life, lol! Tho, I think perhaps it might pay for the youngins out there (those of you in your child bearing years) to make sure you don't let the pheronomes get your head in such a place as to forget what birth control is. I can see how that could happen.

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Maybe I should start wearing DOM or Leather.....I'm just afraid I'd be over the top meanass if I wore that cuz I already can be that, home and business wise, lol.


Then when I checked the tracking thingie online I see that it was delivered this am at 10:21. Busted! That Brat deprived me of my fragrance/phero fix.....lol!


Leather is Dom with Est, so maybe try that one first ^_^ I honestly used to think Dom would make me too hard but it has never worn on me that way. Mostly behaves as confident, focused, get things done kind of blend :)


And maybe they were at the post before 10:21? Or before they had the chance to sort it for delivery/pick up? What ever happened to the benefit of the doubt? :D But we all know how hard it is to wait for LPs! :lol:

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Yes, you were right....the package had not been sorted yet as the Postman at the window told me when I went in. He knows how I wait like a hawk for my stuff, lol. So now I know that when the tracking info says delivered to the P.O. at a certain time, the guys still have to sort thru all the boxes and it can take some time. The "kids" were there right around lunch time when they actually close the window for lunch, so it was not sorted until a couple of hours later....so she's off the hook, lol.

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