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Mega Watt- Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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Three sprays today and I think that might have been too much - it gave me a wee headache. Plus I don't experience the exact same reactions I had with two sprays, so that may be my sweet spot.

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Guest cutie.pie

I have a problem. I'm hypo and my thyroid, around 1-2 pm, decides it's bed time. I can barely keep my eyes open.

Today, as soon as I got my package, I sprayed myself 3 times (maybe it was a bit too much, because it gave me headache, but it didn't last long). First thing I noticed was that I didn't feel as tired as I usually feel. Not only that, but after 2 hours I decided to clean my house (and made my kids help me). Then I went out with my kids to run a few errands. Then we went shopping. Then I decided I'll wash my kids' hairs again. I usually do all this, but one thing per day (my thyroid turned me into a lazy person :arf: ).


I love this one! I am so grateful to you Mara for making it! THANK YOU! :thank-you::in-love:

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Guest cutie.pie

I end up doing jobs that I hate and put off. I do more than I planned on. It does not actually give me energy though. Just a calm smooth determination.

This is exactly how I feel about it!

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I wore this one yesterday (2 sprays to the neck) and today (3 sprays to the neck). Before I offer my review, lemme just say that sweet spot testing is my new mantra.


At 2 sprays I sat down in front of the computer and got so much shit done, it was almost unbelievable. I'm talking MAJOR focus power here. I definitely got a creative boost too. (This is something I desperately needed.) As far as energy, it was like perking up after finding $200 in an old jacket pocket. I had some butterflies going and a bit of smiley, confident excitement. Confident is a good word here... kind of like the 'determination' that halo mentioned. I totally get that vibe too. For me it's not really a physical boost as much as it is a mental strengthener -- and that's great for me. I'm a writer, so anything that keeps me in the zone without boosting my heart rate is a-ok in my book.


Today when I tried 3 sprays I didn't feel the same smiley confidence. I could feel something, but I believe it was more like a crash. The focus power I'd felt yesterday wasn't there at all. If anything I felt a bit draggy.


So yeah... tomorrow I'll be sticking with 2 sprays. I'll report back again, but so far this is FB material. :Emoticons0086:

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Ok, I'm back aaaaaaaand....yes, I quite like this!


Focus Potion was a bit of a dud for me but this, this is something I can work with.


The first thing I noticed was the mood boost. I was compelled to be chatty with hubby before leaving for work - about work - which was odd, because usually I don't prefer to talk about work unless I'm there. I was a bit mad (crazy) due to the work environment a couple months back and it took a bit to find my grounding again and now that I have it I can see the same madness more clearly in others - and feel awful for them because I know how they feel. So it's been my personal goal to help my people keep their heads on and take things one crisis/hurdle at a time. SO. I had high hopes for this mix. Focus, clarity, seeing the forest for the trees and picking out the path of least resistance to the other side? This is what I was hoping this would help touch on, even if it wasn't a complete miracle. Going into work each day feels kind of like being prepared to catch the grenade that I know will be getting tossed over the wall and figuring out how to best control the explosion. Now, when my head is in a good place this kind of thing drives me and I actually enjoy the challenge. This is the place my head was in today with this blend.


I sorted out assignments to my team and then got down to business on some things that it just seemed like the department was procrastinating about. As the hurdles came, I felt focused and easily seemed to decide the quickest and most efficient path forward and then acted on it.


Draw back number 1 perhaps? I didn't bother taking a break for 6 & 1/2 hours. It just actually wasn't on my radar, but just to clarify, this is not unusual for me. I'm an intermittent faster and I had eaten a large meal before leaving for work that was more than sufficient to hold me over for the day. I took break mainly because I was dying of thirst and dehydration will slow me down. I WILL normally try to find time to take a break about 4 hours in, just to walk away for a bit, but if I don't it isn't something I worry about. Today was different in that I felt like I was just getting so much done that I wanted to keep the momentum going. The end of the night snuck up on me actually, and I was all like, "When did it become x o'clock?!"


I did freshen up with 2 more sprays to the neck/chest 9 hours in which gave me another boost but minus any initial hyperness. (I think when I first applied before work while with hubby there was a bit of hyper, but more like a mood boost happy, nothing crazy over the top or anything. Just made me want to interact with him more and share some funny, if not ironic, things from work the night before).


I didn't really get the opportunity that I was hoping for to see the effects on others as I wasn't close enough for long enough to effect anyone :( BUT! I'm VERY happy with how this is playing so far just for myself and I'm tempted to order a FB because I DO really like the blend as is.


