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hmmm. i was so looking forward to loving me jane. it's just not doing it for me.

i got a sample of it in my order earlier this week.


Hey Cyberian.....If you no likey, wanna trade your sample? I absolutely ADORE my MeJane... Is there anything you want to try in particular?

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I wonder if it is the TAH...I don't know that it would be the EoW as it's been universally established it is more a smell of "fruity cheese." But every time I've worn Me, Jane! I encounter someone who asks why I smell like pancakes.

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But every time I've worn Me, Jane! I encounter someone who asks why I smell like pancakes.


Awwww Luna65,


Now, now who does not love pancakes? hehe Just teasing...


Thing is I wear a fragrance cause I love it...not always because the hubby might not...


It makes me feel yummy even if he doesn't think so...depending on which one I choose to wear for the day...or throughout the day as is with most of my LP's

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hey luna,

i'm wondering too about the TAH in me jane. hmmmm, i think i'll post it in phero questions-if anyone gets a maple/pancakey smell from TAH. i don't really smell like yummy pancakes with maple syrup, more of a artificial maple. on me it's not really pleasant smelling, it actually irritated me so much that i washed it off my wrists and neck. sorry me jane lovers!



NB: sure rosebud, i'll swap it with you. in a little while i will be putting up a few in the trading post. don't worry, i'll save it for u. if u want it now i could mail it to you.

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hey luna,

i'm wondering too about the TAH in me jane. hmmmm, i think i'll post it in phero questions-if anyone gets a maple/pancakey smell from TAH. i don't really smell like yummy pancakes with maple syrup, more of a artificial maple. on me it's not really pleasant smelling, it actually irritated me so much that i washed it off my wrists and neck. sorry me jane lovers!



NB: sure rosebud, i'll swap it with you. in a little while i will be putting up a few in the trading post. don't worry, i'll save it for u. if u want it now i could mail it to you.

Yep, me too....total maple.......

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i don't really smell like yummy pancakes with maple syrup, more of a artificial maple. on me it's not really pleasant smelling, it actually irritated me so much that i washed it off my wrists and neck. sorry me jane lovers!



it's totally nasty on me! I had to wash it off too! I gave it to a friend, and she smells dead sexy in it! isn't that crazy??



Sorry to hear this one did not work for you ladies...

I have the same problem with Pherogirl..it works for some of us and on others it just reeks..hehe.. Don't mean to offend those of you who love pherogirl though...

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Good to know I'm not alone in this yucky maple phenomena with me jane.

seriously, i will post a question about TAH in the pheromone section as i'm wondering if it's the phero that is doing this or specific ingredients that somehow morph into maple.

off i go!

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  • 1 year later...

I got a decant of this in trade and tried it yesterday. I admit to not looking it up first, and didn't know it had cops & TAH til coming here just now.


It figures about the TAH!! I was blown off, shoved past, and scowled at by guys all night, which happens to me *without fail* with beta-ish pheros. It's so weird. :angry3: Must be the lack of congruency, or maybe w/my chemistry it makes me project an aura of weakness and "low value".


I didn't smell cops AT ALL at any point (vial, wet, dry) & was surprised to hear they're in there. So very good cover.


Scentwise, all I got, from minute one, was plasticky banana :( skin ate everything else. Sigh... To the trade post it goes.

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It figures about the TAH!! I was blown off, shoved past, and scowled at by guys all night, which happens to me *without fail* with beta-ish pheros. It's so weird. :D Must be the lack of congruency, or maybe w/my chemistry it makes me project an aura of weakness and "low value".


I have similar reactions with TAH & with EST. My Mr Cheeky and my old TG both react really well to both TAH & EST because they do like that ultra-feminine vibe. They both get very chivalrous & attentive.

My colleagues on the other hand (95% of whom are big, burly & macho-acting typical male surgeons) do not react well to TAH at all. They treat me as the little weak woman or a bimbo & try and walk all over me. TAH is definitively not for work...well not for me at least because of how male dominated & macho my line of work is.. I have to compete with the lads & fight for their respect more than you would in a job where the male:female ratio is reasonably equal.

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I have similar reactions with TAH & with EST. My Mr Cheeky and my old TG both react really well to both TAH & EST because they do like that ultra-feminine vibe. They both get very chivalrous & attentive.

My colleagues on the other hand (95% of whom are big, burly & macho-acting typical male surgeons) do not react well to TAH at all. They treat me as the little weak woman or a bimbo & try and walk all over me. TAH is definitively not for work...well not for me at least because of how male dominated & macho my line of work is.. I have to compete with the lads & fight for their respect more than you would in a job where the male:female ratio is reasonably equal.



Me too on the TAH and the Est Heavy blends....the Est can be in a blend but needs to be balanced with something else more dominant.....

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Hi Tyvey.


I also get the plasticky banana but if you add some Summer of Sin to it it mutes the plastic right out.


