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Posts posted by AmberLightz

  1. Its absolutely Gorgeous in person... very well made, and not expensive at all. I don't own it.. Dawn is my friend, more like my sister, so I had the pleasure of trying it on. I keep teasing her that I'm gonna "Steal" it! LOL just kiddin'


    Seriously her pieces are just as, if not more, stunning in person as they are in the pics.


    My favorites of her collection are: Amber Glow, Crystal Waters & Autumn splendor... the last 2 are from the "Earth Goddess Collection"


    Hey Dawn... You should make a monkey necklace!! For those of you that don't know I'm a monkey freak LOL. :blue_dancing_banana:

    :blushing: Diana


    Aaahhh I love that monkey! Would you wear a monkey necklace lol? For real? haha! :blush:

  2. Hiya Liz,


    I see my Sis there is stirring up trouble on the computer lol :banana-computer:


    haha, that piece is sold but I can make another one. Cost is $65 + $3 shipping but I can make it for $45.00 + shipping if you really like it. Up to you so no worries if it's too much. It's all glass beading.


    Dawn Marie :blushing: <--- he is my mascot! lol

  3. Welcome RMC!! You'll just find sooo many you will love. You'll have a hard time figuring out what to wear every day lol! :D I love deserts and vanilla so this place ROCKS! :banana006: :lol:



  4. Odd thing is......I may already have a sample and don't remember :blue_dancing_banana: !



    LOL is that because you have too many hahaha!!! :rolleyes:

  5. Ok I just tried out Vanilla Mint and OMG I looooovveee it. It such an interesting blend. It as the sweet smell and at the same time a freshness. I am taking it to Atlantic City next week. It will smell wonderful after the beach and a shower!!! Yeah! :rolleyes::blue_dancing_banana::blue_dancing_banana: <---That's a three fruitie dancer for Vanilla Mint!


    Who else has tried it and likes it? :blue_dancing_banana:

  6. Awww thanks everyone!!! Yeah, I have a big heart for any animal actually lol. I like them better than mean people, that's for sure! :blue_dancing_banana:


    If anyone likes something, I can make it for you via Paypal and Perfume people get 25% off!! :blue_dancing_banana::thbf54f4bf: That deserves two dancing fruities!!!

  7. Welcome AL! Oooh, I love your paintings! Thanks for sharing your work, for your lovely words, and for joining us here!



    Oh thanks so very much on the paintings! That means a lot to me. :blue_dancing_banana: I am envious of your country house Mara! I was born in NY (moved to NJ at age 7) and worked in NYC for 12 years! I hope to have a little house in the country someday too. About 6 months ago I left my job to be a full time artist. I am hoping things take off soon! :thbf54f4bf:


    Thanks for the warm welcome to everyone!!!

  8. Hi Everyone! :blue_dancing_banana:


    Hello my name is DawnMarie and I am a Perfume Addict. LoL hahaahah! I just had to say that. I just love these perfumes! I am artist who makes artisan jewelry and paintings. www.AmberLightz.Etsy.com or www.ALCreations.vpweb.com


    I started using LP about 2 months ago and just could not believe perfume that smells this good exists. It blows the designers out of the water by far! So yummy to smell you just want to take a bite out of yourself ha!


    I have two lovebirds Myley and Delilah. Delilah is still a baby :lol: . They keep me company while I create. I love them to pieces. They even get bottle water, warm food and seeds and sleep with baby blankets in their little huts at night. You can tell they are spoiled lol!


    Anyway, that's all I can think of right now!!

  9. Hi TherapyGirl! Welcome to you too! I have a bunch I bought that I am testing out. That trading post will sure come in handy too. This is such a great idea to have a board like this for the members. Really cool! Hope to you around! :lol:

  10. :lol: Hi Everyone! :blue_dancing_banana: <--- I love the dancing fruit!!!


    I started using the perfumes about 2 months ago. I just looooovvve them. Well, I decided to join the postings because a have a great story about the perfumes from my trip to Atlantic City! I was checking into my room and the girl behind the counter said I smell so good and smell like brown sugar. (I was wearing the Original Love Potion). I said thank you, it was a perfume. I was tired and really didn't say much after that. Well, we get to the room and change quick, we were late, and get back on the elevator. A woman was in the elevator and said "Mmmm, Mmmm someone smells gooood! You do smell like brown sugar. I over heard the woman at the desk mention it but couldn't smell you!" I was laughing, gave her my card (I make artisan jewelry, www.amberlightz.etsy.com <---shameless plug lol, hey I am proud of my work!) to contact me so I can give her the site. Another woman gets on and says "Someone sure smells good!" We all start laughing again. The doors open and my future husband and I get off. The 1st woman says "Is he the cinnamon?" pointing to my guy. I laugh and say no but say "No he's the HOT chocolate!" The whole entire elevator erupted into hooting and hollaring! It was soooo great and all because of the perfume!!! I just had to share this story. I hope you all laugh too!


    ~ AmberLightz



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