I don't really notice the androstenone individually interestingly. The DHEAS really hit me, with lights seeming unusually bright and I really focused on my surroundings in that I felt acutely aware of the goings on in the entire department and what was happening and where. While the bit of none likely helped with the focus, the DHEAS makes me pay attention to the details of things, visually, sound and people. DHEAS has always made me feel dialed into other people around me, as in more tolerant of them and more appreciative of them as individuals, making me want to be more of a help...which is probably at least part of why I took on some things that just help the department on all shifts, not just my own. Kind of like, "I bet if I kick this off it will help everyone...they just need someone to take the first plunge..." So the none may have just complimented that vibe to act on the things I was already feeling/thinking. The mood boost of the a-nol and the additional boost for motivation that comes from epi-rone was VERY complimentary.


This is a fantastic little gem! I'm going to wear it again tomorrow to round out the week before holiday ^_^


Edited to add: HOLY WHAT! Sorry about this being a novel!


Also ETA: Looks like I may be snow bound today unless something changes :( I can test on hubby I suppose... Oh, and I wore a neutral scent cover (Wink at the Moon) yesterday AND didn't add any cops - I KNOW RIGHT!? I wanted to keep everything as singly to MEGA WATT as possible. :)

Edited by NuTrix
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Snow plows to the rescue! Should I be happy that I "got" to go to work Thanksgiving eve?


Anywho - I tested today at 1 spray less than I started out yesterday. - 2 to chest, 1 split between wrists. I was on the road within 10 minutes of application so I was paying more attention to the sloppy roads more than the self effects :( Though I did seem to be more calm and, what?, self assured instead of fretting about whether or not I was going to slide of the road...so yeah, that was good.


That 1 less spray seemed to make a difference in the kind of energy level I rolled out with. It felt more even rather than an initial "burst". Again I was not terribly concerned about break but took one mainly for distraction than necessity and, even then, I took the time away from the department to run an errand for the department while I was away :D I also had that same, "Where did the time go?", feeling at the end of the night as it just seemed to fly by - the way I would want work to go actually...on any night...


I felt sparkly and wanted to interact with my co-workers and it was reciprocated. Not that we don't normally, but today I noticed I wanted to interact more and initiated several conversations and felt, hmm, playful? But not in a way that distracted me from my tasks so much as just having some fun along the way.


Very curious. Well. You know what? I guess I'll just have to test it some more.... ^_~

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Guest cutie.pie

I wore Mega Watt again today. I had to run some errands, and as my kids are sick and didn't go to school, they came along with me.

I was waiting in the line to do some paperwork (picking up my passport) and there was a man in front of me and when it was his turn, he just smiled and said 'go ahead, I'll look after the kids' (my kids). It was very nice of him (I wasn't afraid for my kids because they were 2 m away, plus we were in the police station lol).

Then, as we were going home, we were in the same elevator with my next door neighbour, chit-chatting. Few hours later, she came bringing us a cake and apologizing about the noise (she was renovating her place a month ago!!) :)

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I have seen effects on others and they are subtle. People are more gracious but not in a trip over themselves way...just seems to bring out the good in people. At work it does seem to help with the teamwork and limits the complaining. We are all there and we all know the job can have bad days but we don't gripe when it happens....it is more of a roll with it mood. Things just don't get themselves done. I think we all feel we accomplished something at the end of the day...not just me.

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I just placed an order for this in the oil base. I like it as is and am TOTALLY excited for it to come now! :w00t:

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I woke up in the middle of the night and put on some MegaWatt. Why? Do we need a reason? It seemed like a good idea at the time.


Slept like the dead, but also had tons of dreams, some of which were very helpful. Felt a lot clearer and lighter today. The heavy, depression-barely-at-bay feeling was gone. And I thought, " wow, it feels good not to feel bad".


I like it.

