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Dom Noire w/ Dominance Potion + Copulins

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Some women are extremely sensitive to full-on Dom as in Sex and Violins, and I believe that is why Mara did 50/50 Dominance and cops.....so the vibe is not full, in your face Dominance.


That must be me because the 50/50 combo is wonderful!

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Oh Dom works wonders for me, give it to me full-on and suddenly my confidence issues disappear; I stand up completely straight by default and am not intimidated by anything...anyway I digress.


Deep, dark and delicious like I'd hoped. First thing that hits me is the really thick, really luscious honey, and as it dries down all the other wonderful components come into play. The caramel and vanilla are equally rich as the honey and they all swirl together with the amber, patchouli and musk into one ridiculously dense, mysterious and no doubt alluring scent--at least on me, a little goes a long way. In a way this makes me think of LP Black on steroids. If it was a cake it would have 3500 calories per serving. That is definitely a compliment.

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II definitely smelled the comparison to LP balck (which I only smelled not wore) at first sniff I didn't think I'd like it on and I hated it for about the first 20 min.. Don't know what was amping (is that the right trem? ) but it was bad but now it smells just like straight from fhe bag brown sugar- I put on the smallest little spot and boy is it strong - will update as it drys- really hoping to like this so I can give Dom a try-

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Wore this before bed last night and got lots of brown sugar and honey with chewy undertones of patch! HOLY MOLY! I could've eaten myself up! :D

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Oh Dom works wonders for me, give it to me full-on and suddenly my confidence issues disappear; I stand up completely straight by default and am not intimidated by anything...anyway I digress.


Deep, dark and delicious like I'd hoped. First thing that hits me is the really thick, really luscious honey, and as it dries down all the other wonderful components come into play. The caramel and vanilla are equally rich as the honey and they all swirl together with the amber, patchouli and musk into one ridiculously dense, mysterious and no doubt alluring scent--at least on me, a little goes a long way. In a way this makes me think of LP Black on steroids. If it was a cake it would have 3500 calories per serving. That is definitely a compliment.



You and I must be twins Invi! Dom is one of my staples!! And this scent is 100% congruent with Dom and cops....so sexy!!

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This scent is so very congruent with Dom. It is the DOM MOJO. Even with the issue the honey was giving me.. I've never felt as Dom as I did with this scent. I will definitely try again to see if the honey has settled down.

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My package arrived today!!!


I just put this on. I can't speak about the phero yet cause i just tried a drop or two. Now the scent reminds me very strongly of "Under your Spell w/BI", which i love!!! Does anyone else get that?

I think i'll be getting a FB of this ... or two ... or three ... :)

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Mmmmmmm... ordered a FB of this unsniffed and am glad I did. It is a bottle of exotic, erotic, black veil upon black veil, of dark, incensey goodness on me. The honey ho in me was a tad disappointed in that the honey was completely NOT there on my skin. Didn't even smell a trace. Vanilla seems invisible too. I think on my skin, the incensey resins just got too busy for the honey and vanilla to rear their heads amidst the darkness of this potent potion. I seem to amp resiny incense. Not *that* disappointed though. This is one hell of a femme fatale fragrance and is perfectly in sync with the LFM and cops! Oh yeah baby! Lasting power galore too! On my skin, a little dab will do ya. This is very much reminiscent of the darkly lit head shops in days of yore, filled with myriad scents from far away exotic places, blending together into a heady cloud of sensual darkness, all dressed up in seven veils of black and dancing seductively to beautiful, hypnotic music, pulling you in, and seducing you more and more. She is an awesome beauty, this one! She is all things that speak of beautiful dark mysteries of WOMAN. To me, this one if even blacker than OCCO Black and LP Black, but then, they are both in there, so not surprising. I adore this one, but as I said, it takes only the smallest bit of it ( I can add UN Dom and cops to it for *those* purposes), so this bottle is going to last me a very long time. I LOVE it! Again Mara, beautifully done! Much praise. :)

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I already loved this in the bottle and could hardly wait to give it a trial run. Wet it is sweet, sensual, and a touch spicy with the resins at the back of the scene. The smell is almost boozy, which I get a bit sometimes from some of Mara's sugary, dark vanilla concoctions. As time goes on the vanilla and sugars share the stage more with the honey, which leads into a more prominent amber and patchouli base. Even with more prominent resins, though the whole remains sweet and sexy with just a touch of lift from the musk, which is the least noticeable note to my nose.


I would characterise the scent as a mix between what I love about Rocket Fuel, Sexology, and OCCO Black with none of the intensity about the latter that I find a bit unpleasant. There's even a reminder of the resins I loved in Sex & Violins, though maybe that's also down to the scent of the Dominance pheros. The cops are completely covered as far as I can tell.


