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Love Potion: Blue

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Some of you may get what I mean when I say that it's sort of a female version of SUPER for Men (not feminine, but female). The notes don't correspond exactly one-to-one of course, but it has nearly the same aura to me. And I do totally get the blue sugar topnote on this and it sticks around even after drydown, it is fabulous. Everything blends together fairly well but I think the tobacco stands out the most, just like it does in SUPER.

I am THRILLED to read this because, I'm a bit ashamed to admit, I've actually wondered if I could 'get away' with wearing Super (I bought it for HB but OMG I quickly discovered I love it.) I know wearing the male pheros in it is probably not wise, but I love the way it smells on ME. I actually ordered this along with Occo Blue as suggested so I can't WAIT to dig into this one. I can't match Luna's squee but I can sure hyperventilate in anticipation.
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I wouldn't wear SUPER in public, but I have worn UN (I said that on some other thread, I think) but yeah, this is the answer to that desire, although I would still wear the others because I do enjoy wearing men's scents but this does what it says on the tin: girly boysmell.

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That got a huge laugh from John and me. baha!!

Gods! Me, too!!!


... this does what it says on the tin: girly boysmell.


OH, YAY-YUH!!! I love zee LP: Blue. :heart:Love love LOVE. :heart: Did I say LOVE? I love boysmell--LP has taught me that. Besides, any of Mara's creations with Tonka make me damp in the right spot. B) Tonka and I are developing a history. Heh.


So on me, I can wear this anywhere, any time. It's exactly what I was hoping it would be. Nicely unisex. Nicely unisexy. When I first snoofed it in the vial and then on my skin it was all eye-rolling pleasure. I've worn it twice now, and thus far all the notes blend into a wonderful orgasm of scent. I am amping neither leather, honey, nor spices, but they're all in there playing very nicely with each other. It's just all so GOOD together!!!


I'm sorry I can't be more eloquent with this one. It's partial brain-deadness from a long working weekend, and the rest is just that...that I just... GAH! I LOVE LP: BLUE!!!

*runs off cackling and skipping*


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I wasn't sure what to expect from this one, but it is really something! I am getting the leather and woods most strongly and it is a powerfully sexy combo. No maple so far on me, which is a plus. This reminds me quite a bit of Unseelie -- that wild fey hufffability factor!


This may have definitively moved from the "I can probably live with my sample" to "I best order a full bottle and make sure I have it on my person at all times" list!

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This is totally "boy smell" as Luna says. I'm thinking about this one for awhile. it's needs to sit on my skin.


QG forget the label a man can wear this and wear it well.


It's like a PG rated Balls IMO.

I want a soft, cotton, white button down shirt with an uber-soft pair of Levi's or shorts and painted nails.


This is a scent a girl could spray on her body pillow! :lol:

This would be soooo great with some B2 or Teddy BB.


In the dry down I'm getting Tobacco, Leather & woods. Everything else is softly floating at the base... in the background. Nice.

Edited by StacyK
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I just got back in town Monday and my LP box arrived within an hour of getting home... talk about yer perfect timing!


I have to agree with Luna on this one... this is girly boysmell (not to be confused with Schwartzenegger's "girlyman" mind you)



Mara outdid herself this month... I sat there with my little box and opened every single bottle and loved 10 out of 11 (and the 11th one is a very strong 'like') Even "right out of the box" they smelled awesome. I passed out from travel exhaustion and bliss over my homecoming prezzy...two hours later I got up, slathered on LP Blue w/ OCCO Blue and rocked the house.


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It's a nice unisex at the start, a little reminiscent of teddy potion scented, then bam!!! What I now realise must be leather comes on in with his cod piece and thrusts in my face. Aaaaargh. Back off buddy!! You ruined a perfectly good scent for me.