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Ok, I LOVE this blend!!! I hate to admit it, but I didn't want to submit a review until I could order a FB. I know.. That's so bad. I just have to say that I adore it in its current form and with all of what I have been going through with the horrible cracked and infected tooth and bone infection, root canal (still need a crown), and jaw pain, I have lost so much sleep, I think I am a really good test subject for it. I don't cry when I am in physical pain, I turn into someone MEAN!!! On Friday, I think, I was feeling so wiped out and my jaw pain was sheer hell. I had some online shopping to do and was sitting h ere with ny partner with the computer out. I just didn't know how I was going to get things done. Then it occurred to me. This is the perfect time to try Mega Watt!!! I sprayed my wrists and putter arms and put a generous swipe under my nose and pretty much forgot about it and got down to business. I told my partner what I was trying. I got really busy and had no time to think about anything. It was only after an hour and a half to two hours passed that I even gave it any thought and realized OMG! I feel awake. I feel focused. I feel...HAPPY! Wow! Unbelievable. That's when I mentioned it to my guy and he said, "Oh wow. I spaced that out. You DO seem much better! Bear in mind, he will admit that he seldom notices such things. I told him this stuff is awesome. I have got to get a full bottle. I love it! So.. earlier today I placed an order for the spray. Really, I can not sing its praises enough. I hope everyone likes it in its current form enough for for it to be kept just as it us and also as a PERMANENT offering. I think it's amazing and can't wait to try it when I am fully recovered. Thank you for this Mara! :)

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Is this a DHEAS heavy/forward blend? (am I allowed to ask or is that trade secret stuff?) I want to think, yes? I like it a lot and am looking forward to having it in my collection!


Like Rose, I'm really happy with it as is but if the masters of mystery tweak it and only make it better?!?!? I guess that would only mean more future purchases :D


This could be my focus potion. :)

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Being afraid of spray, I unscrewed the top and smeared a bit from the straw / stick part onto forearm, to be able to control how much I got. I took several huffs over about an hour period.


First off it is absolutely scentless, at least on me.


With every huff, it has made me relaxed, but spacey!! I can feel an almost physical effort to concentrate. It's like a running-through-mud feeling, or lifting a very heavy thing you resent having to lift.


The relaxing effect may actually be a GOOD thing for this crazy back-from-the-holiday workday... but NOT feeling the 'motivation' usual fear / stress is stressing me out :D


It's probably just a matter of my not being used to functioning in a calm rational manner. And I'm very DHEAS-lightweight, I think.


ETA later effects: about 90 minutes in, I had a VERY STRANGE feeling, hard to describe, not physical but emotional / metaphysical, as though I suddenly learned that I was in fact a meerkat or something and EVERYTHING I HAD EVER THOUGHT I KNEW ABOUT THE WORLD WAS WRONG, and had a brief flare of incipient panic attack. I recognized what it was immediately, and sternly talked myself down. Very very very odd and again pretty sure it's a DHEAS thing.


On the plus side, I have found that I have been able to do just ONE THING AT A TIME and FINISH IT. This is very hard for me as I usually instead flit at random from one thing to another, which is stress-inducing, which makes me flit MORE because while I'm doing thing X, I'm worried about thing Y, & so I'm pretty much in a spiral like that for extended periods. So this is a focus effect, if not of the "intense concentration" kind I expected. It's more like a patience and self-acceptance/tolerance thing. Could definitely use more of that.

Edited by tyvey
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I tested this on the 26th. I was only putting in a half day at work and i knew I had to come home and start prepping for Thanksgiving. seemed the best day to really get a feel for this one. First on, I got the mood boost that i tend to get from DHEAS. After the inital flutter, I felt myself calm and relax. I was relaxed but not languid. I felt focused but not the hyper-aware intense focus i got from Heart to Heart Empathy (which was slightly unnerving to me). Normally, the amount of running around I was doing would make me feel borderline panicky, but not that day. I got shit done. Then when I got home, i made three dishes at once, two of which required rolling out. It was kind of insane. i had a pie crust and cracker dough on parchment on the counter and rolled one direction over both and back down the other. When both were sufficiently flat, i plopped the pie crust in the pan and cut out the crackers and tossed them in the oven with the first dish. And then cleaned the kitchen. And was happy about it!


I still want to test this one again, possibly on Wednesday and again next Monday, but i'm willing to buy this one in its present state. Good stuff!

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This feels like me only better! Really focused, without being hyper, and an increase in all my senses and I hope I dont sound weird but could see this also increase my 6th sense, you know that feeling of intuition. Sooo- I made 5 pumpkin swirl cheesecakes and 5 side dishes and 3 appetizers in 2 hours, wow I'm the queen in the kitchen and I did it all without panicking like I usually do around the hollidays trying to swing alot of work and then alot of work at home .

Damn good stuff FB worthy- oh I only used one spray.

