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Well, I managed to snag myself in a pheromonic cloud of lusciousness


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Or perhaps more accurately, LPMP snagged me. lol. Seeing as I have a "thing" about smells , though, I knew I was playing with fire going into this, so I have no one to blame for my latest vice but myself. ;)


I found this site via Amazon and ended up buying a bunch of samples. Everything smells sooooo good I think I've DITHLed myself, because ever since I received my package, I've been carrying around my little stash in my purse everywhere I go. Nothing like having a tough day at work and huffing perfume vials (and applying just a tad more so I can huff myself too) in the ladies room for a little pick-me-up. I sound like a junkie. LOL


Anyway, I could gush on and on about the yummy goodness of these potions, and how I'm chomping at the bit to try more (...and buy a FB or three while I'm at it), but I think I'll save the squeeing for other threads. In the meantime, Hi Everybody! It smells awfully damn good in here! :)




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:D Welcome! You are among friends and enablers here :heart:


What are some of your favorites so far?

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Well, rats, my computer locked up so I have to start my reply over.


First, thanks all for the warm welcome. :) I've spent about a week or so reading the forums to learn more before jumping into the fray, but soon realized I could read this board for a good month and still only scratch the surface. So I figured there's no time like the present and I can learn more as I go. Besides, after all of the review threads I've perused, I realized my already too-long list of future purchases was only growing longer, and I might need assistance enabling my purchases prioritizing where to start.


I got the women's newbie sampler pack and samples of LAM sandalwood & resins, LP Bittersweet, Tropique and Exotica, OCCO white and Sexology. So far my favorites are Cougar Potion, LP Original and LAM, but hard as it's been, I'm trying to heed the advice to sample each on its own merits. It just so happened those three were some of the first I tried, so I'm kind of addicted/fixated on them at the moment.


What's surprised me the most thus far are the self-effects. In my admittedly limited knowledge of pheromones, I just assumed they affected others, but what I'm loving the most is how they make me feel when I'm wearing these scents. I'll write more about that in some of the review threads, but the difference is noticeable, and to me, goes beyond the pheromones themselves, because I get positive vibes from the non pheromone enchanced fragrances too.


I'm so glad I found this place in time for Pheromas, though my pocketbook may not be quite as grateful. ;)

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Welcome to the Adventure, welcome to the addiction :) ... Pheromas is an exciting time ! Cougar was my 1st purchase and remains a favorite. Positive vibes from the unpheroed scents is a glorious part of Mara's genious !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Mara_makin_Magick:

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