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Beautiful Dreamer w/ Balm Bomb

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Wow, this one was really surprising to me, but not in a bad way, just in a surprising unexpected way. I went FB on this one without even smelling it, because as many of you know, I was searching for a sleep potion. Also, I love BB. Like some others, I was concerned about some of the funky tricks that Lavender can pull on my skin. So, I tried this on the other night. Upon applying and while wet, there was the unmistakable whiff of Lavender and I thought, "Uh Oh.."

Not so fast! For some weird reason this Lavender disappeared fairly quick on me. Just sort of *POOF*.. gone. Seriously, like it wasn't there! This was maybe within a half hour's time. Wow! Now what was left was this amazingly gorgeous and SEXY Amber, made even warmer with layers of what I think must have been a slightly powdery and sweet Vanilla. Within an hour of having applying this, on my skin, no one would have ever guessed that I was wearing something with Lavender, or something made for sleep for that matter! Again, it smelled SEXY, as if I had things on my mind at bedtime OTHER than sleeping. :Emoticons0424:This is just BEAUTIFUL! And the lasting power on my skin was amazing! A little goes a long way and it lasts. A lot! Now.. as far as the sleeping part went. I felt very nicely relaxed, BUT I have been in immense pain due to some very nasty and painful oral surgery and in fact have a bone infection in my jaw. OUCH! I have not been sleeping because of this. Ordinarily, I use BB for relaxation and use B2.2 for sleep since it takes something akin to horse tranquilizer to knock me out.

So summing it up, the scent is not at all sleepyish on me, but VERY sexy. The BB does not put me to sleep, but this is quite calming and gives a pleasant edge to my mood as BB is wont to do. I do NOT regret for a minute having gone FB on Beautiful Dreamer, it's just on me, it turns into something else that is still beautiful, very dreamy, and again, SEXY!!!! Can't help but wonder what effects it would have to layer a bit of cops with it. An OCCO White or even Gold would be lovely in my opinion. So that is my experience and I look forward to more with this one. Beautful blend Mara! :)

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Guest cutie.pie

Lavender disappeared quickly on me too and thank God for that because I'm not really a lavender fan ;) On my skin it smells like vanilla and some amber.

It's nice, but not a cutie.pie scent ;)

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I tried this a few nights ago with great results but last night really saved me and knocked me out! I did slather on about 1/3 of my trial cause I had a serious case of monkey mind last night from a rush of thoughts pouring through my head, so much to do during a holiday season. I could not get to sleep and instead of using my usual lavender drops to knock me out, (which they prob wouldn't have as effectively cause lavender drops aren't potent enough for my mind in over drive only in nuetral) I was hoping this would do it.


The scent is very faint on me but the vibe is powerful in a dense, plush pillowy cloud (yes I jacked that line from Richard Scarry's bedtime story) way. It slowly sedated me in about 15 min in what felt like the most natural way and put me in a deep sound sleep for 6 hours, no tossing or turning or wrestling thoughts whatsoever just deep theta? Beta? Down for the count knock me out sleep. Woke up very rested and calm.

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Caveat: my nose is still wonky from having a cold so I can smell (I think) but everything is really faint, like someone turned down the volume... in my nose... erm, just go with it.


I get lots of smooth, soft vanilla over everything but I can also detect warm, sweet and slightly spicy amber. At the very start up to about 10 minutes after application there is also gentle lavender of which a tiniest hint might remain; it is so subtle that I might just be inferring it because I know it is supposed to be there. It just adds the slightest refreshing lift to keep the soft sweetness of the vanilla and amber from being too much or so gentle as to be boring. Everything blends perfectly to leave something as smooth as that model's hair.


This really reminds me of a candle my aunt used to have in her company bathroom. Scent memory is weird! I can remember so many details of the candle and the room but not what kind it was. Anyway, I'm sure this is better.


No sense of things on the phero yet but I'm looking forward to experiencing Balm Bomb.


