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Heavy Metal w/ Hunter Trapper

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BAMBOO ~ Protection, hex breaking, luck and wishes, fertility, wisdom.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
POPPY ~ Fertility, prosperity, love. Deepens feelings, instills calmness. Imagination, pleasure, wealth, success.
DILL ~ Attracts women, love, protection of the home, affluence, good fortune.
ANISE ~ Sexual potency, cleansing, wards away nightmares, protective, purification, happiness, youth, psychic powers, luck, calming, soothing, meditation. Wedding rituals.

Scent: A cool, bitter green scent that leaves the suggestion of minerals on the tongue.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Too bracing for my nose. I want to love this so very badly, but it once it dried it moved very strongly up into my sinuses and third eye. Wet it was a delightful green scent, though. I didn't manage to enjoy it long enough to test out the phero blend effect on me.

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When I first put this on the bamboo made me think of Ruisseau, but make no mistake - this is not Ruisseau in just a different form. This is something else entirely.


While Ruisseau has more of a watery bamboo kind of scent behind it - kind of a cross between an "oriental" and outdoor feel to it, Heavy Metal takes the bamboo and goes in a very different direction. Something, maybe the anise and poppy, gives the bamboo in Heavy Metal sharper highlights on my skin when it is wet.


Once it dries down, Heavy Metal changes quite a bit on my skin. The bamboo dies down as does the sharpness of the anise. Instead what I end up with on dry-down is a masculine skin musk with everything else blending in and playing nicely together in a kind of slightly spiced bamboo scent. The bamboo is still there but the softness of the bamboo blends with and is tempered by everything else.


If you tried and liked Ruisseau, then you may very well like Heavy Metal. At the same time, if Ruisseau was a little too soft for you or not your thing, Heavy Metal is certainly different enough in my opinion that it is well worth a try.


The Hunter Trapper pheromone mix is also a good solid mix. It falls in between Charisma and SS4M in my experience. It is not the pure social mix that Charisma is nor is it the stronger "sexy" mix that you get into with SS4M. Instead it seem to be a quiet or "thinking man's" sexy. The kind of sexy that Sherlock Holmes might carry off. And considering how many women here on the boards love Sherlock, that might not be a bad thing.


Heavy Metal is good for any social occasion and is work safe in my opinion. What you might want to do with Hunter Trapper at work is up to you (haha!) but it could certainly give you the smart, dependable, sexy co-worker vibe.


Heavy Metal is a great all around scent beefed up with a good pheromone mix. Well worth at least a sample, if not a full bottle.

Edited by quietguy
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The Hunter Trapper pheromone mix is also a good solid mix. It falls in between Charisma and SS4M in my experience. It is not the pure social mix that Charisma is nor is it the stronger "sexy" mix that you get into with SS4M. Instead it seem to be a quiet or "thinking man's" sexy. The kind of sexy that Sherlock Holmes might carry off. And considering how many women here on the boards love Sherlock, that might not be a bad thing.

Emphasis mine. Sentiments yours and mine. Smart is sexy. :smiley-char145:

Great and thorough review, QG. Glad it made you smell bracing and masculine rather than like a dill pickle. :Emoticons04263:

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Emphasis mine. Sentiments yours and mine. Smart is sexy. :smiley-char145:

Great and thorough review, QG. Glad it made you smell bracing and masculine rather than like a dill pickle. :Emoticons04263:

Haha yes I like smart women! Everyone's body chemistry is a little different and of course that affects how Mara's scents smell on your skin. I sometimes wonder if male/female body chemistry plays a role when a woman tries a male scent or visa-versa in general terms or if it is all individual body chemistry.


Of course the other factor here for you is that Heavy Metal has a definitely male pheromone in it. I wonder if or how much that influenced your perception of the scent.

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Oh, I haven't tried it myself -- I just read the notes and thought it sounded a bit like what I put into a batch of pickles! Well, except for the musk and bamboo! I was being a bit naughty chattering away on a review thread in that case, really.


I think you're right about how the different LPs can read on skin being influenced by personal chemistry, particularly including around biological sex. When I have tried more masculine LPs my experience has tended to differ notably from what you gents report.

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  • 1 month later...

For me, I was reminded of Iconic Tonic when I first smelled it and applied it. Wet, it's almost too overwhelming. But when it dries down, it's really smooth and deep and it almost loses the green characteristic altogether. The musk is really nice in this one and it goes almost transparent skin scent - in that way it makes me think of Gemini. But guys, if you're not really into the green scents I'd say give this one a try anyway because you might find that it becomes your every day musk once it's morphed in the drydown.

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For me, I was reminded of Iconic Tonic when I first smelled it and applied it. Wet, it's almost too overwhelming. But when it dries down, it's really smooth and deep and it almost loses the green characteristic altogether.



I "saw" the resemblance to Ionic Tonic too - and it is a little strong wet. But dries down nicely like you say.

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  • 1 year later...

I wore this earlier from a little sample I have and realised very quickly how similar this is to a very old, classic and simply stunning Guerlain fragrance which I'm not really sure I should name here, but some perfumistas on here might be able to figure it out. It really is beautiful in composition and projection. Powdery musk, more floral than the listed notes should allow and aromatic.

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Hmmm... might have to take a look at this one.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm finally getting around to take a look at this one and it smells very, very nice.  I think it is fascinating how this seems to be a bit different on everyone.  Please bare in mind that I just received this today so it may have gone through travel shock but at first, I do smell the green in the scent.  After it dries down, there is something in this that just reminds me of a long ago scent called Thane.  If not in actual scent, in spirit.  I feel the bracing, metallic note and really enjoy the drydown on this.  *fingers crossed* that my bride also enjoys this one.

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