Ah, yes, the pheros. Holy hell is this sexy. I may even have noticed some selfies, which is basically unheard of for me from sexy blends. It also hit it's mark with the target, unlike cops alone ever have and better than almost any other blend I've tried on him. It is a most excellent combination (I already had good things to say about Dom) and I adore the scent. I need a bottle of this one.

Edited by donsie
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I tried this one out for a spin today, and no thank you. What the hell happened??? It got all motor oil and PATCHWATCH2014. I had to wash it off it was so over the top not what it was last time. I think when I tried it perhaps it was suffering from travel shock? I will have to try again on Dec 20, which is when I smelled pink. Maybe that's when my hormones are turning everything into pink cupcakes.

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You and I must be twins Invi! Dom is one of my staples!! And this scent is 100% congruent with Dom and cops....so sexy!!

I ordered a bottle of UNDom and EoW because of the effects of Dom Noire! What a great combo. Now, hoping I can figure out a congruent scent. Lovin' the Dom Noire, but would love to shake it up with others too.


Ladies ... if you've been afraid of Dom, try the Dom Noire! It's amazing!!

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I don't know why I haven't reviewed this one yet, when I've tried a few times. The scent is delicious -- up there with some of the best dirty sexy honeys LP has to offer! I am someone who (so far, perhaps this will change) just hasn't been able to feel the love with LP Black, but this one is very different for me, not resin heavy at all. I love the texture. It feels thick and chewy, while at the same time there are some delicate nuances to it. So the scent is definitely a win for me, although at this point I have so many honeys I am not sure I need another, however delicious.


That brings me to the phero. I will say up front that Dom is simply not a phero I have ever been drawn to. I don't notice selfies from this, and I haven't tried it yet around people. I am almost feeling like I should get a bottle just to have it in the arsenal, should the day ever arrive when I feel the need for the Dom effect. We'll see!

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This potion is what I imagine a succubus would smell like. It even frightens me a little, lol. It smells like inviting someone into your lair of forbidden sexual delights. "Oh, is that rope too tight, darling? Wonderful."


Unfortunately, I think I'm with Tyvey in that it may be amber, patch, or black musk but none of them seem to work on me. I amp them like a screaming toddler during prayer service--even in the tiniest of amounts.Where is my cakey sweet goodness?! :Emoticons04284:


So while I can acknowledge the "you gon' eat this cookie" intent and ingredients, it probably won't get too much use from me. Unless some particularly interesting man candy happens along and inspires some very bold experimentation...



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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if it's my horror-mones jacking with me or what. I absolutely loved this at first sniff, I did exactly what Donsie did... Said out loud "oh definitely full bottle". But right before I placed my last order, I put it on again... then quickly pulled Dom Noire from my PayPal basket. I even had to go wash it off my wrists- it was just too much. Admittedly, straight Dom can make me into an all out bitch. However, softening it with cops should help, right? So I tucked my little tester vial away for later


Four days later I go back to it try again, and it is freaking awesome on me! WTF?!


I agree with LV At first it had a little pink in it for me, then the second time I tried it the PATCH gave me a black eye. Now I'm back to the pinkesque Dom Noire, and I regret not ordering my bottle! I'm wondering what I could layer with us from the sugared's to keep it firmly in that dirty, sexy, and a little pink stage.

Edited by LoveStruck
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AH! Same here, LoveStruck! WTF? It MUST be hormones -- everything smells different at the moment. My reaction wasn't quite as intense as yours but I did have a couple of hours wondering if a full bottle really was necessary. It calmed down after those few hours, though. Thus I'm still thinking yes, but what a freaky thing to happen.

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MMMMMMmmmmmmm. Wore this again today and OHMYGOSHYUM! I even raved to hubby who "meh"ed it. But meh isn't I hate you wearing it so I indulged and backed in her glory today. Sugary honey, vanilla-y patch, amber-y musky deliciousness...it takes so little, it has GREAT throw and it's just AMAZING! I may not be inclined to wear it every day but GADS I enjoy it to the bazillionth degree when I do! :heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought a full bottle of this on a whim when it was released, with the theory that it would sell out if I waited for a sample firsts (long postage to Australia is long). The thing is that even though I was absolutely sure this would entirely not work on me, my inner imp told me to take the risk. I tend to amp musk like a buck in heat, amber like I've been smearing myself with raw and unpleasant tree sap, and patchouli like a hobo hippy. I really, really don't like patchouli as anything more than the whisper of a base note. It gives me a migraine and makes me gag. I don't do well with OCCO Black, and it has taken something like ten years of aging for my first bottle of LP Black to mellow enough for me to wear it - and even then only very lightly (I really love it, but too much and the patch ruins my day).


