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Sugared Coffee


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Sugared Coffee

* For this blend I decided to go towards the smell of fresh brewed coffee, so combined half a dozen of the freshest aromas I have and then took the bitter edge off with drops of caramel and brown sugar, and a tiny tiny touch of sweet cream.

  • SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
  • COFFEE ~ Focus, stamina, concentration, determination.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Just got my first order of Sugareds today and this had to be the first I tried.... my eyes are rolling back in my head! This is a coffee scent to die for: rich, dark, strong but not overpowering. I was worried that "sugared" might make it too sweet for me, but nothing could be farther from the truth.


Mara's notes on the Sugared Layerables Labels thread says: For this blend I decided to go towards the smell of fresh brewed coffee, so combined half a dozen of the freshest aromas I have and then took the bitter edge off with drops of caramel and brown sugar, and a tiny tiny touch of sweet cream.


To my nose, the caramel and brown sugar are doing the work of taking the edge off without making themselves perceptible to me. I do get the hint of cream, but this is not a latte, it's definitely fresh brewed coffee with a serious kick. I am tempted to get a big bottle boosted with cops.

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  • 1 month later...


Your mention that it has a serious 'kick' has me fascinated. Are you getting selfies from the scent similar to what you would get from drinking coffee ?

Ah, man, Androstenol, I'm so sorry, not sure how I missed this! As a hardcore caffeine addict I wouldn't say it's *quite* the same as drinking coffee. I'm trying to think of it in comparison to aromatherapy oils whose purpose is to revive -- it's maybe a subtler version of that for me.


And Cherise, I had the exact same thought when I tested A Wake!

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  • 1 year later...

I was actually looking for a coffee scent, the BF loves the smell of fresh coffee. I'm concerned it may be too sweet but I love the idea of the blend. Could someone confirm that it is a distinct coffee smell? I'm looking for that special scent to get his attention.

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Thanks StacyK, I have a trial of latte, I should try that but I think it's a bit sweet for a straight up black coffee guy. Perhaps I should just roll around in some coffee grounds :)

Every time a pot is brewed he comments how much he loves the smell of coffee

Edited by Cycle Kitten
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Thanks StacyK, I have a trial of latte, I should try that but I think it's a bit sweet for a straight up black coffee guy. Perhaps I should just roll around in some coffee grounds :)

Every time a pot is brewed he comments how much he loves the smell of coffee

Sugared Coffee is great. But, on my skin, this far sweeter than "Latte".

I'm picky about my coffee scents. I found Latte to be nice and deep. And, the scent just screams Dom or Leather. You could also try Blackstone. That's dark too.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 9 months later...

I finally ordered a bottle of sugared coffee, it is much more coffee on my skin than Latte. Though still a bit sweet I love it, perhaps a more straight up black and bitter coffee can be a PE. Latte is creamy for me, it smells delicious but in a flavor filled, syrupy, expensive something chino way that I associate with fancy coffee bars. Sugared coffee is more dense on me and closer to a plain pot of fresh brew, it's just sweet enough to make it yummy. Paired with some topper and an actual cup of joe I may actually become a morning person.

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  • 6 years later...

Got Sugared Coffee in sale. My thinking process was: there was only 1 bottle of it left -> it appeals to many -> high chance as nice it will appeal to me to. And I was right. It’s so yummy!! There is no cream in the notes but I associate the scent with a thick frothy cappuccino or mocha.

Love layering Kahve with this

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@Mila  I think one of the sugar notes used in these is kind of creamy or buttery. I got the same vibe in my Sugared Cucumber, which was unexpected but surprisingly good. I've never smelled a sweet buttery cucumber but now I'm all about it, haha.

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  • 4 months later...

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