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Hi all,


I only stumbled on this lovely place last week when I was googling pheros.


After a few days of lurking around I have put an order in and can't wait to receive it, although I'm in the UK so I'm trying to practice patience. I ordered the women's sampler set and LP Black with added Aja. As I am in a reasonably new relationship (just hit the four month mark) I thought this might be fun to try on the nights he stays at mine.


I'm so looking forward to trying these out and chatting with everyone here.



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:hedgehog: I am still quite new myself. Hello and welcome. It is rather addicting. I am hoping my next paycheck has enough bonus to purchase more and I still haven't received the previous order I purchased. (Not because it is taking a long time but because I hadn't purchased it very long ago. Last week actually. >_>)


Everyone here is very nice and incredibly helpful. :)

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Welcome! This is great place and omg lovely addiction. I'm new myself - still learning so much - and enjoying my lovely LPs!


Look forward to your reviews!! I'm not sure if you're interesed in or new to pheros, but pheromas are only around through this month, so recommend you try what you can if you want.


I joined in July and was so wanting to try everything all at once - this opp only happens once a year (from what I understand), so also recommend the phero sampler along with some pheromas if you're wanting to try.



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Thanks you for even more welcomes :-)


Beach Goddess - I'm not sure what you mean by "pheromas only available this month:? Can you point me to where I should be looking for these. I don't want to miss something and then regret it after.


Cinnamonmel - I'm in the Midlands. Where are you?

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Guest cutie.pie

I think I found what you mean by Pheromas, Beach Goddess, and I have just ordered the sampler set. I feel my addition to these products starting and I haven't even tried any yet. Should I be worried? :say19:

Sweetie, I think BG also meant that during Pheromas we can buy all UNscented pheros in a sample size. You can buy them here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/210016656/love-potion-pheromones-pheromas-trials? :)

So when wearing an UN phero, you can use any cover scent you like (but not phero enhanced one!) :)

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I ordered the Pheromas sampler set for women from the Perfumerie page.


I tried to get the URL into the post but none of the options to do that seem to work for me. I also couldn't get it to quote from other posts or paste in any text from elsewhere. Is there some setting I need to check to do these things?

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I feel my addition to these products starting and I haven't even tried any yet. Should I be worried? :say19:

Haha - no sense in worrying about things you have no control over! :lol:

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Forum boards have a different set of rules than normal html code. To link a webpage you can use webpage address[/url ] Just take the last space out of the second bracket to make it work. For a quote it is

Edited by Maililyahn
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I feel my addition to these products starting and I haven't even tried any yet. Should I be worried? :say19:

Haha - no sense in worrying about things you have no control over! :lol:

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Sweetie, I think BG also meant that during Pheromas we can buy all UNscented pheros in a sample size. You can buy them here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/210016656/love-potion-pheromones-pheromas-trials? :)

So when wearing an UN phero, you can use any cover scent you like (but not phero enhanced one!) :)

Yes cutiepie, thanks for clarifying!


I ordered the Pheromas sampler set for women from the Perfumerie page.


I tried to get the URL into the post but none of the options to do that seem to work for me. I also couldn't get it to quote from other posts or paste in any text from elsewhere. Is there some setting I need to check to do these things?

Ceris, you should be able to click on the link cutiepie gave - should take you to LP on etsy where you can order trial sizes of all UN pheros. (pheromas) But I don't know what platform or OS you're using - I'm using firefox/ windows.

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Welcome CerisLou!


If you want to look at the UN pheromone trials on the Etsy site type in LovePotionPerfumes (one word, remember the s on the end or it doesn't come up for me).


Enjoy your new addiction... :perfume:

Edited by vladmyra
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Welcome! :smilies-23596:


Yay! I'm sure you'll enjoy this new hobby :) (hobby sounds better than addiction in writing and is much more easily justified... :lol: )

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