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Leather or Dominance? Spray or Silicone? Decisions, decisions...

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So I'm trying to plan out my next order and I really love both Dominance and Leather. Right now I have Dom in silicone and Leather in silicone with cops. I don't want to be wearing cops ALL the time when I wear leather so I was thinking of getting it w/o cops in a spray or another silicone.
Buuut I also read that Dom has a different feel to it in spray version?
Does Leather also feel different in spray?
So basically I'm having a hard time deciding between Dom in spray or Leather in spray or silicone.
Any suggestions or advice is appreciated <3

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I have leather in a scented spray and I do like it better than my oil as far as self effects go.


I only have Dom in oil, but I do plan to get a spray. I feel the Dom spray will give more selifies as the Leather does. I generally get stronger self effects off sprays.

IMO when investing in any Un especially a spray as they are costly, go with the one you will use more often.

Edited by StacyK
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I have leather in a scented spray and I do like it better than my oil as far as self effects go.


I only have Dom in oil, but I do plan to get a spray. I feel the Dom spray will give more selifies as the Leather does. I generally get stronger self effects off sprays.

IMO when investing in any Un especially a spray as they are costly, go with the one you will use more often.

Thanks so much for the adivce! I'll be getting some Dom in spray then :)

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Right now all of my UNs are in sprays, except the UNs I have gotten from the trade forum...I really love the sprays! I don't, however, have any UNs which contain cops, except Lumina (has a small amount). My dream is to have sprays and oils in all that I have so I can use my sprays around my neck area and dab the oil on my wrists, above elbows and behind knees. I just ordered the Leather and it hasn't arrived yet, but I'm so excited about it!! Dom in oil I just received from Halo off the forum and I love it!! You can't go wrong with either...I tend to lean towards Leather because I prefer the phero combos which are more soft, like Lace and Lumina..:)

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