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Swimming with Sharks for performance review

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Okay, here's the deal: I've got a performance review coming up in December and I really, really, really, REALLY deserve a HUGE raise. (really! lol!)

Even though all along I've worked late and gone that extra mile (or ten!), for this last 2 1/2 months or so, I want to be very visible on that extra mile, so that at the performance review, I won't have to jog my boss' memory about what a kick-ass admin I am.


Honestly, I have a fabulous boss, so I don't think he'll argue at all about me deserving that raise, but I want him to also be inspired to go that extra mile for me and kick in the HR doors, demanding my raise from the corporate gatekeepers who might try to hide behind their ridiculous "pay scale". The other side of the coin is that I want to feel comfortable asking for that raise, and I think SWS can get me there.


Every little bit helps, and my plan includes pheros -- my next order includes SWS and Dominance.


I am thinking that I will start wearing SWS a few times a week at the office, paired with the perfumes that I have and then for the actual review, wear Gimme Money (if I can get it from the trade boards) with a dose of SWS. I plan to wear the Dominance more sparingly, but I want to hit him with that "I kick ass" emphasis at least a few times before December.


All thoughts and guidance welcome! -- especially regarding what types of scents to use. :)

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I am thinking that I will start wearing SWS a few times a week at the office, paired with the perfumes that I have and then for the actual review, wear Gimme Money (if I can get it from the trade boards) with a dose of SWS. I plan to wear the Dominance more sparingly, but I want to hit him with that "I kick ass" emphasis at least a few times before December.



Good that you have lots of time to experiment,IMO,skip the Dom,and see how SWS goes first,start slow :)

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I would start with SWS, see how that goes, but have DOM on hand, just in case!

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It sounds like a plan - every little bit helps. The market is overall up, do what you can to make sure the profits work their way down to you!

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On the same note, I am about to order SWS, but am wondering what scents to pair it with. I am on a team full of misogynists, and it's time I put my foot in the door and make them listen. At the end of the year I am due for a promotion as well, and I have great feedback from outside my team and customers... My boss is the one that needs convincing. He ignores any compliment everyone else might give him about me, and and has treated me like an incapable dumb young girl for the past 4 years. Nothing I have done has changed his mind, and in turn that has lowered my confidence.

Now I am determined to keep my head up high, and put up with it for a few more months just until the next performance review. If this doesn't go as expected either, I am out.


So, my plan too involves pheros. I know my boss likes confident women. If I get SWS unscented, what LP scent should I get? Or what commercial scent?

Also, what do you recommend Dominance combined with, in terms of scent? Should I even use Dominance in my case, or maybe just stick to SWS, and LFN/LFM?

As guidance, Totem Bat smells a little psychic shop-like on me, and LP Rouge smells like a homeless person... (or like I haven't bathed in a while).

Commercial ones, Versace Bright Diamond and Coco Mademoiselle are my staples, combined with Paris Amour from Bath and Body works. I prefer floral/fresh/spicy/grapefruit scents, but I also like the way peach smells on me. I'm not used to honey/sugar/baby powder scents.


Thank you for your advice!

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Hi phergineer -- LP Rouge also smells horrible on me, which was a total surprise bc i love LP Red so, so much!


Anyway, I did manage to get a bottle of Gimme Money from the trade forums, and in addition to that I also have Cauldron Cake, which has many abundance/money/riches aligned ingredients. However, I have noticed that my boss responds really well to scented Cuddle Bunny and not as well to a CB boosted Atomic Mandarin, so I've been wondering if I should try to find scents that are more like the scented CB to wear with the SWS. That way, he hangs around me more and sniffs in more phero. (heehee!)


I would love to hear your results with the Dominance -- if your boss like confident women, then I would think some Dominance and a kick-ass attitude would have him eating out of your hand. However, I am so new to pheros, I can't really give good advice. I'm still testing, testing, 1,2,3 all my pheros. :)

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Phergineer, I would steer away from LFN in the workplace, as it is loaded with cops and if your boss already sees you as a dumb young girl, the sexual signals from that one may make things worse.


SWS is great, and so is Dominance. I say wear whatever scent makes you feel good and in control.

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Phergineer, I would steer away from LFN in the workplace, as it is loaded with cops and if your boss already sees you as a dumb young girl, the sexual signals from that one may make things worse.


SWS is great, and so is Dominance. I say wear whatever scent makes you feel good and in control.

Would you suggest to stir away from LFM as well, or just LFN, because of the cops, in this particular situation? Currently I do not have LFM in a scent that works with me, so I'll have to wait for another version or try unscented.

Thank you.

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A lot of people have great success with LFM in the workplace, but it is not loaded with copulins either. A lot of copulins puts out a heavy sexual signal, which is not usually appropriate at the office.


I don't use LFM, personally. My man is very erratic when I wear high doses of Est, so I try to steer clear of what may be a bad situation.

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