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Is it possible for a lotion, cream, butter to inhibit a phero or fragrance? I try to moisturize before application to make sure the phero gets out there. Could the moisturizer be so strong that it stops either the phero or the scent it is in?

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hey! Since I am fairly new I don't want to give you an answer to your question..I'll save that for the professionals.. ;) As for myself, I found a hand lotion that is made for people like nurses, etc. who have to wash their hands a lot...it contains silicone and basically puts a barrier on the skin to prohibit moisture from leaving the skin..I find it also helps my perfumes (and pheros I'm assuming) to last longer without being absorbed so quickly...I will go look for the name and edit this post when I have it.. :)



**Avon makes one called Silicone Glove...Walgreens also sells one called Remedy Nutrashield (I'm sure there are several varieties at Walgreens or any drugstore)..:)

Edited by TheBirkeys
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Hey there Birkeys! I am familiar with Silicone Glove from back in my Avon Rep days. That stuff really *does* help! From what I have read and done with trial and error, I have found that my perfumes do last longer on well moisturized skin. But what I don't know is what, if any effect this has on pheros?

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Hey there Birkeys! I am familiar with Silicone Glove from back in my Avon Rep days. That stuff really *does* help! From what I have read and done with trial and error, I have found that my perfumes do last longer on well moisturized skin. But what I don't know is what, if any effect this has on pheros?

yeah, I would like to know that too...Sometimes I reapply when the oils/spray dry/dries down because I think..if I can't feel it on my skin, then it must have lost its effectiveness...I wonder a lot if I am applying them too often!! I get all of my pheros in sprays and I tend to go through bottles very quickly because I do this...you asked a question that I have been wanting to know an answer to for quite a while!! thanks!! Hopefully we will get an answer soon... :)

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Since it's summer I've started using a burnishing glace spray on my legs and arms and then applying fragrance/pheros. It seems to work well so far....I'm finding that some of the scents actually compliment each other...Solstice Scents has a spray glace that is fragranceless as well. Fun stuff.

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Hi The Bikeys! Hi Rose! I think I will have to keep an eye out for those products that you guys mentioned.


Olderbutwiser, I haven't heard of a glace. I will have to google that. Sounds fancy. :)


Thanks Halo. I was worried as I applied a lotion that was rather thick and felt smothering to my skin. I did apply the phero on top though.

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  • 4 months later...

I am bumping this thread because I didn't want to create a new one since my question is kinda related to the thread's question :)


I bought some unscented pheros and was wondering - can I wear perfume after the phero dries off?


I also have a scented body oil, and thought it applying that and then spraying the pheros over, but wasn't sure if it was a good idea...

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Guest cutie.pie


I bought some unscented pheros and was wondering - can I wear perfume after the phero dries off?


I also have a scented body oil, and thought it applying that and then spraying the pheros over, but wasn't sure if it was a good idea...

I remember someone said that you should apply first the thing you have in oil (scent or phero) and then apply the thing you have in spray (scent or phero). I liked that advice ;)

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I am bumping this thread because I didn't want to create a new one since my question is kinda related to the thread's question :)


I bought some unscented pheros and was wondering - can I wear perfume after the phero dries off?


I also have a scented body oil, and thought it applying that and then spraying the pheros over, but wasn't sure if it was a good idea...

You can layer the scent and Un side by side (Thats the oil based types) If you are using sprays just spray your scent then phero or spray together. That's what I do.


If you're using a body lotion or a body oil, IMO, I use my lotion or oil first, (then sunscreen if applicable) then secent & pheros.

Edited by StacyK
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Guest cutie.pie

Thanks! Another question, if I opt to wear some perfume, do I spray it over where I applied the phero?

Yes, but let it dry down first and then use a cover scent.

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Thanks! Another question, if I opt to wear some perfume, do I spray it over where I applied the phero?

It's really whatever you are comfortable with.

Assuming you're talking about a "spray" on scent, you can do either order. Some, put the scent on then pheros on top. That way there's nothing between your pheros and the rest of the world.

I can't say definitively that it makes a big difference but I like to get most out of my phero investment and that seems to be the most effective order for me.

It's usually not an issue, but If it's a phero that has a little stinky edge to it, 90% of the time I usually put a few drops of Pure Sugar or something light that I like in the bottle to take the edge off any lingering phero odor.

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I have felt conflicted about this at times, and because I did not want to interfere with the UN phero getting itself out there and didn't want the UN phero covering up the perfume scent and stopping IT from getting out there in any way, I actually began applying them in separate places! :thumbup:

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