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Posts posted by AsclepiasSpeciosa

  1. Have any of you been able to find any sci research on pheromones and the "happy" neurotransmitters? (Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Endorphins)


    I've found papers on pheromones and dopamine in rats, and the connection between dopamine and testosterone, but pickings are slim. 

  2. Holy shit. Crazy Heart OCCO with Gotcha mixed with Let it Shine/Topper has produced the biggest hit in my husband of 13 years. Been wearing pheromones for like 15 years, and the only one that affected him this much was Alter Ego from Stone Labs, which isn't produced anymore.


    He's a big sweet macho construction man-- buff and smart and pragmatic. Since he came home three hours ago: 

    1. Long sexy eye contact.

    2. Telling me I smell amazing four times already.

    3. He's told the kids they're going to bed early and said our secret code word for "I want to do you." Twice.

    4. Offering to run errands in a sweet sexy way. He's a giver by nature and usually offers, but he's being extra romantic and sexy about it tonight. Whatever makes me happy, he said.


    On a Monday night? He's exhausted! What magic is this?!


    For context, I wear Ghost Dust and Cougar every day for work, and put OCCO black in my cleavage, too. 


    Hubs doesn't really react to straight 'nol, though he does get distracted by cops. Not especially romantic. DHEAS makes him extra agreeable, but not sexy. Whatever this OCCO Crazy Heart Gotcha and Let it Shine Topper mix is, with this particular scent, he keeps smelling my neck and kissing me. And oh, God, the sexy eye contact!






  3. I've tried OCCO black(fave!) And blue, and this OCCO has the lightest scent. Was crisp and citrusy at first, and dried down to more of the coconut and vanilla while maintaining some citrus. This would be a good summer OCCO compared to spicy black.


    Haven't tried Gotcha before, so eager to see how this combo works out!

  4. Been using pheromones since about 2006.  Anyone remember Alter Ego from Stone Labs? Ahhhhh. Frankincense, citrus and pine and something I can't identify... Maybe oak moss.  Didn't find anything that smelled as good until I found this place several months ago. Blam's self effects are every bit as good as Alter Ego's were. 


    Occo black is my fave, followed by samples I got of Ghost Dust and Argent w/Cougar. My hubs reacts most to the Argent, out of those three. Contrary to many people's experience, I've found the cops in Occo are great in the workplace. Not in any kinky way or anything. Men seem to treat me like I have authority (I'm female, late 30s) while women seem slightly intimidated. I do get irritable from the self effects if I do more than a dab, though. 


    What I'm writing about mainly, though, is the fascinating "hits" from estratetraenol I finally tried today and yesterday after ordering months ago. It definitely makes my husband calm. In the workplace, most of my male coworkers have been particularly chivalrous and agreeable, while my female boss has been absolutely nurturing. She's always great, but today and yesterday she's been particularly patient and caring with much more focused eye contact. 


    The super interesting part is that the estratetraenol is seeming to have the opposite effect on one young guy (like 25) that I work closely with. I've never seen him pissy or dismissive with me before-- just today and yesterday. He's usually very polite and good humored. Isn't that fascinating? 



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