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Phero for Speed Dating?

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OK, I'm back in Seattle, newly single, and I signed up for "UK-style Speed Dating" (which apparently means better hors d'oeuvres and no name tags and whistles). It cost $29, but I got a $12 discount by knowing Gordon Ramsay's intended career path before becoming a chef (it was football/ soccer).


Here's ma thing: I am 49, but I don't LIKE American men my age ( sorry sorry sorry to stereotype, but then again I think that LP Forum members have a monopoly on all the best guys), and wouldn't mind meeting a guy a few years younger (à la the most recent Bridget Jones' "now that's what I call rebranding").


The "suggested age range" for the event is 29-39. They urge you to ignore the suggested range, but the organizer said that in reality they rarely get folks older than early 40s.


AND...they have a "boutique matchmaking service" ($400 per date, food/ drink not included) and get all of their prospective partners from the pool of Speed Dating participants...so...if you get chosen, it's like getting the "boutique matchmaking service" for free.


And given my current situation, free is a very good price.


I promise to do my "congruence" part...I made friends with the organizers and bought cute new shoes. Now for the important part: the perfume!!!


I want to know the best phero for getting as many guys as possible to check "yes" on their lists. Apparently they have actual Yes/ No lists, and Yes means, "I'd like the organizers to ask if she wants my email address". I would assume that if you get lots of Yes votes, they'd think, hmmmm, and ask if you are willing to participate in the matchmaking service.


I am friendly and good at keeping a conversation going, so I am not worried about that part. Far more than meeting my One True Love at Speed Dating, my goal is to leave lots of guys wanting to know me better so they check "yes".


The place is very public (bar area of a busy restaurant, there's valet parking, there are organizers...So if you think my strategy should be to hit 'em upside the head with some cops, bring it on...this is the perfect situation.


It's in about 10 days, so no time for a new order, but I have lots to choose from, so please-please..?? And I promise to report back with all juicy details.


So, my goals are:


-not stand out like Mutton in a field of Lamb...if I can't pass for 42, pass for 45.


-create a fun, happy vibe for conversation, make a favorable impression.


-impress the organizers with what a fab person I'd be to join the "boutique matchmaking" thingie-thing.




There's no group I'd rather ask for advice...and has anyone ever done Speed Dating?



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Guest cutie.pie

I haven't done any dating since I've discovered pheros, but my instinct here tells me Cougar... Probably others will be more helpful, but I'm wishing you the best of luck! :)

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I also don't get consistent results from Cougar. Have you tried Lumina? I had this suggested elsewhere on these boards for people not quite getting consistent Cougar hits.


If I were in your position I think I'd go with BLAM! (Like a Magnet + BAM!). It's a lot of fun with a clear sexy signature and no Est to worry about scaring off any young guys. Or, for appearing younger, Levitation (or OW + Topper) and some cops.


UK style? The hors d'oeuvres might be pork pies. Even so, have fun!

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I'd go with something attractive/social as the whole deal is to get a good feeling off people for potential dates.

I go with Cougar, OW or Lev. I'd also consider something like Heart & Soul. Maybe bring a small atomizer with a little Topper to add on right before.

I'd also forgo the cop heavy blends, it might be a bit much for that initial meeting.

But... if you I really wanted cops, if it were me.. I'd just put a very small dab of an OCCo right in the cleavage.

Have fun, let us know how it goes.

Edited by StacyK
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I was going to joke and ask how fast you wanted the date to go and add cops accordingly .... :D


Even if Cougar or SS4W does not do it, remember that grapefruit scent has been shown to make the wearer seem younger.

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On other threads some say Cougar+ Topper is a good mix as is Cougar + LAM. I would use Cougar just because it does tend to get me hits. And I agree the grapefruit smell seems to brighten the mood and guys like it. I have used sugared grapefruit with Un Cougar and had great results. Guys actually stopping to watch me walk by. Love that feeling.

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Goddessinjapan, I would go with something sexy and impressionable given the fact there will be "competition" if you're over 30 add the cops! Like SS4W over Occo or if you're feeling extra sociable over LAM, SS4W is always a good solid (or) if you're more introverted LFM over Occo (this is the combo I would choose). I don't have much experience with Cougar but it sounds fun and sexy... however you don't want to give off the impression you're TOO fun people are there looking for longer term and you want the match you're talking to to feel attracted and connected.

Edited by KrazyKat
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also SS4W hits very quickly things are very speed date-y that may be to your benefit. I would def pick spray form for whatever blend/s you choose! Oil hits harder but it takes time while alcohol will hit instantly and given the context of the event that may work to your benefit here. You could also try BANG in spray form which is like SS4W on roids... the added est and cops may appeal to many (but not all) older men and help them extra connected and protective.

Edited by KrazyKat
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Like Bella, I've done the mingles but not speed dating, and I'm Cougar all the way. How have you tried Cougar in the past? In an enhanced scent or boosted/ UN strength? I know that for me, personally, I get better results in an enhanced scent, like Cougar Potion. And the same with SS4W. If you want to wear that one, start testing minute amounts. I went through 75% of a bottle of it before i discovered that i will only get results with microscopic amounts. I dab the bottle on one wrist, just a small round spot of it, and press them together. Then i do a dot on my abdomen. That's it. Start small and add more. Gotcha might be good too. Both have light cops. I'm with Lynnie on the cops issue. I think in this particular setting, you'd get more results with a sexy social. Keep it light and fun! Good luck!!