So, yeah, I had no particularly good reason to buy this. But... one cannot deny the imp. ;)


To me, this isn't really like OCCO Black or LP Black on my skin. It has far more honey than LP Black, but way less vanilla. I think the musk note is the same as SLF, or at least very similar. The amber feels like the rich, round amber in Sugared Amber (the heart note amber). The patchouli is very, very smooth, though, and - wonder of wonders - not at all dirty or gross. I was expecting something a bit more dark and dry, to be honest. It's weird to contrast what I thought it would be like, and what it ended up being. From the description I was expecting something a whole lot deeper and pervasive - black and red musks, black amber and getting slapped in the face with the patchouli stick. It feels instead opulent, classic and confident. I get the impression of the kind of confidence and self-assurance that an established lawyer - probably a prosecutor - would wear in a closed court session.

All in all, this is a resin-based perfume that I can wear without feeling all brain stabby. There have been all kinds of drama at my work (I'm thinking about going to HR, or even a lawyer, about defamation of character by one of my workmates, for example), and it's been brought to my attention that I need to start acting in a more "professional" manner (don't get me started). If I'm going to have to clean up my act and join in the political bullshit, I will certainly use this as my secret weapon...

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Hey, Celrynna, where the Dom is GREAT for the situation you describe, this has a LOT of cops...50/50 Dom and Cops, as a matter of fact....I don't think I would go with it as a work scent, especially in an office where you are already having issues....

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I don't think I would go with it as a work scent, especially in an office where you are already having issues....


I have a feeling that my personal pheromone profile already has a bunch of cops in it. I've never really had any real hits before (actually, only once with SLF), and my theory is that any additional cops make me smell more like me, rather than something that seems different than normal. I'm an odd little thing, though, and I tend to have very different experiences with pheros than most of the ladies here. ;)

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Hmmmm, this is delicious!

A bit more dry than LP Black, less sweet, but definitely in the same family - and, like LP Black, a little goes a long way.


But what a lovely way it is!

Resiny and woody and very feminine; not girly in the slightest, it's a very grown-up scent.


And it is very congruent with the Dom & Cops mix!

I can't really say yet which effect is has on others, but as far as selfies goes it's great; makes me feel all strong and in-charge and take-no-prisoners.

Great great stuff!



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I think I'm obsessed by the honey note in this BECAUSE it doesn't go all powdery on me. Just sweet delicious HONEY, gooey sweet and delicious honey. It's not the only note and everything is fantastic together, but this just jumps out at me because it doesn't become powder. Not sure why such a seemingly small thing makes me ecstatic, but it does :D

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  • 1 month later...

So I wanted to buffer this for work and was rifling through my simple 1 or 2 molecule items and landed on Topper. But my Topper is lightly scented with LP Pink. SO I was like, Hmm, will these two work together? And, of course, I went ahead and applied together. 3 drops Un Dominance Potion, 2 sprays Topper w LP Pink and a good slathering of Dom Noire - and Oh! My! Gawd! YUM! Yeah. Wore it again today I liked it so much...so, to anyone else who may want to add a touch of LP Pink....just sayin'... :)

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Oh Dom works wonders for me, give it to me full-on and suddenly my confidence issues disappear; I stand up completely straight by default and am not intimidated by anything...anyway I digress.


Deep, dark and delicious like I'd hoped. First thing that hits me is the really thick, really luscious honey, and as it dries down all the other wonderful components come into play. The caramel and vanilla are equally rich as the honey and they all swirl together with the amber, patchouli and musk into one ridiculously dense, mysterious and no doubt alluring scent--at least on me, a little goes a long way. In a way this makes me think of LP Black on steroids. If it was a cake it would have 3500 calories per serving. That is definitely a compliment.

I love Dom and I went thru multiple full bottles of S&V

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Wore this again today with my Un Dom, Topper/LP Pink and now I'm just settling in from a proper ravishing. Very passionate. Very give and take - I let him give, and then I also took ^_~ Brownie points for him mentioning how delicious I smelled quite a few times - and I must agree, I am in love with this fragrance myself...Apparently 3 drops of Dom and this fragrance sent my guy over the MOON! Note to self :666:


ETA - after witnessing the power of Un Dom and Dom Noire, I am thinking another bottle of Noire and my first Un Dom need to go on my wish list...

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Has anyone gotten this in spray? I'm thinking of getting this full phero'd with Dom as a spray...


I'm actually thinking Mad Scientist, because this has redonkulous throw. I'm thinking full on, cop'd Dom, lightly scented with Dom Noire. This scent is so luscious as an oil though! But I don't know if that list is asking too much to be put into a little 10ml bottle :D


Thoughts anyone?

