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Mega Watt- Unscented Phero Blend for Women

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I also skipped lunch yesterday because I was so busy, so I'm not sure which it was that made me tired! I'm going to keep experimenting with MW based on this, though. Fingers crossed I'll be conscious of the benefits and not just their lack!

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Guest cutie.pie

I also skipped lunch yesterday because I was so busy, so I'm not sure which it was that made me tired! I'm going to keep experimenting with MW based on this, though. Fingers crossed I'll be conscious of the benefits and not just their lack!

Have you considered trying a wax melt w/MW?

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I also skipped lunch yesterday because I was so busy, so I'm not sure which it was that made me tired!


Sometimes for me, busy means juggling a handful of things simultaneously, so noticing "focus" can be a challenge. But did you notice how you managed your tasks? Meaning did things seems less chaotic? Or as though, while you were working you took things more in stride?


I noticed that with my juggling act, I knew what needed done and, even though busy, took things in an organized fashion, felt less rushed and more in tune with the "big picture". Almost like, "I know things are hectic, but these are the things that need to happen now so let's set on getting this accomplished and the rest will sort itself out..." I'm still multi-tasking, still running about, still busy, but the chaos was more controlled - if that makes any sense? I, myself, didn't feel rushed. Pressed, yes, but I knew what needed done and just moved forward doing what I needed to do. The one day there was, what I would call - Me, noticeably less frazzled in a normally conspicuously frazzling situation :D


Now that I've been wearing it more I'm noticing things that I'd missed. Some of the more subtle things that I'm still working out if it's me or the phero. I still need to focus more attention to the effects on others, but those are some things I've picked out as far as self effects for myself :)


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Excellent questions and suggestions, NuTrix! You've really got me thinking.


Well, I'd say I may have been a bit more self-assured about taking responsibility in my role. I didn't necessarily feel as subordinate as I can, like I need to check in on doing things that really do not require that. It was a hectic day but I did handle it competently and took on some challenging situations and people. I only felt frazzled when I was rushing to escape the office on time at the end of the day! So very possibly I was feeling effects but they were so smooth and congruent I wasn't aware they were even there. Talk about set and forget!


As someone who doesn't tend (with certain notable exceptions) to get/notice selfies it is an unusual thing to be trying a new blend that is mainly about self-effects. I did have a very amusing instance with a fellow commuter whom I think got knocked a bit sideways by Mega Watt. I'll have to pop back and write it up soon!

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You may just not respond to this blend. I've tried 6 sprays and nada... I don't think. I did notice that after about four hours I started to feel *exhausted* and I am slightly suspicious about whether I got a boost from the pheros after all but only noticed feeling different when they wore off. Very curious. 7 sprays next time!

Don't give up… I almost did that with LFM. It takes about 8 to 10 sprays for that to work for me

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I can't speak for phergineer but I am surely going to keep trying. I'll also try more LFM next time I use it!


My surprise hit happened earlier this week. I applied six sprays just before leaving the house and was soon trotting for the tram just behind a middle-aged, middle-class man. The tram was set for pulling away without us so the man gestured to the driver to hang on as we approached. The driver gestured back to hurry us on and we sped up. My hot drink sploshed out of my travel mug just as we stepped onto the tram, which this guy saw. He came over to whinge about the driver for hurrying us and thing and I politely chatted back that it was frustrating to have run and spilled drink on my coat but then took my seat. He followed and sat in the next berth but kept going on about how we had been wronged and all sorts. He then complained to the conductor and tried to rope me in to supporting his complaint. I was about ready to laugh or sit elsewhere.


Luckily another passenger finally sat with me and the man stopped checking in with me. What he did do, though was get the conductor's attention *again*, this time to try and play my knight in shining armour by complaining on my behalf, whispering to the conductor about how I had been forced to run and spill my drink, and that he wasn't saying this for himself but because he was concerned about me. He just wouldn't let it drop, this idea that I needed an apology. I was thankful that by this time it was nearly my stop so I was able to move to the back of the tram and away from my white knight. I also passed the conductor and managed to explain that I was sure the fellow meant well but that I was perfectly fine, etc. The conductor and nearby passengers all thought it was very amusing and odd but I knew the guy wasn't bonkers: it was the Mega Watt!

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:D What a wonderful tale!...Knight in shining array, ready to take on the great industrial dragon (transportation) on the behalf of the maiden who was thwarted of her drink - and clean coat mind you! And all the peasantry gathered round watching everything unfold :lol: A spectacular way to begin the day! ^_^

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donsie, that is a great story!