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My first try was on a long day when I hadn't had much sleep (hence my decision to use it), so that may have skewed things. I used three sprays but accidentally wiped over one of them while I was doing skincare, so maybe it ended up being about 2.5 sprays. I didn't really notice anything except for some possible enhanced visual perception. I did get really irritable at work and had a had headache. I think the latter may have contributed to the former. It didn't feel like what I would think of as OD but it might have been. I know I didn't feel focused or energetic, though. Next time I will try it when I am working at home so I can start with a single spray and dial up slowly from there.

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Guest cutie.pie

I really really love it! And although I sprayed my self before even more, my sweet spot is just 1 spray. There's a lazy bitch inside of me and MW helps me shut her up!!

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Ok, I LOVE this blend!!! I hate to admit it, but I didn't want to submit a review until I could order a FB. I know.. That's so bad. I just have to say that I adore it in its current form and with all of what I have been going through with the horrible cracked and infected tooth and bone infection, root canal (still need a crown), and jaw pain, I have lost so much sleep, I think I am a really good test subject for it. I don't cry when I am in physical pain, I turn into someone MEAN!!! On Friday, I think, I was feeling so wiped out and my jaw pain was sheer hell. I had some online shopping to do and was sitting h ere with ny partner with the computer out. I just didn't know how I was going to get things done. Then it occurred to me. This is the perfect time to try Mega Watt!!! I sprayed my wrists and putter arms and put a generous swipe under my nose and pretty much forgot about it and got down to business. I told my partner what I was trying. I got really busy and had no time to think about anything. It was only after an hour and a half to two hours passed that I even gave it any thought and realized OMG! I feel awake. I feel focused. I feel...HAPPY! Wow! Unbelievable. That's when I mentioned it to my guy and he said, "Oh wow. I spaced that out. You DO seem much better! Bear in mind, he will admit that he seldom notices such things. I told him this stuff is awesome. I have got to get a full bottle. I love it! So.. earlier today I placed an order for the spray. Really, I can not sing its praises enough. I hope everyone likes it in its current form enough for for it to be kept just as it us and also as a PERMANENT offering. I think it's amazing and can't wait to try it when I am fully recovered. Thank you for this Mara! :)


Rose, after reading your review I just now went and purchased a full bottle….thanks

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I finally got around to testing this yesterday and today, after a hellish month of a bad cold. After reading this thread, I decided on two sprays to the upper chest.


So after about five minutes, I am getting a little head buzz, and a touch of dizziness. Uh oh. I also am feeling *more* relaxed, not more motivated. "Crap!" I think, too much! Then I get an excited surge, ( DHEAS, is that you?) and then quickly, the spinny, languid feeling is fading away, now it's time to get down to business and get some stuff accomplished around the house.


Even though I *think* there is a lot of DHEAS in this, it does not feel "hyper" to me like Topper does, the feeling is very even keel, an "I got this" vibe, nothing and nobody can shit on my parade and ruin this for me. And like others have reported, it kept me on task from start to finish, instead of juggling too many projects at once, and then giving up on all of them. For me, this is a nice balance, not too much intense focus where I would get stuck on one thing for hours, but not so much energy where I give up crappy tasks to turn up that cool song and have a karaoke dance party.


I did not notice a visual acuity with two sprays, but I *did* notice an increased sense of smell. I was wearing a sweater that I had worn previously that week with some Sugared Vanilla Velvet on it. Now normally, I can barely smell it, I think a lot of the LP's I've been wearing lately have this type of vanilla in them, maybe a little scent blindness? Anyways, as I was outside raking leaves and warming up, I could smell it like it was totally new, all the intricate nuances of all the different types of vanilla, it was awesome and blew me away! Unfortunately, I could also smell that the kitchen garbage can needed to be washed out when I went back inside. :-P


Today I did 1.5 sprays, and did not get that loopy feeling at first, maybe it was just a first time fluke. Again, I noticed the increased sense of smell, and this time, colors did look brighter and more vibrant! And I just felt good. No crash either, even when I thought I had put too much on with two sprays. "Zen" and "In the Zone" are good descriptions for this. If I want a more "get shit done & take no prisoners" approach, I will think of Leather or BI. But for me, I prefer the quietly happy "zen" feeling of Mega Watt.


Usually I am a phero lightweight, so I always try the phero-enhanced perfumes first, with great results. If this stays popular, I would love to see what type of fragrance Mara would come up with to pair with Mega Watt, because I would definitely be buying it.

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OK... I've been chomping at the bit to get back on the forum to review my pheromas set....I've taken copious notes on all, and it's interesting how there were a few that I vetoed out of the box but I've come full circle right back to loving them! First and foremost, I have to start with Mega Watt because it was the most unexpected gift.