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Anything with blue musk is a win for me, and this is no exception. I was actually surprised at smelling it wet because it seemed heavier on the patchouli than anything else, but after about a minute or so that changes on my skin to a wonderful sheer veil of blue musk over the original LP notes and leather! I'd forgotten there was leather in this so it was really a pleasant surprise. The leather gives the entire blend a "cooler" feeling. I don't think I own anything in my entire collection of 1000+ perfumes that has blue musk and leather in the same bottle. Of course now that Miss (oh I'm sorry, Mrs. as she lets everyone know) Department Store Perfume Abuser waltzed in I'm having trouble smelling it to take the notes apart further. But it's definitely a keeper.

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This smells sooo good! I can't pick out any of the notes individually but it's definitely boy smell that I would wear. It's not completely masculine or anything.. Unfortunately it's giving me a head ache. How can something that smells good give me a headache?! Meh!

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This is one of few LPS that feel truly unisex to me, at least in the sense that *i* am willing to smell like it but also think it works great for guys. :) You know who would wear this? Bradley cooper's limitless character when he's in those suits and killing me with those eyes.


All LPs are obviously different but this is more different than most :) It is thick and translucent and most definitely blue, a turquoise water blue. It has a really specific personality. It feels assertive and confident and very self-assured but in a silent way, not peacocking but just being there being the shit and not having to bludgeon anyone into thinking so. It has that authenticity and clarity. It feels very "grounded" to me somehow.

Edited by tyvey
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So, honestly.. I wasn't sure this was going to work on me. I wasn't getting the vibe from reviews that I would love it, and when I got my box of goodies on Monday, I sniffed it and set it aside. Well, tonight I decided to dab some on. OMG. This may end up being my only FB (until I can afford more of the others, lol)

It is deep and rich.. mostly patch, honey and spices on me. The leather, tobacco, and amber are in there, but not as prominent. It *totally* reminds me of a fall scent from another perfumerie. So far, though, this one is behaving nicely, whereas the other one would end up smelling like band-aids on me.

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Wearing this today, it's so hard to pin down and review!! The leather is super-strong on my skin, which is fine. Combined with the tobacco it's a dry, hot vibe. That might also be the spices, although I don't detect them at all. The musk is verging on vanilla, but not. The apricot almost has a cherry feel to it. I don't feel the patch at all...which is perfect! It's blended in so subtly that there is no hippy vibe at all.


This is the first of this month's Love Potions that I've tried. It definitely has a good place at the top!! We'll see if anything tops it!!

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Sadly I have to say this was at the bottom of my list of loves for the month. I do like the way it smells, it's just a little too masculine on me. I'm not an overly girly-girl anyway, so I need my perfume to feel definitely feminine. I'll probably finish out my sample by layering it with some Pure Sugar.


But I need to know - WHAT does this remind me of??? It is definitely similar to another LP, but I just can't put my finger (nose? lol) on it - it is driving me crazy!!!

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But I need to know - WHAT does this remind me of??? It is definitely similar to another LP, but I just can't put my finger (nose? lol) on it - it is driving me crazy!!!

Since that's rather subjective I don't know if we can help you! :lol: I know what it reminds me of, but that's probably not the same for you.

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Wore my sample again today, spritzed over with LFM. Mmmmm, makes me feel wonderful! Ordered a full size spray boosted with LFM!! I love the juxtaposition of the boy-smell and the uber-fem pheros!!

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Since that's rather subjective I don't know if we can help you! :lol: I know what it reminds me of, but that's probably not the same for you.


Lol thanks Luna! I'm wondering if it's Empathy and Harmony (I think that was the name of it???) but I don't think I even have that sample any more so I can't compare. Really driving me nuts though...

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I was just recently wishing for a scent besides Down and Dirty that has a leather note.


This is really nice, and I usually do not care to wear unisex scents. I'm also usually scared of tobacco notes, but this one is very subtle. Overall, it is very fresh and clean, and the leather makes it just a little sexy.

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There are other scents in the line which do - but it's funny you should say that...BALLS! is the one which reminds me of Down and Dirty.

