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New here, wanted to say hi :)


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I have been devouring posts on this forum for the past couple of days and thought I should finally register, introduce myself, and hopefully not ask too many stupid questions! I am brand new both to Love Potion scents and to the world of pheromones, period, so as you can imagine I have a lot of questions but I will do my best not to ask things you've already answered a million times. I love b&b and home fragrance and have pretty much been an addict of "all things that smell good" for as long as I can remember. I've been big time into etailers over the past 5 years or so, just getting tired of what's out there on the shelf (a lot of which never seemed to work for me).


Fortunately I have a lot of hobbies, so being forced to spread my income around helps me keep my stash (mostly) manageable :P But I'm basically a total scent ho, the only note I dislike is licorice and only then if it really stands out. I am currently plotting my very first order here and trying my level best to keep it reasonable in size for a first order, but it's a huge ordeal for me. See, usually when I try a new etailer, I go for their "custom blends" instead of the stock fragrances that I could buy myself and add to anything. That's usually a safe tactic because most seem to only have a handful of "house blends" mixed in with stock frags (nothing wrong with those, but choosing this way pares down my selection process!) So looking at THIS catalog of goodies...well. My trick doesn't work. And I want it all! LOL I can see this is going to be a long term project!


Well thanks for reading, I look forward to getting to know y'all and I appreciate all the great posts I've been reading. :) I hope to contribute my own reviews once I take the plunge. Any tips for narrowing things down would be appreciated! I am a sucker for anything vanilla, and I've already got my heart set on Sugared Honeycomb because it sounds AWESOME.

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Hello and welcome to the forum! I am sure you have read about it, but there is a big sale about to start!

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Welcome! And I echo all - tell us what you order and your experiences - hearing and sharing the feedback is so much fun. I'm newbie here too and am still learning so much. If you're a vanilla fan - you may like the vanilla foodies. I'm a sugar/ vanilla/ foodie gal more than anything - LP has so much to offer and I haven't even sampled 0.01% of what's available but love almost everything I've tried to date.


If you like similar scents - recommend LP Pink, OCCO Pink, LP sugar (no vanilla but still good <g>) and gosh so many others I haven't had opp to try myself. I rely a LOT on other's review of how the scents 'play' on them.

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Hi and welcome!


My advice: trial vials are awesome. And after you've ordered once or twice from the main shop, you should check the trade boards here. You can get trial vials of ALOT of different stuff there, and most people will freebie you as well. My second word of advice - pay attention to what's actually still available and what scents are gone. When I first started here I kept getting samples of stuff I would fall in love with, only to find out that it was no longer available in the shop. I do have to say that ALMOST everything I really, really wanted, I was eventually able to buy off the trade boards. But that was a big frustration for me when I first started.

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Thanks for the warm welcome!


Yessss I did see posts referring to a sale...a spectacular sale...a sale to end all sales...my budget cried when it heard the news :D


Beach Goddess, thanks for the recs!


That is great advice Amalthea, I've already inadvertently gotten my interest piqued about some scents that are no longer available (I'm lookin' at you, Heart's Ease!) It's amazing how many scents ARE available and how often they're released. It's both exciting and intimidating (ahh no don't tell me stuff goes away?? lol)

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Welcome and what a darling avi!!! Lots of feline lovers around here...


You will get hooked quickly... and the forum veterans are awesome at steering you in the right direction in regards to pheros. It's a lot more complicated than you may think. The best advice I can give you is to READ like you are studying to pass the bar exam. The "Reading Room" from the home page has really good info, and of course all the reviews and threads in the forum will be a HUGE source of helpful info.

I'm a newbie to LP as of early March and it's been a whirlwind ride. :witch1095:

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:smilies-23596: Welcome!

Make yourself at home - as fellow enablers, you will find no judgment here, only encouragement :D


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Thank you all for the welcome!


Lovestruck I have been doing a LOT of reading on here, and it's definitely complicated, believe me I do think so! I'm starting to recognize what phero does what by name, but I'm still absolutely clueless as to how they play together. I'm so grateful that there are all these scented blends already made, because if I had to piece it all together myself, it would never happen.


:smilies-23596: Welcome!

Make yourself at home - as fellow enablers, you will find no judgment here, only encouragement :D



So this is not the place to look for snide comments about how I surely have enough smellies, huh? :D I don't have anyone offline who understands my scent promiscuity so I very much appreciate the encouragement!

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Welcome!! Yes big sale coming!! There I no way to help get orders down! Lol!!!! Just sample like CRAZY and enjoy the stress of it all. It's healthy stress...choosing, sampling, making lists, deleting them and making new lists...


Have fun and tell us what you order!!!



Hi and welcome!


My advice: trial vials are awesome. And after you've ordered once or twice from the main shop, you should check the trade boards here. You can get trial vials of ALOT of different stuff there, and most people will freebie you as well. My second word of advice - pay attention to what's actually still available and what scents are gone. When I first started here I kept getting samples of stuff I would fall in love with, only to find out that it was no longer available in the shop. I do have to say that ALMOST everything I really, really wanted, I was eventually able to buy off the trade boards. But that was a big frustration for me when I first started.

Welcome here :) you have found the best place to be! ... and always ,always, try something you might not like too much at first, again, in a week or so, I still shudder at how close I came to not ordering LP Red,which is now one of my all time favorites,the man magnet :Emoticons0424:


...luv the precious itty bitty kitteh :hearts09793:

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Aw thank you, I love the picture too! Not my kitty, alas, it's a public domain picture I received in a pack of them but it just makes me melt to look at it. :) And the furbaby is also way cuter than I am, so it's all win for everybody! LOL!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the welcomes! :)


Welcome! Boy did you come at the right time...have fun with the sale!!

I remember thinking, " who the hell needs somewhere that offers 10+ new kinds of perfume a month??"
Then I got my first order.

Ohhhh, OK....


:rofl222: It's addictive for sure...I just placed my second order! I meant to wait a full month, for decency's sake, but I just couldn't last that long, haha!

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Thanks for the welcomes! :)



:rofl222: It's addictive for sure...I just placed my second order! I meant to wait a full month, for decency's sake, but I just couldn't last that long, haha!

I found LP in early July. I've placed 3 orders since then (including sale) and am plotting my next 3 orders. Had no idea how much I'd love and appreciate all the potions and the forum.


Every single LP I've tried (even if scent wasn't a 'me' scent), can tell these are hand-crafted, hand-brewed with so much that goes into each one. Makes me feel so special just wearing them. Oh and I smell yummy and fantastic bc of LP. :D And I've barely begun to learn as much as I want @ the pheros.


Ok, so now I'm plotting next 4 orders... :Emoticons04263:

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Oh I have bunches of notes all over my desktop, given some of the scent and phero names, it would look like I'm into some pretty kinky stuff if a third party happened onto it. I'm just waiting for my husband to demand to know who Amber is and why I want to bang her covered with sugar. ^_^


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Oh I have bunches of notes all over my desktop, given some of the scent and phero names, it would look like I'm into some pretty kinky stuff if a third party happened onto it. I'm just waiting for my husband to demand to know who Amber is and why I want to bang her covered with sugar. ^_^


ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out the posts/ reviews on Lady V's Sweet Pussycat , then put that on a post-it on your computer. That would REALLY get hubs concerned - or completely turned on - you never know. ;)

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