I used this earlier in the week, while at work, to see if it would help me get through tons of work. I used three sprays before getting to work and didn't notice much. I added another spray after about 2 hours but still didn't notice much of anything. The only notable thing was that I was typing faster. I'm going to try more next week and like NuTrix pointed out, will pay more attention to how my workflow is going and how I'm personally approaching it.

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No, I dropped the bottle and it broke on my wood floors. I was scrambling to keep the pets away from the broken glass, and by the time I got that cleaned that up it was all evaporated. I guess I inhaled a dose but I didn't note any self effects.

OMG, this just happened to me too! I hadn't even opened mine yet, but took it out to try it tonight. Luckily I had a teeny bit left to swipe on me, lol

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Guest cutie.pie

It's scary how good Mega Watt is! Sometimes, when I'm too lazy, I don't wanna apply it because I know it will make me get off my lazy ass (hope I said it right) ;)

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This morning I decided to give Mega Watt another try. I sprayed about 4 sprays on and got ready for work. I live in Minnesota and this morning it was -12 when I went out to my car. I tried to start it and the battery was dead. I cursed a lot. My SO was home but in bed and sick. I quickly decided that I know how to jump start a car so I'll do it myself and I did! I was so proud of myself! I know I can do these things because I've been raised to do this stuff on my own but I had never attempted to jump start a car all on my own. I truly believe Mega Watt helped keep the doubt at bay so that I just did it period, no questions asked. Awesome! I wonder what else I will do today? I'm sort of feeling superhero-ish. ;)

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Thanks ladies!

And, good luck tommorrow donsie! You'll have to let us know how it works for you.


I'm still working with this one myself, Rose. It's interesting. I keep hoping it will help me get through crappy stuff I have to do at work but I'm starting to realize that it's not that Mega Watt isn't working for me (Obviously from my last post). It's this job. My heart isn't in it anymore. Good thing I'm working on moving on from this position.


Anyway, more experimenting with Mega Watt in my near future. I'm hoping it will help me get off my butt and power clean at home.


Oh, another thing I have noticed about this is it seems to put me in a very good mood. :)

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Late afternoon yesterday, I spritzed myself one more time with Mega Watt and was up and wide awake until after midnight. I'm never up and that wide awake anymore. I'm usually falling asleep on the couch by 10ish (and sometimes earlier!) I think it was Mega Watt, plus, there was none of that yucky feeling caffeine gives me (like others have mentioned too). I'm testing it again today. :)


And, thanks donsie! I hope to have a much better position by the end of January.

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I've been using Mega Watt since I received the sample..I went ahead and got a fb of it along with my sample...I'm now on my second bottle!! The effects I have noticed are that it helps me to get focused in the morning...I usually have a hard time waking up and I'm not a morning coffee drinker so I spritz myself within an hour of waking up..usually around 8 sprays. The real difference I have seen is when I start to move around, the momentum gets going and I get in the zone to get things done. Maybe when my body heat increases the pheros are better released. So, to sum it up....


Sitting/limited physical activity...feel more focused and together


When physical activity picks up...more driven to get things done and increased energy


Again...I'm on my second bottle, so for me this is a winner!!! :D

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I finally have had an uninterrupted stretch of time at home that allowed me to test this again. As someone who does poorly with caffeine, I'm of course interested in any "energy supplement" that doesn't make you feel like you're strapped to a monster truck of stimulants.

I got a trial spray of Mega Watt with the November NR's. Today I placed a single spray to my cleavage. Took a few sniffs for good measure--the pheros are imperceptible for me after dry drown--and then went about bumbling about the place. After an hour, I found myself clearing out a corner of my bedroom where some shopping bags and purses had ended up stacked. I even went through each purse, cleaned them out--including vacuuming each one out--and then tackled my vanity. Then my makeup collection. Then my laundry pantry. Then my bathroom medicine cabinet... Lol

Now, I enjoy organizing and itemizing and giggling at my wares, but that eventually leads to getting distracted and walking away having done little more than shuffle stuff around. Not today. Two trash bags went out with stuff pulled from shelves or neglected corners. That is a big deal. Especially since I was discerning what to do with a lot of small, often tiny items. Also, it felt easier to throw things away--something admittedly difficult for me. My executive decision skills were working nicely, and pretty much bottom-lining a lot of things. I could flow from one task to the next without waffling or feeling suddenly overwhelmed by the prospect of more things to do. I liked it a lot.