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When I first received this, it was all, "KAPOW!! LEATHA In Yo FACE!!!" Now trying it, instead of being LEATHER, it it more of a softer, sugar kissed worn leather. My skin is still amping it, and when the leather chills a little after five hours, the cedar and tobacco peek out a bit. I can *almost* smell the tonka and spices, but something is going vinegar-y on me in the late drydown. I'm curious how this will age, so I will hang on to my sample.

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  • 1 year later...

Wowee! Thanks to Halo's review, I really wanted to try this baby and I'm SO glad I did! (thanks Halo, cause I can't wear CB or OCCO Blue either, and I almost passed this by and thanks Bella for the sweet swap!)..anyway I'm gonna say that this is my favorite LP variant ever, aside from a well aged bottle of original. Even Winter & Spring 2011, I love those,but this is better. SEXIER! Makes me think of Bowie and Bryan Ferry in they're heyday. All androgynous, sleek, hot and gorgeous..smooth man voices that can hit a high pitch, dig?

Its all about the Leather,patch,tobacco & Blue sugar on me. It is a WONDERFUL leather, I wonder if its the same one that's in Blackcat Mojo? Smells like it, that "makes me feel like a rebel " kind of leather. This also confirms my love of blue sugar. So good! Lasts all day,this one, just how I like it. Projects great. Long dry down smells like blue sugar musky denim almost. I'm probably imagining that, its just the visual I'm getting. Sexy Sexy!


eta: I should have said my favorite LP variant YET..i haven't smelled them all..

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  • 3 months later...

I've been generously sent a free sniffie of this w. My last order.

I'm not sure what's in this that doesn't agree with my nose.


I think it may be the maple and leather combination. I'm usually ok with leather and tobacco, and I certainly like ambergris.


Something about the maple spoils it for me. I had the same feeling about SS4M which also contains maple.


Either way, I'm glad to see this has so many fans.

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  • 2 months later...

Tobacco? Leather? Spices? Could be so appealing to me, or headache city. Thankfully, LP Blue is the former. This one is so perfectly blended. It's deep and rich, yet smooth and velvety. Oh, that smoky tobacco with sexy leather and exotic spices, smoothed out with syrupy vanilla, honey and maple. It's so delectable and intoxicating. Love!

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  • 10 months later...

I keep hearing that this has "blue" sugar or "blue" musk in this blend. What does this smell like? Is it cool and fresh smelling or warm? How would you describe it? Also, how strong is the tobacco and leather in this blend?

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I would say the blue sugar note is almost like blue cotton candy but it's not overwhelming sweet - you just know it's there among the other notes. The leather is pretty prominent but the other boy notes just blend together really well. I suppose it would depend on your sensitivity to such things.

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  • 5 months later...

I finally requested a sample of this one. I was so curious. It is tangy and leathery. I definitely smell the tobacco, not being smoked, but fresh and unburned. This one is not sweet. Later I really only smell unburnt tobacco and leather with a very, very slight sweetness. It wears light and later a little of the LP base peeks through. It dries down powdery but still maintains the tobacco/leather combo. I have to get right up on it and then I smell the powdery notes I guess left over from the sugar and some spiciness. Although interesting, it’s a bit too masculine for my liking.

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  • 1 year later...

I still miss this terribly❤️, long for it wistfully💓, lust after it dejectedly 💔, and my life is absolutely not complete without it. 😞 This one was my ONE. What is the closest thing to this is still available? 

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There's not anything exactly like it to my mind but the ones which call it to mind for me are OCCO/NoCo Blue and Vampire Bunny.

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Thank You Luna! I will definitely try both of these! 

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  • 7 months later...
4 hours ago, halo0073 said:

Bumping for charity auction.


