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Sugared Geranium


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Sugared Geranium

* A strong, heady, confident flower, I mixed three of these gorgeous blossoms together with white, pink, powdered and caramelized sugars. Bold and lovely!

  • SUGAR ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing, wishes granted.
  • GERANIUM ~ Cleansing, hex-breaking, protection, peace of mind, stability of emotions; love, healing, fertility.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Even though I bought this bottle because my lovely daughter's picture graced the label, I never expected it to be such a beautiful fragrance. I can remember the geraniums my mother planted in the garden having a very distinct, heady scent. This is more of a delicately scented soft rose geranium, with the slightly rosy part at the forefront wrapped in gauzy muskiness with a hint of green (think rose stems) in the background.

I'm so glad that I bought it in the spray, as you can spritz it on and wear it by itself. My daughter was wearing pink in this picture, which is perfect, because it's a very light pink scent -- at least to my nose (I'm holding the bottle to my nose as I'm writing this, lol).

It's a sheer delight by itself, and with Sugared Pink Musk, it is to DIE for!

Edited by JudyO
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  • 3 months later...

This turns all peppery on me and I don't like it at all. I was hoping it would smell like geranium leaves. I love the smell of them. But no, this is different. Another that I wanted to love...but maybe I should get myself some Sugared Pink Musk and try it with that! I have some Sugared Clean Musk coming...maybe that will work.

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