As many of my forum friends know, the last couple of months has truly been one of the most difficult, challenging times that I can remember in YEARS. There were many MANY days where I wanted to fall down in a pile and either bawl or pass out from exhaustion. The day my pheromas arrived I only had a couple of hours to myself to test and enjoy them before having to return to my zombie stress mode (where I've been stuck since early October).


I didn’t try Mega Watt until the following day – and it was kind of a “what the hell – can’t hurt” moment that prompted me to spritz that little sample bottle on. I honestly didn’t really expect to notice anything obvious – knowing that finding the “sweet spot” (# of sprays) can be a lengthy process. I was actually amazed at how (considering what little energy I’ve had these days) I became focused and relaxed and was so much more capable of powering through a difficult day. Since then, I’ve had several ‘difficult’ days, and when I got close to the end of my proverbial rope, I would use my Mega Watt sample and my auto-pilot would kick in to help me push through and maintain a calm determination (as opposed to an all out meltdown by day’s end). For me anyway, it’s effects have been nothing short of a miracle.


I'm of course OUT of my sample and it's very apparent to me now how using Mega Watt impacted me and the difference it made during times when I didn’t know how I could keep going. I feel it was actually a little lifesaver and the timing of it could not have been more perfect in my life. I am very grateful for cutie.pie requesting, Halo's inputting, and Mara developing - and letting us try – Mega Watt.


And while things in my life are far from "back to normal", they are slowly improving... I can't wait to get my FB of Mega Watt to see it's EFX when I'm NOT under duress, and of course to have it handy in case the stress fairy decides to hang out at my house for another 2 months. :001_07:

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Guest cutie.pie

OK... I've been chomping at the bit to get back on the forum to review my pheromas set....I've taken copious notes on all, and it's interesting how there were a few that I vetoed out of the box but I've come full circle right back to loving them! First and foremost, I have to start with Mega Watt because it was the most unexpected gift.


As many of my forum friends know, the last couple of months has truly been one of the most difficult, challenging times that I can remember in YEARS. There were many MANY days where I wanted to fall down in a pile and either bawl or pass out from exhaustion. The day my pheromas arrived I only had a couple of hours to myself to test and enjoy them before having to return to my zombie stress mode (where I've been stuck since early October).


I didnt try Mega Watt until the following day and it was kind of a what the hell cant hurt moment that prompted me to spritz that little sample bottle on. I honestly didnt really expect to notice anything obvious knowing that finding the sweet spot (# of sprays) can be a lengthy process. I was actually amazed at how (considering what little energy Ive had these days) I became focused and relaxed and was so much more capable of powering through a difficult day. Since then, Ive had several difficult days, and when I got close to the end of my proverbial rope, I would use my Mega Watt sample and my auto-pilot would kick in to help me push through and maintain a calm determination (as opposed to an all out meltdown by days end). For me anyway, its effects have been nothing short of a miracle.


I'm of course OUT of my sample and it's very apparent to me now how using Mega Watt impacted me and the difference it made during times when I didnt know how I could keep going. I feel it was actually a little lifesaver and the timing of it could not have been more perfect in my life. I am very grateful for cutie.pie requesting, Halo's inputting, and Mara developing - and letting us try Mega Watt.


And while things in my life are far from "back to normal", they are slowly improving... I can't wait to get my FB of Mega Watt to see it's EFX when I'm NOT under duress, and of course to have it handy in case the stress fairy decides to hang out at my house for another 2 months. :001_07:

I know it's been tough for you for the past few months, so after reading your review and how it helped you, I'm even more grateful to Mara for making this!

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I tried this for the first time last night. 2 quick sprays on my chest. I was so tired and crabby from a not so great day at work. At the end of the workday, I had argued with a customer, which is a first for me and so out of character for me. I was really crabby! I was home for a couple of hours and was really out of it and blah.

Then I tried this and within about 15 minutes (I think?) I felt all the tension in my head go away. I hadn't even realized how much tension I was holding there. It also seemed as though hundreds of clouds seperated and I stepped forward within my mind and was 100% aware and focused on the world around me, if that makes any sense. My mood lightened and I was really enjoying myself.

I will be trying this next when I need to do several things around the house, to see if it helps me keep focused and actually complete things. That would be amazing!!!

Edited by tink333
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Great review tink. Made me think of that song " I can see clearly now" The lyrics seem to fit well.


I can see clearly now the rain is gone.