ETA: I think it did help me relax and get a better night's sleep. The jerk neighbours were having a loud party and while we managed to get to sleep around 12:30 they woke up up again at 2:30. I had to go round and tell them off. Despite being agitated about the continuing problems with them and having had to get up and deal with that I was able to fall back to sleep almost immediately. I also didn't wake in a panic around dawn. These are both fairly out of character for me, as was sleeping until 9!

Edited by donsie
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I expected something similar to purple puff - this is as different as can be considering the overlapping notes. It's sort of like ice creamy vanilla versus that sheer perfumey non foody vanilla. I love lavender even when medicinal and this is not too bad on the pointy scale. It has just a little of that herbal bite. Especially while wet I kept thinking of freshly laundered cotton. The amber is pillowy and mellow and so soft. Couldn't be more perfect with the phero.

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I use lavender essential oil often for relaxation or to help me sleep, but it's not something I'd wear as perfume. While I find the scent of many florals lovely, they usually don't play well with my skin chemistry, so I was mostly looking to use this blend in a sachet or on my pillow.


After a few swipes from the tester on my wrist and neck, my senses were swimming in a heady cloud of lavender. While it was the only note I could detect (and a powerful one at that), there was a roundedness to it, fuller than any of the essential oils I've used. As others have noted, pillowy is a perfect descriptor for it. I look forward to wearing this as I drift off to sleep.


Over time the headiness of the lavender softened; after an hour it shifted to share some of the spotlight with the vanilla, and I realized that was the note adding the fullness I initially noticed. After about three hours the scent is equal parts vanilla and lavender. While I'd hadn't intended on using this as a perfume, I might be changing my mind. The olfactory effect is so powerful I really can't report on its pheromonal qualities at this time (apart from noticing a warmth in my chest), but on scent alone this will be perfect for stressful days.

Edited by Patchjulie
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FBs of Beautiful Dreamer are sold out. Begin mourning (or feel smug that you bought a stash).


ETA - I mean self-satisfied, really, not smug. You LPers who spot the trends and know what you like deserve your rewards!

Edited by donsie
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Sorry, I didn't mean to sound insulting. I know people on here are really nice about their collections and not rubbing it in. I meant more along the lines of being pleased with yourselves for knowing you'd been smart enough to get in there early! The cat that got the Beautiful Dreamer, really.


Sorry to hear that it isn't quite what you were looking for in terms of effects. I hope it works better on subsequent attempts you make. If not then I hope you find your perfect sleep potion soon!

Edited by donsie
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I know this is looks like lavender and vanilla, and I DO get those, but this wears very lovely and powdery on me. A very soft, clean scent. Incredibly pleasant and soothing. Though I didn't get a FB, I will use my sample up. This isn't a "me" scent that I would wear out and about just because I mostly gravitate toward foodie scents but it really is a very lovely, pillow-y soft fragrance and I can see why so many adore it :)

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No Donsie! I didn't think you sounded insulting at all. And Nutrix, that was what I was hoping it would do on me, but my skin turned it into an Amber sex bomb! LOL! I am refraining from any solid decisions about it yet though. I was on some heavy antibiotics when I tested it and that does alter scents in my skin a LOT.

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I have a question about adding cops to this fragrance too. I don't want to ruin the scent, and I've had pretty good experiences from BB, I mean I haven't gone to jail - so yeah this has been a life saver for me. I want to remain calm and in control and not let my boys annoy the fuck out of me- which this can achieve, but I also want to have sex, while wearing this scent and being somewhat stoned. Does that make sense? I want to be a stoned skank. Stone Cold Skank. Calm Collected Coochie at the Ready.

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Lady V, that's a good question.. I mean, we do more than just sleep in bed, right? Let's take care of two birds with one stone.. ;)

Mr Perfect likes this one, he told me I smelled nice when I wore it on our mini vaca. I'm going to try it again tonight, as I need to sleep well.

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Lady V, that's a good question.. I mean, we do more than just sleep in bed, right? Let's take care of two birds with one stone.. ;)

Mr Perfect likes this one, he told me I smelled nice when I wore it on our mini vaca. I'm going to try it again tonight, as I need to sleep well.