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You could just get a spray bottle of Un Dom and lightly scent the bottle yourself with the Noir. I've done this with other phero/scents.


I have to say reading thru the more recent posts on this one, I want to go find my trial and test it again.

The honey it this was so very loud & snatchy on me. I was not at all like the honey in LP Black.

but the "vibe" I had from the combo was great, honey not withstanding, I really loved tbe way it felt. I'm going to have to try it out again. I may need a FB to tuck away for aging.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wore this one last night, and this morning, I am smelling pure sweet honey......

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I can't believe it's taken me this long to review this but I've loved this since day one, it's sexy to the point of distraction which is why I seldom wore it when it came out during busy holiday season (lil time for distractions) then got put on the back burner and almost didn't put it on today cause spring is in the air and thought it too dark a scent for this season but I was wrong I could wear this year around. Dark honey, boozy resins, it feels like leather could be in here but there's not, it wears smooth no stabbing/headache, heightens my true Dom characteristics.. this review doesn't give it justice, really love it.

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I haven't reviewed it either, which is also weird because it is one of the first scents I got. It is also a favorite. I like Dom. I am bummed that I missed out on UN Dom from the phero trial but it works nicely. I feel a boost of confidence and take charge kind of attitude. The last time I wore this I remember looking up and seeing a guy looking in my direction. I kept eye contact with a little knowing smile, yeah I caught you looking. It might have been innocent looking but it was still looking, and most times I would smile and go on with whatever else I was doing but not this time.


I love the honey in this and the smooth vanilla. And I think I might have to wear some soon.

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  • 1 month later...

This is a POWERHOUSE, ladies. Dominant, dark, sweet, super confident, badass woman in a good mood. But for the love of all things holy, don't piss her off.

Now I understand what the ladies here meant when they described this as 'chewy'. Yes, akin to leather and chocolate, with a light coating of darkest maple syrup.

Whew! I'm wearing two wand swipes from my new sample and I can tell this is going to be one heck of a ride. It'll also age beautifully. I can tell. It might be a little too strong for an FB, but the sample *will* be put to good use. ;)

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Dom Noire is my man's Man Nip. The Dom + cops is the button pusher for him. Hit's him hard and fast. I've worn it to work with favorable responses as well!


I melt every time I inhale this fragrance!


I wore this just the other day at work and garnered quite a bit of attention from our engineers :lol: Because it was work, there wasn't anything overtly sexual, but I got lots of big smiles, eye contact, general enthusiasm and conversation. It was a diverse groups too, Asian, Indian, White, Spanish...Who says engineers are too tech-y to have fun? ^_~

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have worn this twice at home and I'm so sad because other than the first 5 seconds of honey, it goes deep resins and incense on me. I could see me wearing this on a day home alone, but what is the fun in that?


No sign of honey or cake and I smell like a mix between nag champa incense and dirt. So sad! I welcome any ideas of how to get the honey in here? I lightly dabbed on some Honey fairy cake just so I could sleep as the incense gets in my nose and is not pleasant. That seemed to sweeten it up and the dry down was much more tolerable.


One thing is that I noticed no selfies, which is why I purchased this. I got much more of an effect with Compromising Positions in terms of making me excited. Nor did I feel more sexy. But honestly I think I was so preoccupied with how this turned me into a resin ashtray that I wasn't able to get any self effect.


Bummer. Bummer. Bummer. Will try again this weekend and see if it is better!

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You could just get a spray bottle of Un Dom and lightly scent the bottle yourself with the Noir. I've done this with other phero/scents.


I don't know how I missed this - thank you! I did order the Un with cops in oil and I have just freed up a 1oz spray bottle. This is totally doable now! Thanks for the recommend!


No sign of honey or cake and I smell like a mix between nag champa incense and dirt. So sad! I welcome any ideas of how to get the honey in here?


I have mixed this with a few other fragrances. But since you're looking to intensify the honey...

Do you have Aja? And if so, do/did you like it?

My husband goes nuts over this mixed with a maple fragrance and Aja ^_^

The maple sweetens the resin and the Aja intensifies the honey - at least for me. That's my 2 c :)

Good luck!


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NuTrix. I've done this with a couple of UnSpray pheros I have. It is a commitment but if you love a scent/phero combo it's great. Plus you can lightly scent the Un phero so when you spray it it's not too intense with the cops and all.

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Wore this again last night when my man came over and it smelled different. Same dry down time but I applied on different parts of my body (not the lollipop) and added a smidge of honey fairy cake. For me, it seems like I will need to add a bit more honey to sweeten or overcome the resins.


Man said, "oh, you smell so good" and then. . .well, the stuff rocked his world, for sure.


It's worth being a resin ho for a night like last night!!!!

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