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New Releases for JUNE 2014

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This month we have a very special set: 11 Ltd Ed Love Potion Variants for women, (5 of them Phero Enhanced), featuring the artwork of the amazing Echo Chernik!


I met Echo at the Portland Comicon earlier this year, and was of course instantly drawn to her gorgeous Art Nouveau style - especially because she paints these luscious women decadently covered in yummy foodstuffs. A match made in LP Heaven, and Echo agreed!


I purchased 4 large prints from her that day that are currently adorning the walls of my brewing room. (3 of them are featured on the labels.) If you adore her work as much as I do, I encourage you to go take a look at her website and see all the stunning images she has on offer. www.EchoChernik.com


I matched Echo's images with the type of scent I created...so, pretty much, if you can see what kind of delicacy she is highlighting in her images, along with my titles, you should be able to guess what the scent will be like. I plan to have these up and orderable the first weekend of June. Until then... have fun with your speculations! :D



Love Potion®: Tropique

Enhanced w/ EoW Copulins



Love Potion®: Incandescence

Pheromone Enhanced w/ Bang!



Love Potion®: Terra Mater

Pheromone Enhanced w/ Treasured Hearts



Love Potion®: Rouge

Pheromone Enhanced w/ La Femme Mystere



Love Potion®: Fraise Citron



Love Potion®: Exotica



Love Potion®: Ceremony



Love Potion®: Latte



Love Potion®: Flutterby

Pheromone Enhanced w/ Heart & Soul



Love Potion®: Blue



Love Potion®: Bittersweet



PS: We're using the shiny laser labels for this set, and the pouch they will come in is extra special too!

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Trust me, this is one of the most awesomely created themes in the history of LPMP...I predict mass hysteria once you all get to see the descriptions.

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Omg! Omg! Omg! This makes me SO HAPPY! Full bottle set, I will get it one way or another :) Ok, so Love Potion: Ceremony as in a Japanese tea ceremony? I'm going to speculate notes of green tea, this one will be elegant & refined...will eta with other specs as I'm a slow typist...

Love Potion: Rouge is the traditional LP Red. I see a pumpkin on the Terra Mater label...

Spices on the LP: Exotica label, hmm. LP:Bittersweet will have notes of dark chocolate, but I think an elementary student could guess that, lol. LP: Blue is throwing me though, I see an ice cream sundae AND a glass of red wine on the label? All this artwork is absolutely gorgeous.

Edited by Beccah
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OMG!! I think this is going to be the best month ever! Sampler for sure!

Incandescence is made for LadyV and Hearts!! Those cupcakes ;)

I'm super excited about LP Blue!! And curious about LP Rouge. Love the Flutterby label!

Echo is awesome - off to check out her work!

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What a lovely surprise! I've not actually tried LP original yet (I know, still), so this would be a great time for me to actually get a sampler. The Terra Mater label is calling to me in particular. Echo's style is bold!

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Dammit, MARA!! This was to be a NO BUY MONTH!! You did LP BLUE!! Those *labels*!!

You know I'm in LOVE with the artwork... gah! I might have to beg my sweetie for an early BD present!

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Ok, I actually teared up at the spectaculousness :cry: this is more than a girl can bear. I'm going to need some time to process this marvelosity!!!! :2403: 11 LP Variants with 5 phero enhanced - I can't stand it y'all...I CAN'T!!!




ETA: a YouTube video, hope it plays, replace the guinea pigs with Love Potions :perfume:


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Luna, I'm guessing less than 25% of us will get that joke...Echo had to explain it to me!...yet you laughed RIGHT AWAY when I first told you about that series of hers!

What can I say, I'm a geek. ;)

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Thankfully this dude's not on a label. He would "follow" me kinda like Ms. Sex & Violins Bolero Jacket does everytime I walk into my closet. I am but her bitch.

Edited by LoveStruck55
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LOL, HPL would likely be ranting in the Dark Reaches Beyond at such a portrayal. I mean, did one of the Old Ones lend a tentacle there, or what?!



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Anyone for Sugared Octopussy? Actually this kinda looks like it might be somewhat enjoyable.

(It doesn't look like she's having to do much of the work - if ya get what I'm sayin')

Edited by LoveStruck55
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LOL, HPL would likely be ranting in the Dark Reaches Beyond at such a portrayal. I mean, did one of the Old Ones lend a tentacle there, or what?!



OMG how would you like THIS poster hanging over you. I can't look a waaay.

I think he was a descendant of Edgar Allen Poe or something. That would make a lot of sense.

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You mean in a literary way? Poe's career was far more varied in my estimation than Lovecraft's.

Materially, HPL was descended from near-aristocracy, whereas Poe's origins were much more working-class.

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You know, all these dark Cthonic (did I say that right?) art pieces juxtaposed next to...say, luna's TrevorBunny and LoveStruck's sweet truck? My face is hurting from giggling! I was screaming about the octopus disciple! CUUUUUTE!!!



octopus.gifoctopus.gifoctopus.gif :heart:

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Yeah I phrased that totally wrong. If I remember correctly (remember being the operative word here - it's been awhile) he was heavily influenced by Poe, Hawthorne and some of those others who dabbled in that clandestine, dark, goth genre back in those days. He was one of "those guys" figuratively speaking, rather than an actual descendant. I didn't remember that he was near-aristocracy... I'll have to reconnect to my college journals :smiley-char145: as if I need something ELSE to make me feel old these days! (blows dust off college footlocker, checking closely for dead spiders)

Edited by LoveStruck55
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