I can see all obstacles in my way.

Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.

It's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' day.

It's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' day.


Oh yes, I can make it now the pain is gone.

All of the bad feelings have disappeared.

Here is the rainbow I've been praying for.

It's gonna be a bright (bright) bright (bright) sunshinin' day.


Look all around, there's nothing but blue skies.

Look straight ahead, there's nothing but blue skies.

Edited by irish eyes
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Holy crap irish eyes! That's so funny! That's pretty much what I was describing! :) That could turn into the theme song of this blend for me. I don't have theme songs for any of them but maybe they each need one now. And now this song is stuck in my head. I don't mind. It's a great song!

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I've tried this one twice already, but I don't notice any effects.

The first time I tried 1 spray, and since nothing happened, I sprayed one more a few minutes later.

Today I used 1.5 sprays... still nothing... I needed to get some creative juices flowing for my Christmas cards, or some focus to help me tidy up the house... But after

working on the Christmas cards for a few hours, I got frustrated and gave up.


I don't want to try too many sprays - most forum members appear to get best results with 1-2... :Emoticons04269:

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I have tried five or six sprays (starting with two and topping up one spray at a time over a three hour period) and still had nothing I can link clearly to the phero, phergineer! If anything it improved my mental acuity in terms of insight. As you may imagine this is a pretty woolly thing to assess. It tried it before work but ended up having to spend a lot of time travelling rather than working that day so I only had pondering rather than actual hard graft to do! As it is in spray I know it burns off relatively quickly, so I'm thinking I'll try five sprays all at once today; it's possible that spreading out application meant I never actually felt the full force of all five sprays I used.


Halo reported a sweet spot of 6-8 sprays! Don't be afraid to try more if fewer sprays aren't working for you.

Edited by donsie
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Guest cutie.pie

I don't want to try too many sprays - most forum members appear to get best results with 1-2... :Emoticons04269:

Everyone is different! I need 1-2 sprays of MW or Lace, but 9 sprays of Topper (and sometimes even that wasn't enough). I really hope you'll find your sweet spot! :)

Edited by cutie.pie
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I've tried this one twice already, but I don't notice any effects.

The first time I tried 1 spray, and since nothing happened, I sprayed one more a few minutes later.

Today I used 1.5 sprays... still nothing... I needed to get some creative juices flowing for my Christmas cards, or some focus to help me tidy up the house... But after

working on the Christmas cards for a few hours, I got frustrated and gave up.


I don't want to try too many sprays - most forum members appear to get best results with 1-2... :Emoticons04269:

i agree with Donsie. Don't be afraid to up your sprays, I gave up on Lumina early on because I got nothing... But I never went beyond 4 sprays (then I just sold it - in retrospect I probably should've tried a higher dose). Fortunately I noticed Mega Watt with just 2, but I was exhausted & needing a lifeline too, so I was probably easily affected. Edited by LoveStruck
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I don't want to try too many sprays - most forum members appear to get best results with 1-2... :Emoticons04269:


I like it at 3, but prefer it at 4. It just depends on how I want to be effected but noticed it's results with both.


I just received my Mega Watt Oil… What would the experts that have used this in oil form recommend for my first application? The lollipop method?

I'm going to use this tomorrow


:blushing: I got the oil too, but have been using it to top off and make more spray. Will have to tinker with it and find out what works. Post any findings DD!


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Just dropped and broke my mega watt sample bottle in the entry way of my office building :( and soaked in to the carpet. Curious to see if evey one is productive the rest of the day-

Oh no... Sorry to hear that :(


I have gone all the way up to 4 sprays, but still can't pin point any self effects (nor effects on others). Maybe I need to be more self aware...

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Oh no... Sorry to hear that :(


I have gone all the way up to 4 sprays, but still can't pin point any self effects (nor effects on others). Maybe I need to be more self aware...

You may just not respond to this blend. I've tried 6 sprays and nada... I don't think. I did notice that after about four hours I started to feel *exhausted* and I am slightly suspicious about whether I got a boost from the pheros after all but only noticed feeling different when they wore off. Very curious. 7 sprays next time!

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Guest cutie.pie

You may just not respond to this blend. I've tried 6 sprays and nada... I don't think. I did notice that after about four hours I started to feel *exhausted* and I am slightly suspicious about whether I got a boost from the pheros after all but only noticed feeling different when they wore off. Very curious. 7 sprays next time!

Something similar happend to me once while wearing Mega Watt; after few hours I felt like my battery was empty lol

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