Yup. I would love to fuck on this - maybe it would do that whole Sting sex thing he is always bragging about. I mean if this soothes and gets you all shiny happy people holding hands.. and the addition of cops.. omg would our vaginas explode since that is basically the mother brain?

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This one is lovely, a perfect bedtime scent. I'm usually not a big fan of lavender but this ones notes blends very well with the creamy vanilla.

The balm bomb in it is nice and relaxing, though it doesn't seem to encourage sleep like B2 does to me.

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Yup. I would love to fuck on this - maybe it would do that whole Sting sex thing he is always bragging about. I mean if this soothes and gets you all shiny happy people holding hands.. and the addition of cops.. omg would our vaginas explode since that is basically the mother brain?

LMAO!!! *This* was the vibe I got from how this scent morphed on me! NOT sleepy, SEXY!!!! Glad I am not the only one who got that! :say19:

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I agree. It's more than aroma therapy, it's comfy but it's also very sensuous and elegant . A two birds with one stone type of thing. It's my fav of the month to be sure!

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Beautiful Dreamer is true to its name...soft, beautiful, and yeah, just plain dreamy. I feel a little bad reviewing it actually since the FBs are sold out now but hopefully there will be a rebrew at some point. This is very creamy on me, the lavender is soft, and the amber is an understated background note anchoring the luscious lavender-vanilla cloud to the earth. I'm almost a little jealous of Rose's amber bomb because I love me some amber and wouldn't mind a little more of it, but I'm in love with it as-is.


Balm Bomb is a phero blend that I have to apply with a heavy hand to get the intended effects, and that's full strength, so I'm not getting much in the way of effects from it here, nor did I really expect to. The scent alone is worth the price of admission though, I have no complaints.

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...I want to be a stoned skank. Stone Cold Skank. Calm Collected Coochie at the Ready.


I am SO glad the woman across the room is talking excitedly on her cell phone because I'm fanning the TEARS of laughter from my eyes right now, LadyV. :rofl222: It is a very soft scent so cops may change things... Maybe Sheer EoW to experiment with a trial size?


I live alone and currently haven't gone looking for someone to seduce, so can't really report on the sexy aspect. However, I can say that the lavender almost powders the vanilla and amber on my skin, preventing it from all ingredients going too snuggly on me. I'm always for MOAR LAVENDER but occasionally it's okay to have it take a backseat. Lavender tends to read very green on me like plant rather than powder or perfume, so I can see where less is more in this case.


(Wore this to bed the other night and felt relaxed all morning like I woke up on a marshmallow. )

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I can say that the lavender almost powders the vanilla and amber on my skin, preventing it from all ingredients going too snuggly on me. I'm always for MOAR LAVENDER but occasionally it's okay to have it take a backseat. Lavender tends to read very green on me like plant rather than powder or perfume, so I can see where less is more in this case.


(Wore this to bed the other night and felt relaxed all morning like I woke up on a marshmallow. )


This is amazingly coincidental because I've tried this again tonight and it smells so different from the first time. Hormones? My cold being totally gone? Who can say? It is exactly the powdery and not at all green lavender/amber you mention and on this occasion the vanilla settling at the back. The amber in particular is so much more noticeable this time round. I like this one even better than I did before!

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I am SO glad the woman across the room is talking excitedly on her cell phone because I'm fanning the TEARS of laughter from my eyes right now, LadyV. :rofl222:


I know, I've learned to put down my drink before reading her posts, they are dangerous :P

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I put this on last night and was a little alarmed because I got a wonky medicinal note.... but then I inhaled and the combination of Mara's magical notes and the Balm Bomb did their magic: I felt every muscle in my body relax, and within 15 minutes I was asleep. Even if my cycle makes this less of a delicious scent experience for a couple of days a month, I don't care, the effects are soooooooo wonderful.