Anyone who knows me, knows that patchouli is usually a death note for me. Sometimes I can’t even wear LP O due to that drop of patch. I have maybe a handful of LPs ever that the patch is so well blended that I can handle it. Patch can make me run screaming from a store if someone else is wearing even a drop. Well LP Blue is the shining exception to all of that. It’s really freaking special. It’s a patch bomb compared to what I can usually handle. Not just a tiny drop, it’s got a lot and I love it. It’s the only patch ever that I find intoxicating and sexy in a deep rich grounded way. Truly truly special. If you are a patch lover, GRAB this NOW

OMG...is this available again Halo?  If so where can I find it? 

Barely breathing in ridiculous anticipation...


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  • 1 month later...

Oh, LP Blue...how do I love thee, let me count the ways! I was able (and blessed) to score a bottle of this in the recent auction. SQUEE!!! It's my FAVORITE LPMP. Eeeevvveeerrr. The weather here in VA was in the low 50's today and nOT humid (praise God) and the air even smelled a little bit like Fall, which, for me anyway, is SO WELCOME after a hot, humid, sticky, tucky summer. It was the perfect crisp, clear, chilly morning to crack open the seal on "My Precious" LP Blue.


Ahhh.Everytime I smell this, I involuntarily exclaim, "This is ME!!!" It feels like a wearable sassy, fresh, upbeat, sexy, sultry, happy mood to me. I completely get the classic original LP base of vanilla, patchouli, and sweet apricot heightened with yummy leather, sweet pipe tobacco, a waft of something resin-y that is a prominent part of LP Black (another LP that I love, but not as much as Blue), sugary, happy sweetness and "sass"! It literally shoots my mood into the stratosphere and puts a great big smile on my face. It's absolutely positively my "ONE".


It makes me think of the cutest little denim jacket, or a well-worn and well-loved brown bomber or motorcycle jacket with a crisp white feminine shirt underneath with just enough lace. The perfect snug-fitting favorite blue jeans, some cute mid-heeled boots, a happy-go-lucky attitude, some Victoria's Secret model-like long, shiny, luxurious hair to flip in the chilly autumn breeze, a bright blue sunny sky, a glass of the perfect Cabernet Sauvignon in-hand at a gorgeous little winery, my boyfriend's arm wrapped around me lovingly and protectively, and the perfect smile.  :)


PERFECT.  LOVE. HOW did I live without this, and when this ever-so-cherished brand-new bottle of BLISS is gone, I will mourn as if I have lost a dear, dear friend. This will be rationed and planned and used with the utmost thought and joy. 


THANK YOU MARA, for parting with this precious little lovely! It's made my whole season! :)



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  • 1 year later...

Augh I really thought I had time to "get it later". Goes to show that waiting is wasting 😭


It's definitely "blue", it smells fresh, hint of leathery goodness with sweet musky wood. Everything is blended beautifully and my sample aged gracefully as well! So sad this has been discontinued. Hopfully it'll come back as a limited release!

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  • 1 year later...

I have a little collection of trial vials of every LP variant I’ve been able to get my greedy little hands on. There have been a few bottles from before my time that I’ve managed to gather, but really I just like having all the trials, meaning seeing the labels/ knowing the notes, but I don’t generally wear the ones I know I’ll never attain, or at least I don’t use more than half of the trial vial.

I honestly don’t think I ever sampled LP Blue before today. I have a bottle of LP Blue I received of the trade boards, but it wasn’t for me. Maybe I already traded it away? I don’t know, but I wasn’t into it, so I figured LP Blue wasn’t for me, either. 
I was in a hurry to get out of the house today and reached into a pile of trials and pulled out LP Blue. Not even sure how it got in there, although I did make a goodie bag for a friend not so long ago, but I wore it today and I didn’t have any expectations. It’s so good! It’s left the perfect and long lasting Amber/ patch/ tobacco/ sweetness that lingers, and has magically re-emerged after the perfumes I put on later in the day wore off. (When I wear different scents throughout the day, I’ll put them on different parts on my body, but the first scent of the day is always my wrists.) I finally get the need for the perfect boy smell in one’s collection. @luna65 good job on this one! 

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