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Advice for housewarming tonight - which pheros?

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Hi all,


I've been lurking for a while but thought I'd pop up and ask a question quickly since I've been thinking about it but still haven't figured out an answer. I'm hosting a housewarming in a little less than 24 hours, and was wondering what phero enhanced (or maybe not) scents I could wear for about six hours in an enclosed space with up to thirty people. I'm inviting some people who I haven't seen in a long while so I want to give the impression that I've matured and grown up into a bit of a sexy, charming young lady.


I'm 26 years-old, Taurus, and I enjoy schmoozing and hosting. My personality is mostly laid-back nerd-chic, but during parties I try to channel my more confident, smoldering femme fetale. I've experimented with LFM, but haven't noticed much more than increased glances and smiles from strangers when I wear it. People don't get too chatty--or really speak at all. I worry I'm not wearing it in proper amounts (Too much maybe... I wear rolls on collar, cleavage, and wrists?).


I've noticed very little resposonse with my un SS4W, and Squeaky Clean w/ SS4W. Although Squeaky makes me feel better since it smells soapy and fresh on me, like I've bathed in good vibes, kinda subpar reactions. TMI enhanced gives me the same feeling. I don't know if people get friendlier or more chatty... I just love the scent so I keep wearing it, hahaha


I adore Cougar. It is probably all in my head, but I dress more sexy and my makeup always looks best after applying Cougar. People definitely stare discreetly, but rarely do they approach me to speak. Except the occasional old man. But they've got no shame, lol. Cougar is at the top of my list for the party, but I'm concerned it may be too much "edge" for floating between guests and keeping everyone friendly...


Any advice for a sexy "eyes-on-me" when I'm engaging folks without going overboard into the "woah, something about her is really intense"?


And also, any advice on where/how much to apply? Since my cloud won't be moving much in my mid-sized one bedroom apartment... I don't wanna turn off my guests or go ghost.


As for what I have... I own a brand new newbie sampler kit, some various non-phero perfume samples, and FBs of Courage & Bravery, Lap of Luxury, SWS, SS4W, Nekosume, LFM.



(Sorry for the repost! Had to get those pesky autocorrects out the title)

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Firstly, Welcome. I'd say out of what you have go with your Cougar. I don't think it's in your head. it sounds like you get great selfies with it. What you described it not uncommon.

For recommendations on dosages, effects ect, check out the review thread for Cougar.There is a good amount of info there.


Generally if people are backing off from you. you may want to slightly lower the amount you apply.

How much are you wearing?


As for a future recommendation, I'd suggest you try out Heart & Soul. It's a great feminine, flirty, a little sexy, very social.

Edited by StacyK
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I agree that the effects (or lack of effects) you're experiencing as far as others all sound like you're wearing too much. Ditto Stacy about reading review threads, incl for lfm for which I know I and others have experienced an intimidating or repelling effect, esp when wearing more than normal.

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I'd vote for LFM... if Cougar hasn't given you the results you want yet. You might consider getting a bottle of Lumina Spray or Popularity Potion in your next order. Treasured Hearts and Heart & Soul are both really good socials, the latter I prefer for more intimate gatherings (5 or less). Good Luck and be sure to post how it goes!

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Have you tried LFN? It can give you a femme fatale vibe BUT play with it before you wear it because sometimes it can


a. make women catty

b. make women jockey for power over you

c. make men revert to drooling 5 year olds


People swear by cougar though so if it works for you go with what works.

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I've never had the patience to find out how to make SS4W work me (which I should do since I love Squeaky Clean so much). I don't think Cougar is too intense for a housewarming party. It usually works pretty well on both sexes. In the future you could give Open Windows or Levitation a go, & Heart n Soul is also a good suggestion. Welcome to the forum.

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I would say Treasured Hearts. I ordered this one and am hoping that its nature is what I am sensing. If i am right, this might be what works for a gathering of any type. (sorry, just saw what your collection consists of and am editing adding this as an edit!)

Edited by Rose Blackthorn
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  • 1 month later...

I'm super late getting back to this thread, because I had a huge numpty moment and didn't even follow my own thread... (Thought there would be automatic notifications as with other forums). I did read a couple of the responses, and went with Cougar. I took my sampler Cougar oil and swiped the wand in a cut throat path (from ear to ear under my chin along my neck), a dot for my cleavage, and dots to both wrists. In retrospect, I could have maybe gone easy on the application since I ended up running around serving appetizers and drinks and hors d'oeuvres the whole time until my BFF yelled into the kitchen, "Stop serving us and sit down!" She's great, and largely unphased by my pheros for some reason...


People did mention that they loved my apartment and it looked "staged" and glamorous. Perhaps that was a part of the Cougar giving off a mature, lovely air? I think everyone was surprised, since I was the last to graduate college, start working, and move-out by myself, among my college friends. So I do thank you all for your support---and the suggestion to go with sexy, mature blends like Cougar! Mission accomplished!


I will look into Treasured Hearts and Heart & Soul. I have been hesitant to buy that because I work with people who I don't want to bond with in particular, haha. Next time, though! Thank you so much for the recommendations. : )

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Have you tried LFN? It can give you a femme fatale vibe BUT play with it before you wear it because sometimes it can


a. make women catty

b. make women jockey for power over you

c. make men revert to drooling 5 year olds


People swear by cougar though so if it works for you go with what works.

Honeycake, *how* is item C bad? :) Hee hee. Cougar is awesome, my only selfie I don't like is that *I* become more chattier and flirtier too - which isn't 'bad' but I always like the guy to be more flirty. Guess its' an ego thing. Shocker. ;)


The other posters here have a lot more exp than I do with the pheros, but I've read so much about the 'less is more' approach and for me, have followed that advice. Both Cougar and SS4W have gotten me positive attention - social and sexy. But Cougar (to date) has given me more glamorous, beautiful, flirty selfies. SS4W seems to make me act sexier - without my own knowledge - if that makes any sense at all. As Eggers said in one post, it's a 'hip loosener for sure' (paraphrasing). I feel more languidly sexy. Both give me additional self-confidence. But again, I have super limited experience overall compared to most posters.


If you want, you can check out the SS4W thread too - a lot of good info from others there.

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Glad you went with Cougar, that is what I would have suggested. You might want to look into Open Windows for the future as well.....it is a really GREAT social blend.

Edited by Dolly
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I guess C isn't bad, but it can be unnerving a bit for me when they stare and drool and don't say anything.


Honeycake, *how* is item C bad? :) Hee hee. Cougar is awesome, my only selfie I don't like is that *I* become more chattier and flirtier too - which isn't 'bad' but I always like the guy to be more flirty. Guess its' an ego thing. Shocker. ;)


The other posters here have a lot more exp than I do with the pheros, but I've read so much about the 'less is more' approach and for me, have followed that advice. Both Cougar and SS4W have gotten me positive attention - social and sexy. But Cougar (to date) has given me more glamorous, beautiful, flirty selfies. SS4W seems to make me act sexier - without my own knowledge - if that makes any sense at all. As Eggers said in one post, it's a 'hip loosener for sure' (paraphrasing). I feel more languidly sexy. Both give me additional self-confidence. But again, I have super limited experience overall compared to most posters.


If you want, you can check out the SS4W thread too - a lot of good info from others there.

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