In comparison, Swimming with Sharks sometimes give me a similar kind of focus, but MW is definitely more subtle and a lot more natural-feeling. I usually wear SWS in high amounts because the selfies hit hard and I love to feel 7-feet tall while crushing obstacles in my way (bwhahaha). But where as I get a driven and aggressive focus while bathed in SWS, it does often feel a little impatient--like, "What's next?! Next, next, next!" For me, if Sharks is a corporate commando of focus, Mega Watt is the responsible but wandering flower child.

As far as "energy", about 85% of this time, I was standing or walking between rooms. And at no point did I think, "Oh geez, I've been standing for almost six hours, maybe I should sit." Nope. So that is definitely a part of the energy boost?, I'm sure.

All in all, I would like to thank everyone who concocted this blend! I wish it the best of luck through development!


ETA: The next day I woke up and tried to tackle some of the remaining clean-up projects. Didn't go so well. I got distracted or started feeling petulant about having to discard belongings. So definitely going to chalk up the slow burn energy boost and focus to Mega Watt. I might buy a bottle now...)

Edited by VerrryVeronica
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TheBirkeys, you've inspired me to get a FB of this with my next purchase! Your description of the affects of this for you are very similar to mine and I really could use the extra energy! The thing I have noticed too is that even though I have more energy and have been more alert and staying up later, I have no issues falling asleep.

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Maybe Potion Master or others can answer this (if I didn't just miss it in the discussions), but does this blend lend energy to those around the wearer?


My gentleman friend is a doctor with long hours and he tends to fall asleep when visiting, whether it is for fun or company while working. I'd prefer he didn't associate my place with getting so comfy/cuddly he falls asleep every time.

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I don't know enough to answer that question but I did notice that Mega Watt is listed as a women's phero so there might be something in there that isn't good for men. I am sure someone more knowledge will come along to clarify. :)

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I'd say this one is a female-only pheromone, according to the wiki:

EPI-ANDROSTERONE ~ a female pheromone, said to create a "Queen Bee" type of aura, and an air of status. Makes women appear sexy, confident and likable. Should be used very lightly for best effect.



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Maybe Potion Master or others can answer this (if I didn't just miss it in the discussions), but does this blend lend energy to those around the wearer?


My gentleman friend is a doctor with long hours and he tends to fall asleep when visiting, whether it is for fun or company while working. I'd prefer he didn't associate my place with getting so comfy/cuddly he falls asleep every time.


I have not noticed more energy in other when I'm wearing. However, I did get the wax melts with Mega Watt and I have noticed more alertness in others when I use one. You might want to look at the melts with Levitation as well. Levitation melt really seems to make everyone very upbeat....as do my melts with Topper or A-Nol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mega Watt is wonderful and amazing. I love it. :cat690:


I have tried it at work and at home with similar results in both places. For around four hours I have focus and drive. After that I want a nap.


Because I find myself tired when it starts to wear off I have started using it differently at work. I normally drink my coffee or other caffeinated energy mix before getting to work, figuring that is when I really need it. I still do that and let the caffeine keep me going for a while and around halfway through my work day when I start to feel tired and distracted I add more scent and Mega Watt. It helps me get through the rest of the work day and if I feel tired by the time I get home then that is okay. (Usually though just being able to sit down and relax lets me keep on until bedtime which is perfect.)


I don't always feel tired and unfocused but when I do I use Mega Watt. :emot159:

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Just reading these reviews are energizing! I did go fb w this and relied on MW a lot during the holidays. I tried to stay hydrated drinking a lotta water when wearing this in hopes to maximize high energy output but many times it would slip my mind and didn't really stop for breaks much. On several occasions I felt like I was emanating a wattage like energy that others would pick up on and stop and awe a lil bit. I missed out on the MW melt, sounds like a good one.

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Guest cutie.pie


I don't always feel tired and unfocused but when I do I use Mega Watt. :emot159:




I love Mega Watt too. It gives me willpower to do things I didn't even think of doing :D

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I have just the tiniest amount of my sample of this left but I have a FB of this ordered. Phew!


I am starting to see more and more things that I love about this.


I'm not sure if it's the confidence boost I get from this and the "Don't worry, I've got this" type attitude I have, or if I'm noticing affects of this on others around me too. I have a lot more positive interactions with people in general when I'm wearing this. I'm typically a little more introverted than extroverted and am a nice, soft spoken person. Mega Watt breaks my introverted shell. I also tend to have fantastic interactions with men, especially the seemingly cockier personalities. I am talking about positive social interactions and nothing more. I'm guessing it is because I have this bold and brave attitude and they are responding to that. I love it. I love this push this gives me. My voice is stronger.

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