I also don't usually do too well with TAH but I do find it useful to have some in case I even need to project that "soft" feminine vibe. :D So I usually hang on to some.



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Tyvey, I am a Tal girl but my man really gets TURNED-ON by Tah especially in neanderlicious, so I always save Neanderlicous for the bedroom mixes. I only wear Tah out in public if I have a mix on w some Tal or something w a bite to buffer. Im not a fan of real extreme signatures on either end, lacey or alpha, but love to experiment for great fun in my bedroom. :D

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So interesting: TAH and EST then seem like they can be a personality/mood detector!! At least for me I can use it as a test, LOL! Now that Rosebud mentions it, the one group of guys who were particularly jerky to me with the Me, Jane! were already clearly acting jerky from a distance in general, LOL - loud, competing for attention and social domination, shoving each other etc. (Opposite example, I was wearing MRF out last night and one of the guys there, who granted is a fairly thoughtful and polite guy, but I don't know very well, was especially sweet and attentive (a few minutes after I arrived and I just looked puzzled for a moment, he lunged across the table over people and actually said, almost frantically, "What's wrong? What's going on over there? What can I do? Whatever you need, just tell me, I'll do it, I'll give you whatever you need." And after he said it he had that classic dazed phero'd look on his face of "I don't understand why I just said that." ROFL!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally got a sample of this to try - it's yummy, butter-y, maple-y on me. Totally dwarfs the tropical notes. I wonder if it is the TAH. Cops make me feel good, just in a general way, seems like TAH does, too.

Edited by perfumesniffer
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  • 2 years later...

I got this through the trading post and finally wore it to dinner last night. I like the smell, It reminds me of a tropical cake! :Emoticons04235: At the restaraunt, the waiter said 'Is it just me or does it smell like Yankee Candle Company in here?' My friend looked at me and said 'I think its you.' I wasn't sure if that was a compliment or not. Ack!! Later we went to the grocery store for some items, and as I was checking out, the cashier was sniffing an item I was purchasing and asked 'Did this come from the candle aisle?' :fright04238: Ummmm....I know candles smell good, but I would've expected 'Something smells sweet' or 'I smell tropical cookies' but no, I got the candle comparison! lol. Unfortunately this will be going on my trade thread! :hearts04276:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Got this in a trade and it's wonderful, with intriguing shifts--in the bottle, it's a rich and boozy vanilla. On my skin, it goes to banana, sweet and thick. I do catch little wafts of something that smells like maple, but only for a moment. It's sweet, rich and tropical. I can tell the coconut is there but it's more of a grounding base than a prominent note (that would be the banana!).


When I was a little girl, sometimes for breakfast I'd have sliced bananas in milk, to which I would add gallons of white sugar. It makes my teeth hurt to think of now, but at the time it was heaven: creamy banana sweetness. This smells a bit like that tasted!

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When I was a little girl, sometimes for breakfast I'd have sliced bananas in milk, to which I would add gallons of white sugar. It makes my teeth hurt to think of now, but at the time it was heaven: creamy banana sweetness. This smells a bit like that tasted!

How funny. I used to eat that for breakfast too, when I was a kid, (still do, sometimes, with honey instead of sugar). I thought it was something peculiar to my own family! :)

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OMG, I actually created a specific reference in a story about eating sliced bananas in milk. I never added any sugar to it though. Later my idea of a banana split became sliced bananas with hot fudge and nothing else.

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How funny. I used to eat that for breakfast too, when I was a kid, (still do, sometimes, with honey instead of sugar). I thought it was something peculiar to my own family! :)


OMG, I actually created a specific reference in a story about eating sliced bananas in milk. I never added any sugar to it though. Later my idea of a banana split became sliced bananas with hot fudge and nothing else.

I was about to say something about how you've both got me seriously craving banana.....


And then I thought better of it! :Emoticons04263:

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OMG, I actually created a specific reference in a story about eating sliced bananas in milk. I never added any sugar to it though. Later my idea of a banana split became sliced bananas with hot fudge and nothing else.

When I was a kid I added TONS of sugar. Now I prefer it without. I don't like the crunch. But it's good with a drizzle of honey or maple syrup, or even plain.


And bananas with hot fudge is EXACTLY my idea of a banana split, (that's what I ask for at Dairy Queen). Although, if you add salted peanuts to it, (not chopped, whole), I'd probably eat it without complaining. ;)

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The whole 'bananas in milk' convo is making me think of Cuchi Head" :D


The HFS is totally Unbridled.

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The whole 'bananas in milk' convo is making me think of Cuchi Head" :D

The HFS is totally Unbridled.

It must have made me think of Cuchi Head, too. Last night I wore Lady V's SLP and some UN Bang!, and then out of nowhere I got the urge to add a touch of CH! LOL!


I wish I'd gotten bananas when I went grocery shopping the other day. Mad craving now! :)

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