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I wouldn't spray UN Bang! on my clothes or hair, ever. Ick. Yes, it'll smell really bad.


But UN Gotcha! only has a small amount of cops, as does UN Cougar, (yes, UNscented Cougar has cops, too), so they're considered clothes and hair safe.

Edited by Eggers
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OK that is very helpul info. Have been wondering the same thing myself! So, Cougar, Lumina (AKA Cougar Lite), and Gotcha all contain such a small amount of cops that they are fine to be sprayed on hair & clothing. Now-- does SS4W also contain a small amount of cops, or does does that one have no cops at all?

Edited by Silkilocks
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I use all the time cuddle bunny or tropique sometimes I put on my hair. Now wondering is it very unprofessional at work? I dont use heavy cops such as OCCo or ambrosia at work but now im worried cause cuddle bunny and tropique have small amount of cops.

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I agree with Halo.....Cuddle Bunny at work is really not a good idea.

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I use all the time cuddle bunny or tropique sometimes I put on my hair. Now wondering is it very unprofessional at work? I dont use heavy cops such as OCCo or ambrosia at work but now im worried cause cuddle bunny and tropique have small amount of cops.

IMO, There's nothing wrong with the tiny amount of cops in "Social Blends" like Cougar, Lumina or even the more romantic "Gotcha", it's not overt.

Cuddle Bunny has A Lot of Cops, not a little. It's a sexual blend.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 2 weeks later...

IMO, There's nothing wrong with the tiny amount of cops in "Social Blends" like Cougar, Lumina or even the more romantic "Gotcha", it's not overt.

Cuddle Bunny has A Lot of Cops, not a little. It's a sexual blend.

Thanks for the info. I love cuddle bunny so much that I always use at work. Im using scented. So now maybe I try to use my veloute lavande w/ gotcha rather than cuddle.

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