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Sugared Lilac


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Sugared Lilac

* A trio of lovely lilac oils, modernized and cutened up with pink, white and powdered sugars.


Lilac, a flower of Venus, promotes harmony, mental power, protection, and lends itself to erotic and creative power. Our blend of 5 kinds of delicious sugars spin a sweet web over a combination of delicate Lilacs.

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  • 1 month later...

OH. MY. GOSH. It's like I walked into my back yard and parked myself under our lilacs! It doesn't seem sugary to me, but that may be because I've always thought lilacs were inherently sweet smelling to begin with. This is an incredible floral, I would want to EAT the petals. There was something that threatened to be pointy while wet but never quite went there - thank goodness! But the dry down is absolutely PERFECT!

Edited by NuTrix
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  • 2 months later...

To my nose, this doesn't smell like lilacs much at all. I'm not sure why. I like it, though. It's pleasant, but it just doesn't have that familiar "lilac" scent I'm used to. I wish it did! I love that scent. I'm curious what kind of lilacs it's supposed to be--I know for the actual thing, I prefer purple lilacs to the white or pink ones--by far.


I like adding Sugared Greenery and Sugared Neroli to this. The Sugared Greenery gives it that "wet" smell like flowers after a rainstorm, and the Neroli just adds a little depth.


One thing I'm noticing with the Sugareds is that they don't last on me at all! They're so soft and light that they disappear quickly. I can still pick it up if I hold my wrist up to my nose, but just barely.

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