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Lady V, Bella, others who might love some info on this scoreI: erm, so, some men find this sexy to a serious and sort of unstoppable extent, as demonstrated in recent fieldwork. The response was one that suggests this is some sort of beauty elixir. Apparently every look was beautiful and "that sexy one" and... it was honestly just my sleepy-time face. He thought otherwise. I didn't notice any particular sexy self-effects. Oh, and this was without adding any cops. So, yes, those who are thus inclined might consider seriously trying cops with this one.

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I have to agree this one has an inherent sensuality to it. When I first put it on I almost feel like it's not there, but then for hours afterwards I'm getting wafts of the most gorgeous, soft, elegant, feminine scent that doesn't even smell like lavender to me. To me this scent should be called Beautiful Skin, because it just seems to make me feel like I'm emitting this totally natural, utterly beautiful aroma through my pores. This is what I wish lavender would always be like- a pale ghostly whisper of itself (some lavenders are way too over the top for me).


I wish there was a virgin version of this- I'd buy sooo many bottles and boost it with things like SS4W, Levitation and Pop Potion.

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This is so interesting - sorry in advance for the TMI but I had bad pms and wore this to bed two nights I'm a row and my SO " complained" of waking up both days with a "raging on"" like he hasn't done in years .. (His words) I do think it helped my s and my sleep.

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I cheated and added a bit of OCCO Pink, (in fairness I cop everyday so I don't know that I could blame that), but I was stopped unexpectedly today and surprised by unexpectd compliments of a snesual nature. Nothing creepy but definately not what I expected from this blend. I wonder if it's the fragrance? Maybe there's something in the water? :D

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does anyone know something close I could add the unsented to? Lesson learned on waiting to order :(

You might want to try Sugared Lavender. Anything lavender-based tends to sell out fairly quickly, but the Sugareds will be around for as long as people order them.

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Thank goodness! I fell in love with this late in the game!


I also wondered about the cops. The Marine thought this smelled wonderful, and this puts me in that relaxed state almost like after two glasses of wine and you get in the mood. I might try with a little OCCO for effects first though.

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Yes, lavender is well known to act as an aphrodisiac on men. And for women it just makes us sleepy? :lol:


I just added another 30 bottles to the cart. Brew Edition 2. I followed the recipe I crafted for the first brew, and luckily still have all of the same ingredients, but as always, please remember it will not be identical because it is hand made. Thanks! Glad everyone is enjoying this so much!

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I just added another 30 bottles to the cart. Brew Edition 2. I followed the recipe I crafted for the first brew, and luckily still have all of the same ingredients, but as always, please remember it will not be identical because it is hand made. Thanks! Glad everyone is enjoying this so much!



Yeah, you're the best!

Edited by saffron23
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i never gave a proper review of this....i love this perfume! i'm glad i managed to grab one of the rebrews. The lavender is soft and cuddly. the vanilla almost reads as milky in this. it actually reminds me of New, my other favorite relaxing LP. The amber in this warms it up and makes it feel sensual. The scent plus the phero, i sleep like the dead. Love it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I gave this to my mom yesterday for Christmas and she fell in love with the scent instantly! Also, this morning, she told me that she got the best night's sleep she has gotten in years after slathering this on, and my dad piped in that he slept really well to -- and she said she had dabbed a little on him when he wasn't looking. :-) Total win!

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I really love this one! At first, the lavender really stood out and I thought it was going to be all medicinal lavender (I love lavender, but sometimes it seems sharp and overwhelming on me)...as soon as it dried down the other notes came through and it all blended together very nicely....it's a beautifully soft potion and the Balm Bomb is great! I use either Balm Bomb or B2.2 every night to help me wind down and relax so I can fall asleep...it always works. The relaxing fragrance of the potion along with Balm Bomb blend of pheros is perfect!! A must to try!! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have fallen madly and deeply in love with this scent and have just ordered a full bottle.


When I first tried it a couple of weeks ago I didn't think much of it. Then last night I needed a good night sleep so thought I'd take it for a whirl. Not only did I have a wonderful nights sleep but it smelled so incredible I am wearing it again today and I can't stop sniffing myself. On my skin I only get a slight hint of amber which has gradually faded to leave a gorgeous light lavender which the vanilla has made all creamy and lovely.

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