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GREAT hints. I only have samples of Cougar, and nearly out. I will do a bit of road testing with smaller amounts of SS4W. Perfect Match I only have in Blush, which does NOT agree with me.


Haven't really tried BAM, but I will.


For now, I'm leaning towards LFM + a tiny bit of OCCO Ambrosia. The last time I used OCCO a guy stared at my chest, which was a novel experience.


I have LFM in Vieux Carré and Breakfast in Bed. 50%-boosted oil and homemade spray.


Vieux Carré is a yummy pineapple-licorice that I like very much, but in this case I'll probably go with Breakfast in Bed, 'cause it smells like French toast and BACON.

Edited by Goddessinjapan
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If I were doing this I'd use Topper over the LFM+OCCO combo to try and stave off that slight sense of aloofness that folks sometimes get from LFM. Of course maybe you don't have that issue with it.


Bacon helps makes friends.



Donsie, what aloofness are you referring to?
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It's not that it always does that or anything, just an occasional (OD? incongruity?) effect that has been noted on the boards. I think sometimes the mystery is too mysterious and some people around us can be overwhelmed by that level of queenly vibe.


It has been referred to specifically by that word here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6626&p=345038

And here it's talked about in terms of "chilly" and not making the wearer as accessible as other blends: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6626&p=348384

And how it can make you seem "stern": http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6626&p=348392

And here it seems that the dose plus, perhaps, a certain type of personality can make the wearer seem unapproachable: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8973&p=326192

And Vladmyra's excellent "floating carpet swan" description: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6626&p=348397


Then again, others have a *totally* different reaction, especially in terms of selfies: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8761&p=313958

Edited by donsie
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Donsie...yes and there are quite a few quality types who are attracted to the "queenly" type. Not every male likes the super bubbly over the top extraverted phony airhead especially non-American males. Quality is something that is hard to come by these days LFM emphasizes that quality in you without being super dominant.

Edited by KrazyKat
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Donsie...yes and there are quite a few quality types who are attracted to the "queenly" type. Not every male likes the super bubbly over the top extraverted phony airhead especially non-American males. Quality is something that is hard to come by these days LFM emphasizes that quality in you without being super dominant.

YES! Exactly.

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phergineer, I just want to make it clear that I've had largely positive social effects with LFM. I was just thinking that in a speed dating pool with a goal of being chosen by as many as possible I'd be mindful of the chance that LFM might make me seem too mysterious for some.


I hope it goes swimmingly, GiJ!

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Donsie and KrazyKat, thanks for explaining what the LFM effects can be :)

LFM is generally very memorable. It's a sexy/social on me, but a little more than that too. It's just got this extra umph to it. IME it definitely makes an impression. I suggest reading the review thread, seeing the reviews in context to get a good idea of the overall average experience. Of course with ALL pheros you have to try it on yourself to see how it feels & looks on you.

From reading your original question I'm guessing your overall objective is to make good impressions and get the free trial of their dating service. Of course if you meet someone in the Speed Date thing that's good too.

Any of the above mentioned pheros could be good choices. I'd make my choice combining the recommendations & reviews but also think about what feels good on you. good luck

Edited by StacyK
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Not to talk this one to death, but what about Gotcha? I've got a whole bottle of UN spray, plus Exotica in oil.


This sounds like it might be a good situation for it. It's got that "drop o' cops" thing going on, like Cougar, too.

IME Gotcha works great. I always get that sort of glazed over look from a few people when I wear it. It's actually a great idea for that because it encourages quick bonding and communication IMO.

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I have had really positive results with Gotcha! recently; it seems to work at least as well on women as on men. It makes things open and companionable even with people I've never met before and it lends the possibility of taking that in a romantic direction. I wore Gotcha! to a party recently and had amazing responses across the board -- mainly friendly but one very clearly romantic/sexual. I added a dab of cops to the touch that it already contains. I think it could be a great choice for your speed dating.

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Well, Speed Dating was canceled at the last minute. Apparently not enough women signed up (!) and feedback was that lots of people had office Christmas parties conflicting with the schedule. So we get to choose another session, in January. Assuming I am still single, LOL.


I am now leaning towards Gotcha! I don't know why I didn't think of it before...i've only ever had positive results with it. Seems to get people to let down their guard a bit.

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Well, Speed Dating was canceled at the last minute. Apparently not enough women signed up (!) and feedback was that lots of people had office Christmas parties conflicting with the schedule. So we get to choose another session, in January. Assuming I am still single, LOL.


I am now leaning towards Gotcha! I don't know why I didn't think of it before...i've only ever had positive results with it. Seems to get people to let down their guard a bit.

Well now you can try out a few and beforehand. As I said before I'd try Gotcha, you might want it in spray though so you can diffuse those pheros. Edited by StacyK
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